My Swarthmore Journal: Come On, Breathe You Workaholic Swatties!

February 6, 2025

The greyish-white rocks crunch a bit as I wiggle and shove my feet under the gatherings of rocks. I’m trying to disappear. (But hiding my feet under the rocks probably won’t help with the fact that my body is still visible.) The sun is shining as I peer at my melancholic reflection against the dark screen on my computer. It’s only a random Thursday afternoon as my sudden need to contemplate—something I had been struggling with—prompts me to find a place of quiet. (Perhaps it’s seasonal depression.) And that place is sitting on the bleachers, looking out at the peacefully empty tennis courtyard, in front of Wharton. Sipping tea—I think it was Earl Grey—and being. Just thinking about things, feeling things, existing. 

There is a sort of completeness, a serenity, as I sit here with myself alone. Listening to folk-pop, I try closing my eyes. Maybe the weight of school work, responsibilities, life will fade away for a minute. And so for the longest minute, I meditate—aka sleep for a bit. Maybe you should try this with me. Okay, yes, great idea! Meditation time, let’s go! 

Me (sitting on bleachers): Inhale, Exhale.

You (sitting somewhere as you read this, peering around to see if it’s not weird to do this in public): Inhale, Exhale.

Me: Let’s do it together now. Inhale, Exhale, Inhale, Exhale.

You: Inhale, Exhale, Inhale, Exhale.

Me: Okay, now let’s do this for three minutes.

You (is she serious?! I don’t have time for this!): Three m—

Me (gives a slightly annoyed look): It’s only three minutes—you can do this. Give your mind a short break. Okay, ready? Three minutes only.

You (sigh, puts phone down): Fiiiine.

Me: Okay, 1, 2, 3…go.

You (Breathing)

Me (thirty seconds in, peeking to see if you’re actually doing it along and finding you taking advantage of me closing my eyes): Hey! Put that phone down! Your texts can wait for three minutes. This is for you!

You (flips phone over): Ughh, Fiiiine.

Me: Great, now let’s continue. Two minutes and thirty seconds left. 

You (Breathing)

Me: Remember to inhale, exhale. And try to let go of anything that’s bothering you. If a thought comes into your mind, simply acknowledge it, assess it, and let it go. All things in life are impermanent. Let go of the things that don’t serve you anymore. It’s okay.

You (Breathing, nods)

Me: (Peeks again at you, finding you meditating along, now content: Breathing too)

You (Breathing)

Me (Breathing)

You (Breathing)

Me (Breathing)

You (Breathing)

Me (Breathing)

You (Breathing)

Me (*Timer rings*): Okay, perfect! That’s it! 

You: Wow, really?! Three minutes is done? That was so nice.

Me (relief): See…yes, it is. I’m so glad you like it. Just remember to take a few minutes only to do this whenever you’re feeling a lot. Just breathe. Sometimes living in the hustle of life, we forget to take care of ourselves and to make time for moments of quiet, so…

You (Okay, I get it. Can she like shut up now?)

Me: And what did you think about that?

You: Um…what did you say?

Me: What do you think about making a meditation club to hold us accountable?

You (Uh…how do I politely decline…spring semester is already so busy…crying): Uh, yeah, maybe soon! But uh, my mom’s calling me right now so I’ll find you later!

Me (yeah right why you lying it’s honestly okay if you do not want to): Okay, yep, sounds great! 

You: Alrighty, bye!

Me (back to the readers): So anyway, sometimes it’s good just to take the time and live in the moment. Sometimes you have to stop and take it all in. Find a nice place to sit (I’ll include some parts on campus I like in a future article) and just listen to the train rolling as it timely hits 4:23 p.m. Feel the breeze as it caresses you, the sun as it flickers light onto your computer keys. The smell of winter, crisp and warm, and a lingering scent of snow as it melts. The touch of the rough black Macbook keys as I type this. The stifling freezingness of the metal benches. Listening to the doors open and shut behind me and the bells ring at 4:45 p.m., it’s only another day on the winter campus of Swarthmore. And now I gotta go do my actual homework. See ya! Location: 39°54’10″N 75°21’20″W.

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