To the Editor:
I am writing in response to Rendering Swarthmore Politics. Danielle Charette made sweeping claims with no substantiation. I cannot speak to Ms. Charette’s personal experiences on campus as a politically conservative student but I can say that I have taken an American history course every year for the past three years and am familiar with courses in the Political Science department, Sociology and Anthropology department, Art History department, English Literature department, and Philosophy department that deal with issues in American political and cultural history. In addition there is only one professor in the Gender and Sexuality department and the notion that discussions of sexuality that take place in other disciplines are somehow inherently liberal-leaning is offensive. By setting up an opposition between American History and Gender and Sexuality Ms. Charette suggests that the study of American History is a politically conservative enterprise. I believe that these are dangerous and narrow-minded assumptions and I hope that in the future more thought and research will go into these articles.
Sarah Diamond