Student council platforms

November 30, 2005

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

Student Council elections begin Thursday for the one-year positions of Co-President, Student Events Advisor, Campus Life Representative, Campus Relations Representative, Appointments Chair, and Secretary. Online voting will be held Thursday, December 1 through Saturday, December 3 with Sharples voting going from Sunday, December 4 through Tuesday, December 6. The following are the candidates running for each position and the complete text of their platforms as submitted to the Gazette.

CO-PRESIDENT: Tom Evnen ’07

I have previously served two terms on Student Council: one as Appointments Chair and one as Co-President. I am now running for an additional term as Co-President. In my previous terms, I formed a strong relationship with the administration which helps me effectively advocate for student concerns.

Our campus faces several important issues:

The administration is currently rewriting our alcohol policy. As Co-President, I have argued that, while some change is inevitable, students must continue to be responsible for their own drinking decisions and, also, that we must find ways to maintain our egalitarian (“once you’re a student, everything is free”) principles. I also believe that students should be able to receive medical attention without fear of police interference.

Additionally, the practices of public safety have recently come under scrutiny due largely to an investigation that I am currently spearheading. I believe that this is an especially important issue and I will work to see that the administration conducts a full and fair investigation culminating in appropriate action.

Finally, I see this election as an opportunity to hear about student concerns. So, I encourage both individual students and student groups to meet with me about their comments and concerns.

STUDENT EVENTS ADVISOR: Matthew Armstead ’08, Marissa Matthews ’07

What made me think that I should be on student council? I know that I can be Student Events Advisor, and not only be it but do it well. My experience with various campus groups has made me into a campus leader. These leadership skills would allow me to represent students in the best way possible. This position would also give me a position on SAC, where I can make sure that there are new ideas for campus events being planned, if not by SAC then with the help of SAC.

The main issue that I see with student council is that they are not a visible presence on campus. If the average student was asked if they knew who the current co-presidents were I’m not sure if they would have any idea. I want to make sure that the campus knows who is representing them. This would include the student council being a part of first-year orientation and having “Meet Student Council” or fireside chats where people can ask student council what they are doing, at least one at the beginning of each semester.

I always hear complaints about the fact that all SAC is there for is to fund parties that many students don’t go to, especially after they hit the sophomore slump. SAC is more than a party source, so people need to know how to use it for other events. The “how to throw a study break” events that SAC has started running have helped, but still there can be more. Each campus group has a SAC representative, if that group was able to talk to this representative about ideas for events the SAC member could help them flesh out the idea. Therefore, SAC would not just a resource for money, but also would be actively trying to increase the planning of different events.

Over the past year the number of events planned by SAC itself has greatly increased, but I still think there is more that can be done. Something that I would like to see put in place is recess. During first-year orientation this year the Orientation Committee has an activity called recess, where first-years had a chance to relax and play recess games like dodgeball and kickball on Parrish Beach. I would love to implement recess for campus, come this spring. Soon as the weather turns towards the better Parrish Beach is flooded with people who are looking for well needed sun after the winter months. This program would simply give them some activities to do there. The Daily Gazette would announce what they game was today and at 1pm on Friday it would start, so that people walking up from Sharples could just jump in on a quick game or play all afternoon. Ideally this program would include student groups who would approach SAC about a plan for a recess in a proposal like any other event, whether it’s a giant kickball and they need bases or jump rope and they just need some ropes. This would be different in that if the group did not need supplies, like a game of freeze tag, and then they need only tell SAC there plan so that it would get announced.

But in the end why should you vote for me to represent you in this capacity? I’ve been a leader in various campus groups my entire time at Swat and in those groups I always made sure that I am approachable about anything and open to different views, I would continue this on Student Council. Anyone who knows me can tell you that I am approachable. If you see me walking down the hall or in Sharples, you can stop me and I am definitely open to talking, and if not in person, then we figure out something for later on or e-mail. Both Student Council and SAC have been greatly improving in my time here and I would like to continue to see them move in the way and I know that I can help do this.

Enjoy the shuttles to Philly for the Dali exhibit last year? What about the ice skating at Penn’s Landing? I was on Student Activity Advisory Committee and I helped organize these events! Want more activities like these? Hi, my name is Marissa Matthews and I want to be your Student Events Advisor! We need a more active SAC for a more active student body!

