Highlights - Page 26

EDITORIAL: The Semester in Review: Editors’ Picks

This semester has been a historic one for The Phoenix, with our print newspaper returning from the only period in our 140-year history during which we did not physically print. Additionally, The Phoenix’s website received a much-needed revamp thanks to the skills
December 2, 2021

Reflections on a Career

“Joseph, this is Coach Grady from Swarthmore College, and I actually just watched your highlight video, and I was impressed by it. I’d like to see you live as soon as possible, and we actually have a recruiting one-day clinic this weekend.
December 2, 2021

Should We Be Kicking White People Out of Parties?

Hosted by the Swarthmore Queer Union (SQU), Swarthmore African Student Association (SASA), Swarthmore ENLACE, and the Swarthmore African-American Student Society (SASS), the party at Paces the Saturday before Thanksgiving welcomed diversity more than most. After all, typical Swat parties include an outsized
December 2, 2021

On The Clothes of Mourning

This summer, I was seized with the need to un-stick myself. I had looked about myself and seen that I was sticking. That my lips were sticking. My ears. My fingers were becoming webbed. I looked down and saw my toes taped
December 2, 2021
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The Phoenix