Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
Sharples Tabling Suggestions
Vice President Nate Erskine ’10 discussed Sharples tabling and the student body feedback/ideas about improving Swarthmore. Suggestions include starting a Media shuttle, fixing the class rec book, buying a new turtle for Ware pool, opening Sharples until 8 pm for dinner, and having McCabe give out soup instead of oreos. President Yongjun Heo ’09 expressed concern about the Media shuttle’s feasibility. This idea lead to a larger discussion about shuttle publicity, such as the possibility of going to Wal-Mart on the movie shuttle. StuCo members posed improvement ideas such as putting movie shuttle times on the dashboard, student surveys on shuttle ideas, or doing a Media stop on the Philly shuttle.
Renewal of Charters Update
Student Groups Adviser Chris Green ’09 updated StuCo on renewing student group charters. Green talks about too many groups needing funding and reviewing expensive certain student groups. Journal clubs such as Punctum and Night Café ask for significant amounts for funding. The Equestrian club will also be reviewed. Green plans to meet with these student groups to discuss the possibility of reduced funding. Heo emphasized that these groups will not be canceled but the financial feasibility of these groups will be reviewed.
Green brought up another issue about student groups and the Lang Center’s funding. The Lang Center helps new student groups with initiation funds but the funds only cover the groups for the first and second year. The student groups then go to SBC for continual funding. Green posed the idea of working together with the Lang Center for sustainability. Also, Green proposed the idea of merging groups. For instance, SLAP, Club Despartar, and the Swat Migration project all deal with social action in Kenneth Square and these groups can merge together with different subgroups. Green expresses that the main concern for student groups on campus is that there are too many with limited funding.
International Students and Finals Schedule Conflict
Campus Life Representative Ambar La Forgia ’11 talked with Rachel Head, associate dean of Campus Housing, about establishing a two-day grace period for international students at the end of the semester. International students have problems booking flights before finals schedules are published. La Forgia also discussed the idea about keeping David Kemp basement open for two days for international students and trading boxes for storage systems.
Career Services Interviews
StuCo discussed the idea about encouraging mock interview practice in the student body. Some Swatties have expressed interview anxiety and StuCo conversed about providing incentives for the student body to become more connected with Career Services for interview advice. Suggestions included an obligatory mock interview for juniors and seniors, and more interaction with Career Services and academic departments.
Other Updates: – Sharples recipe contest winners will be announced Friday, March 6th. – March 28th is the StuCo Paces party. – StuCo discussed ongoing goals for the semester, such as improving the class rec book, posting syllabi on blackboard, and StuCo involvement in Ride the Tide and Orientation.