StuCo and WSRN to share office

March 27, 2014
Stuco members meet in Parrish Parlors.
Stuco members meet in Parrish Parlors.
Stuco members meet in Parrish Parlors.

After conversations with the managers of WSRN, Campus Council has obtained the back room of the WSRN station on the fourth floor of Parrish to use as an office space. Use of the large WSRN room will alternate between the two groups.

“As the representative body of students, CamCo was looking to have a space: one so they could actually hold meetings with their representatives; two as a location where they could hold office hours, [and] three as a general location where they could store and keep records,” Coordinator of Student Activities Mike Elias said. “They need a home base.”

The back room of the radio station had been used as a storage space for WSRN, but has been cleaned out.

“The change was inevitable,” said Martin Froger Silva, manager of WSRN. “Historically WSRN has used the room, but on paper there’s nowhere to actually be found that it belongs to the station. We just had it, and CamCo needed a space.”

According to Silva, in exchange for use of the room, CamCo has offered shelves to WSRN. The large room of the radio station will alternate between the two groups as a meeting space for CamCo and will also be used as an office and archival space for WSRN. Generally, CamCo will use the room on Mondays, Tuesdays and sometimes Wednesdays. WSRN will use it on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

“It’s a great for CamCo to have office hours so people can stop in and bring up any sort of issues, policy ideas, programs, any ideas they have in mind,” Elias said. “I’m happy they worked with WSRN and both parties were content with sharing the space.”

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