News Flushes and Co-op

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

News Flushes

StuCo will post news flushes (condensed versions of the minutes taken during StuCo meetings) around campus in bathrooms and academic buildings for the benefit of the Swarthmore community. The editions will be replaced biweekly.


A representative of the group pushing for a housing co-op on campus attended the meeting and requested StuCo members to send out a campus wide email for the entire student body to view the group’s application for the initiative.

StuCo members voted to accept the request, keeping in mind their decision last semester to support the co-op group’s efforts, but discussed the danger of setting a precedent for future proposals due to the lack of a policy governing emails. StuCo will attach an explanation of their decision to endorse the email when it is sent out on Monday.

StuCo also decided to form a subcommittee responsible for defining an email policy for similar requests from student groups.

Miscellaneous Updates

  • StuCo has been given the go-ahead for instituting a fine for those found in breach of their Bike Share program rules.
  • The Bagged Lunch survey will take place this Wednesday and Thursday after changes were made last week to the survey questions.
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