Campus Journal - Page 111

Student project aims at Indian educational reform

In a sweltering Indian classroom, as a student raises her hand with a question to understand the concept of photosynthesis, she is silenced by her teacher with instructions to memorize the definition on the blackboard. This authoritarian system has silenced questions and
October 20, 2011

Reasons to see indie film “Weekend” this weekend

There is a raging maniac urgency underneath the cucumber-cool surface of the limited-release Indie film — you know the type. We presuppose these “quiet” and “thought-provoking” and often “foreign” films to have a stable niche audience of art school students and masochistic
October 20, 2011

Alumni panel reflects on Quaker ties to activism

On Monday evening a panel of Quaker alumni held a discussion about activism and faith in the Scheuer Room of Kohlberg Hall. The Quaker Activist Alumni Panel consisted of four panelists invited back to campus by Joyce Tompkins, a campus Religious Advisor:
October 20, 2011

QSA, SQU commemorate Coming Out Week 2011

Events highlighted LGBTQ issues at Swarthmore and beyond Few people — Swarthmore students among them — complain about getting time off for holidays. From Christmas to Independence Day, there are eleven U.S. Federal holidays that have been recognized by acts of Congress. Many are
October 20, 2011

What do I? How do I? Your sex questions answered

I’ll be dedicating this week’s column to answering reader questions. You can submit your questions anonymously online at What do you do when you walk in on your parents having sex? Oh, that’s a sticky situation — in more ways than
October 20, 2011

Alum Massey Burke builds earthen clay wall at Swat

When Massey Burke ’00 attended Swarthmore, she craved practical applications of the things she was passionate about. Ten years later, she’s working to provide just that for today’s students. In conjunction with the Art and Engineering departments, Burke is working to create
October 6, 2011

First fashion runway show raises over $1000

Last Friday, over a hundred fashion enthusiasts flocked to Upper Tarble for Swarthmore’s first-ever fashion show and auction to benefit the Trevor Project, America’s leading suicide prevention and crisis intervention network aimed at LGBT youth. Hosted by the Queer-Straight Alliance (QSA), Fashion Forward 2011
October 6, 2011

Reading at Swarthmore in the digital publishing age

Like a Triple-A creeper, your beautiful columnist has hunted down the people on campus who use e-readers, invading their personal space for your edification. I talked to these individuals with the goal of discovering 1) What devices they used, 2) Their e-reading
October 6, 2011
The Phoenix