Arts - Page 30

Towards High Fashion in FamilyMart: A Visual Essay

Accessorization is ideology. Rather than being what we eat, we are what we wear, regardless of whether one’s wardrobe is full of carefully-curated intent or blasé could-not-care-less inclinations. Ask me what my favorite piece is right now and I’d easily pick my
October 10, 2019

The King: Netflix Tried

As the screen went black, my neck cracked in a few places, and a light timorous applause arose, all I could immediately recall was Robert Pattinson’s awful French accent. In 2013, Warner Bros. announced that director David Michôd (Animal Kingdom, multiple awards,
October 10, 2019

Artist of the Week Inna Kimbrough

As I sit down with Art major Inna Kimbrough ’21 in her new Beardsley studio, she sets up her easel just in time for it to crash down to the floor. “Dude, this is so chaotic,” she says, laughing. Kimbrough’s large expressionist
October 3, 2019

Bad Dad Astra

“Ad Astra” is an ambitious movie, both thematically and visually audacious. It succeeds as a first-rate portrayal of space travel during a minor cinematic boom of “hard” science fiction movies (that is, sci-fi meant to look like it could actually happen). But
September 26, 2019

Artist of the Week Fouad Dakwar on The Political Nature of Art

“I have this notebook from fourth grade, my songwriting notebook,” Fouad Dakwar ’22 recalls. “I didn’t know how to notate [songs] or anything, it’s just lyrics, but ever since then I’ve been making melodies.” Fouad Dakwar, a music and theatre honors special
September 26, 2019

Do Memes Imitate Life, or Vice Versa? Signs of the Climate Strike

Last Friday, September 20th, Gidon Kaminer ’22 and I participated in the Philadelphia Climate Strike alongside hundreds of our fellow Swatties and other climate-concerned youth. Naturally, a major facet of the strike’s iconography was composed of signs relating to our collective outrage
September 26, 2019
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The Phoenix