Highlights - Page 23

Swat Community Grapples with War in Ukraine

Less than a week since Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine on Thursday, Feb. 24, Russian forces have already destroyed hundreds of “transport infrastructure facilities, homes, hospitals and kindergartens,” killed at least 2,000 people, and forced an estimated 650,000 people to neighboring
March 3, 2022

NinjaGrams Return: An Old Tradition Coming Back to Life

On Friday, Feb. 18, students were greeted in their classes and in Sharples by dueling ninjas, handmade cards, and homemade truffle treats on what some call “Ninja Day,” or the day that ninjas and ninja masters deliver NinjaGrams. NinjaGrams returned to Swarthmore
February 24, 2022

They’re Just Kids

Thirty athletes took the ice in the Olympic women’s singles figure skating event last week in Beijing. Of the 30, eighteen were teenagers, and the entire field posted a median age of nineteen. The youngest skater was fifteen-year-old Kamila Valieva of the
February 24, 2022
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The Phoenix