If elected to Student Council,

1. I’ll work harder to ensure there is a wider variety of events each weekend and throughout the semester, since we all get tired of the same old Saturday night.
2. I’ll keep the fun, unique activities coming! How about SAC-sponsored sledding on Parrish Beach along with hot chocolate and marshmallows?? What about open-mic nights in Paces?
3. I’ll listen to you! Don’t like those ideas? Track me down and tell me what YOU want! I’ve worked on the hiring board for SAC directors and the Student Activity Advisory Board, so I’m familiar with how SAC works and what students want.

So as Student Events Advisor, I’ll make sure SAC stays headed in the right direction, and I’ll continue working with administration and students to make next year’s social scene the best you’ve had at Swat!

Vote Marissa Matthews for Student Events Advisor! =)

CAMPUS LIFE REPRESENTATIVE: Keith Benjamin ’09, Etan Cohen ’07, Alex Ginsberg ’08, Yongjun Heo ’09, Sven Udekwu ’09, Sean Varsolona ’09

Before anyone can even attempt to function in a leadership role, a certain mindset for change is required. Making changes for the improvement of the community, on any scale requires that individual to have it engraved in his or her mind and heart that all actions, and all words spoken must be positive for the community. If decisions are made that are not in line with this notion, the goal cannot be accomplished.

I have come to the understanding that the Swarthmore community possesses the unique quality, in that, there is a purposeful push to eliminate barriers so that unity can exist on any level. As the next Campus Life Representative, I intend to continue to fuel this strive toward unity. My experiences include, being the first African American President of my high school, working for both national parties as a social affairs consultant for Lead-America (A program for top ranked students with a desire in government). On campus I work as a clerk for the Admissions Office, and am in the midst of working with administration on increasing the percentage of minority students, and their social involvement. My name is Keith Benjamin, and I am running for your Campus Life Representative.

Hello. My name is Etan Cohen ’07 and during my sophomore year I served on student council as Campus Relations Representative, and now, as a junior, I wish to be your next Campus Life Representative. In the past semester, many of the decisions made at Swarthmore came under the scrutiny of the student body. The alcohol policy will soon be changed, and currently, the administration has a few options in mind. One of the options would involve SAC becoming extremely strict on its distribution of money to student groups that wish to throw a Paces party. Furthermore, the issue surrounding Jacob Anguiano’s trial has created a mess around campus. Regardless of whether the administration has made the right or wrong decision in these cases, we can all agree that there has been a lack of communication with the administration. Why does the student body feel that such critical decisions involve minimal student input? Shouldn’t there at least exist some forum to express existing concerns? As your Campus Life Representative I will do all in my ability to voice each and every one of your concerns to the people necessary and to finally improve life at Swarthmore. Vote Etan for Campus Life!

Over my time at Swarthmore I’ve engaged in many aspects of Student life. This year, I served as a member of the Orientation Committee and currently sit on SAC. Through my experience I have developed relationships with members of the administration. As Campus Life Representative, my job will be to relate student opinion to the administration and push for the student body’s involvement in important decisions.

Social life at Swarthmore is about to change; the administration has made this clear. However, not even they know what changes are going to take place. Swarthmore’s Quaker heritage demands that students are involved in the decision making process when instances like these occur, but we know from decisions made in previous years that this is not always the case. The tweaking of the alcohol policy could seriously affect not only the social life at Swarthmore, but also the health and safety of students. Furthermore, some of the anticipated changes will alter the way Student Activities Fees are used. I believe that student council and the administration should maintain an ongoing dialogue with the student body as the new policy is decided upon. If elected Campus Life Representative I will push for the establishment of an Ad Hoc committee to examine the Alcohol Policy at the school. If it becomes clear that changes will be made to the way SAC funds parties, I will call for a referendum to poll student opinion before amending SAC’s charter.

Furthermore, as Campus Life Representative I will sit on the Deans Advisory Committee. I plan to propose several ideas, which if implemented will help protect students. Last year several students were cited by the police after bringing an intoxicated friend to Worth health center. We can not allow our health center to become a hideout for police trying to catch underage drinkers. I will suggest that Public safety develop a communication system (possible closed circuit radio) to prevent this from happening again.

