Highlights - Page 30

Red Light, Green Light: On Watching Squid Game

“Please tell me you’re not writing a review on ‘Squid Game.’” So said my colleague at The Phoenix when I mentioned I’d recently watched the hugely popular TV show. “There have already been so many reviews,” he continued. And he’s right; the
October 21, 2021

The Phoenix Is Back in Print

The very first issue of The Phoenix was printed on December 1, 1881. Its inaugural editorial board was a group of eleven students with a desire to provide their community with an advocate for truth and independence through fair and honest journalism.
October 7, 2021

Underdogs No More

Swarthmore field hockey is off to its best start since the 1990s, with a record of 7-2. The team recorded a convincing 4-1 victory over Gettysburg last Saturday, placing them third overall in the conference. Leading the team’s scoring with four goals
October 7, 2021

The Frontera Project: A Conversation on Connection

I honestly didn’t know what I was getting myself into when I decided to attend a showing of the Frontera Project here at Swarthmore. From what I could gather from the posters printed across campus, the Frontera Project was an interactive theatrical
October 7, 2021

Top Three Most Comforting Places on Campus

Within the next few weeks, midterm exams will be taking place here at Swarthmore College, making it important to find places on campus to relax. These are my top three choices. The Amphitheatre, a must-see spot when visiting Swarthmore, provides a wonderful
September 30, 2021
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The Phoenix