10:30 am
Deep Breath. In…Out…I’m in my head. Not where I want to be. You just missed ANOTHER shot? Is that your third in a row? Just stop shooting already, you’re embarrassing yourself. I’m not running fast enough. He beat you down the court again. Run faster. Just got smacked in the face. That didn’t feel good. Suck it up, that’s soft. You can’t call a foul on that. I was zoning out looking at my man and wasn’t helping in the middle. That’s on you. Yeah, no shit.
2:00 pm
I’ve got an essay due at six. I look at the clock. Four hours until the deadline. You barely have anything done. You’re going to fail out of college and everyone is going to think you’re a joke. Shut up, I’ve got this. Don’t forget physics due at nine. Damn, I had forgotten. And two current events due tomorrow. Fuck.
4:00 pm
Two hours until the essay is due and I’m halfway through. Physics is due in five hours, response in eight. I’ve still got time. Do you though? Yes. Don’t forget the hundred pages of reading you have to do by tomorrow, too. Shit.
5:51 pm
I just barely got my essay finished. Now only about three hours left till physics is due. I don’t even want to think about reading.
7:41 pm
I actually finished my physics homework with time to spare. Gotta finish that reading response, and find some articles to write about.
7:53 pm
Need to check the discussion guidelines….four pages?! That’s gonna take more time than I thought. Should’ve checked it earlier. I know are you going to be helpful or just rub it in my face? I think you know the answer to that. I have a meeting I need to get to by nine. Better get writing. You also have The Phoenix article to write. I know.
9:20 pm
You’ve still got a paper to write. Really? I’m in a meeting. That doesn’t change anything. I need to focus. You need to focus on your paper. Yeah but I don’t have time for that right now. You need to make time for that. Well I can’t until at least ten. You better get working after that…
10:10 pm
Gonna head home, I’m pretty hungry though. Sorry, you don’t have time to eat, you need to work. Yeah but I won’t be able to work well if I’m hungry. Ok…your funeral. Fine, I’m not that hungry anyway.
11:45 pm
Dang I’m really hungry now. Well everything will be closed by the time you get to it. Way to think ahead. What do you mean? I was thinking ahead? You can’t work well if you’re hungry. Screw you, you told me I needed to go do work. Because you did. I told you I needed food. Which you do now. I’m not here to be reasonable I’m here to keep you working. Well now what genius? I think that’s a YOU problem. Remember you still have an article to finish.
1:30 am
GET UP IT’S THE MORNING AND YOU DIDN’T FINISH! I’m up! Ew, was I drooling? What the hell? It’s still dark out. Yeah you nodded off. Screw you I thought it was time for class. I had to get you up. I’m obviously too tired to work, I’ll set an early alarm for tomorrow and do it before class. That would be a good idea if you didn’t have 8:30 lift.
Dammit, I’m gonna need some coffee, then.
2:23 am
I’m too tired for this. This paper is horrible. I’ll get up at 6:30 do some work before lift and then finish the rest after lift. Yeah that essay is horrible. Gee thanks. Anytime.
4:30 am
Wake up. It’s 4 am why did you wake me up? You need to work. No I need to sleep. You still have work to finish though. Which I can’t do properly without sleep. If you say so…
6:30 am
That’s the alarm. Five more minutes. You need to work. I know but I’m tired. You don’t have time to be tired. Ugh… I need coffee. You need to work. No I need you to shut up. But then you wouldn’t get work done. But at least I’d be happy. You really want to know what it’s like without me? Please. You’ll regret this. I’m sure I will, now where’s my mug?
8:30 am
Lift time, I can choke down breakfast and then speed through the end of my response before class…..Oh no response? Great, glad I got out of my head.
10:27 am
Crap, I’m late to class. I shouldn’t have taken so long after the lift. I’m still not done with my essay, and I completely forgot about that other assignment due today… ugh.
1:15 pm
I’m ok. I just have to make it through this seminar, then I can go back to my dorm and sleep. I’m going to need a gallon of coffee to get through this.
4:15 pm
That was WAY to long. Why did I sign up for three hours of class on a Monday afternoon? Anyway, time to head— where you going, Pete? That’s today??? Dammit, ok yeah let’s go.
7:35 pm
Finally done. I might as well get an early night. I need to catch up on sleep. No class until 1 tomorrow. But I need to make up that assignment I missed, and what do I have going for class this week? Need some help? …No. C’mon you saw how your day went without me. Imagine a week. A month. Yeah but I wasn’t stressed! Why would I invite that back into my life? Because you need it. I don’t need as much as I was getting. That’s your opinion. No, that’s my rule. If you’re coming back you need to dial it way back. I need to be able to deal with everything you’re giving me stress about. Ok…I don’t know if I can “dial it back” and still do my job effectively. We can work on it, but I need a regular schedule of sleep and food — my health lets me keep working. Ok, I can agree to those terms. But one thing is still true. What is that?
You need to work now. Ok fine what do I still have to finish?