Dorm Dive: Quiet Phi Psi Living

March 21, 2013

Ian Lukaszewicz’s room sits on top of one of the most visited spaces on campus. The second year student and Economics major is this year’s Phi Psi brother chosen to live in the fraternity’s house. Each year, “[the room] typically goes to the brother with the lowest lottery number”, explained Lukaszewicz.

A large staircase directly in front of the door leads up to his spacious room. A large queen bed rests against the wall to the right of the door adjacent to one of his dressers. To the right, a sleek plasma TV strategically faces a black futon and rectangular table that lie against the left wall. Posters, stickers, clothing items, and other Philadelphia Eagles paraphernalia are notably displayed throughout his room. “I’m a big Eagles fan” admitted Lukaszewicz.The rest of his decorations are “cliché college stuff” like movie posters and flags. He did point out, “I found a plastic sword” laying downstairs in the main room. “I get all the treasures that are left behind” he said.

Most distinct are Lukaszewicz’s lacrosse artifacts. Over his desk is a Swarthmore lacrosse team jersey that has been hanging “[in the room] for a couple of years” and propped over the door is his freshman year lacrosse stick with which he scored his first points. Lukaszewicz said his pennies and sports hats are the the items most representative of who is is. “[It is] stereotypical of being a lacrosse guy” he acknowledged, truthfully noting that also the video games, TV, and Eagles fan artifacts are “[all] really me.”

A sliding door that opens up to a balcony is also the left wall to Lukaszewicz’s room. The balcony oversees the large main room on the first floor of the Phi Psi house and stores the sound system for the entire house on Saturday nights. “[It is a] good addition for the room to have” he mentioned. The balcony, which is is decorated with colored string lights, oversees the grand space of the main floor. There are two large tables, three couches, and a vending machine from which the brothers make “10 percent of the profit”. The downfall to the large first floor Lukaszewicz noted is that “there is no basement space like in the DU house.”

Nevertheless, there is small lounge tucked away behind wooden doors in the basement that is “just a place for [the brothers] to hangout” Lukaszewicz noted. The area is quite cozy, furnished with red couches, tables, and a plasma TV. Lukaszewicz added “people are allowed in here as long as they’re with a brother.” In fact, most brothers come out to the house on Thursdays and Saturdays. Since there are limited keys for the house, every brother has a code to a box placed by the door that holds a copy to the key.

Lukaszewicz admits that he’s usually alone in the house. “I don’t mind it,” he said, “but I don’t like it [either].” Yet. he admitted that it is nice being able to “nap before lacrosse practice [without disruptions].” A normal day in house for Lukaszewicz involves playing video games, listening to music, and going downstairs to do homework on the couches. He added, “[being alone] can compel you to do something stupid”, so he stays away from that. He did recall his favorite memory in the house this year. He celebrated his birthday and it was “nice to have a nice big room where my friends could come” he said, noting “we didn’t have to find a lounge” like students living in dorms must do.

The lack of hall life has been the biggest adjustment for Lukaszewicz. Thus, he has decided to be an RA next year. According to Lukaszewicz, it is something he always wanted to do. He is excited to be an RA in Worth next year where “everyone will be my own age” he explained.

Furthermore, sleeping becomes a problem on Saturday nights and he admits, having his room in a place that is accessible to many people during events is “something to worry about” but it has not “been a problem yet.”

While the brothers clean after events as a group, Lukaszewicz takes care of his room, the personal bathroom inside the room, and the garbage. “Believe it or not, I vacuum” he said. While having to clean may appear as a burden for many, Lukaszewicz believes “it’s good and creates independence” preparing him for when “I am not at Swarthmore anymore.”

When asked how his friends and brothers would describe him he responded, “hopefully funny, laid back, [but] responsible.” He took upon the responsibility of taking care for the house as if it was his own. There are even “family pictures” found throughout his room and the house of the brothers hanging out.

Lukaszewicz mentioned he has some idea of which brother will get the room next year and is excited to “give him guidance.” Having older fellow brothers take you under their wing is what Lukaszewicz prizes about Phi Psi. “It’s been a fun experience living here,” Lukaszewicz said, adding that “everyone is always welcome.”

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