Uke the News: The Jeremy Lin Song

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

[audio:|titles=”The Jeremy Lin Song”]

Is Linsanity on its last limbs, or can the Knicks’ newest star brave racist headlines, skeptical fans, double-team defenses, and his coach’s resignation to lead his squad to a championship?


Jeremy Lin, where do I begin?
6 foot 3 and 200 pounds thin.
Can’t stop the man with the thousand-watt grin;
He’s Linvading the lane and Linscaping Madison.

My momma told me he’s an instant legend,
She named him “the Asian Jackie Robinson”
– And – I’m not sure that’s a title I’d defend,
Only history can recommend the right comparison.

Oh, Jerry.
Oh, Jerry.
I can’t abide by the state I’m in,
Cause I can’t get my mind off of Jeremy Lin.

Oh Jeremy Lin, king of the Crimson,
Didn’t give in when scouts all nixed him;
He pulled his socks up and stalked off to the gym.
Now he plays for the Knicks and knocks shots through the rim.

Jeremy Lin, one in one million,
The paint is the domain of his dominion.
Far from being politically Lincorrect,
His Lindirect rule lies in his Lintellect.

Oh, Jerry.
Oh, Jerry.
I can’t abide by the state I’m in,
Cause I can’t get my mind off of Jeremy Lin.

[Musical break]

Oh, Jeremy – we all need a hero we can lay our burdens on,
So would you don a jersey with an S emblazoned on?
No one told ESPN your armor was Teflon,
They’d rather try to frame you as a foregone Native Son.

Oh, Jeremy – tell me all of February
Wasn’t merely a Linderella story
The commentators think hard and blow off steam,
Asking if you’re a Linception or American Dream.

That’s why I can’t abide the state I’m in,
Cause I can’t get my mind off of Jeremy Lin.
No, I can’t abide the state I’m in
And I can’t get my mind off of Jeremy Lin.


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