I will also propose an overhaul of the PA system. The school can protect itself and its students from harm if PAs are properly trained to recognize signs of extreme drunkenness. Furthermore, PAs should be trained in first aid and instructed what to do in case of emergencies. It is not fair to put health and safety in the hands of people who are not prepared.

While I believe that much of the work I will do over the next semester as Campus Life Representative will involve issues concerning the new alcohol policies, I will also stay aware of other issues which need to be brought to the Deans’ attention. Vote Alex Ginsberg for Campus Life Representative because I’m experienced, dedicated, and aware. And, I’m not a freshman anymore.

An effective Campus Life Representative must serve as a communicative student body liaison with the administration. I believe that our student body must be able to voice their opinions openly about any issues regarding student life at Swarthmore. I hope to make myself accessible through emailing and campus mail in order to be able to convey these ideas to the administration openly and clearly. Through numerous leadership experiences I have had in my school community, and state, I have raised crucial issues before the governing assembly without hesitance and I will be able to do the same for the Swarthmore students.

As a Campus Life Representative at Swarthmore, I will ensure that a positive administrative-student connection is established then properly maintained in order to give students the fullest campus life possible. As a student who cares about the welfare of Swarthmore’s student population, I will bring any students ideas to the administrative circle in order to better Swarthmore student life.

Hello Swarthmore students, I am sitting in my room right now pondering the myriad ways I can aid you all in your quest to be heard. As I sit watching the fire, I wonder how I can do as well if not better than our current Campus Life Rep. Win Chia, my RA. Some of you may doubt that a freshman can hold his own against the various boards before which I would have to represent you, but I tell you to put your doubts aside. For I believe in the justice of the system in which we toil, but I believe even more in you the people of this college. As one of you, I already know some of the harsh burdens we bear alone, however, if you let me, I will help you carry on with a little more ease than at this present tedious hour. We are a great body of people once united, and should you allow me, I will become the voice of your demands to which none would dare refuse. I leave the choice to you, and always remember to enjoy yourself no matter what the situation; it is all a fun game in the end. Oh and I am easy to talk to and a lot of fun and all that other trite and nice stuff.

The Gazette did not receive a platform from this candidate.


Hey! Since many of you may wonder who I am, here is a short introduction. My name is Stephanie Nyombayire and I am class of ’08. I am originally from Rwanda, and since English is not my first language, I definitely learned the hard way how important communication is to any working relationship! In short, I will be dedicated to insuring that all forums of communication are being not only maintained but reinvigorated. You will not have to attend SC open meetings to find out what is going on or for your voice to be heard, instead I will make sure that the website is continuously updated with all the relevant information, and will encourage all of your suggestions.

My experiences as current leader of Swat Sudan, former secretary of Swarthmore African Students Association and former outreach director of the Genocide Intervention Fund have allowed me to obtain the skills necessary to maintain working relations with other campuses and the outside communities among which we live. Additionally, my experience as the former outreach director of the Genocide Intervention Fund (which raised close to half a million dollars to help end the genocide in Darfur) has taught me the importance of media in spreading knowledge and information. I will commit to insuring that all SC events are publicized and that the Swarthmore community is kept well informed. Vote Stephanie for Campus Relations Rep!!


Please re-elect me to the position of Student Council Appointments Chair. If you do not, three things will definitely happen:
1. The newly redesigned and revamped committee appointments process will deteriorate and crumble into realms of inefficiency familiar only to those governed by appointments chairs before me.
2. Student Council will make many bad decisions, poor choices, and misinformed non-actions.
3. Student Council meetings, which are open to all (please come!) will become far less interesting or fun.
Thank you for voting.
Not that seriously,
Ethan Ucker ’07

SECRETARY: Todd Friedman ’09, Rasa Petrauskaite ’08

There are so many different niches, interest groups, and events at Swarthmore, I find it overwhelming to digest thus far as a freshmen. Nevertheless, as Student Council Secretary, a position I have experienced in high school, is a familiar and comfortable place for me to stake my first claim in this active community. Essentially, student council is an organization that appeals to my interests, given that it aims to represent and include the whole. This is a job I would hold with my utmost concern and responsibility. I would really appreciate your help by voting for me as your Student Council Secretary, and in return, I will provide my most ardent service to the Swarthmore student body and Student Council.

Hi everyone,

If elected, I will try to feed all the hungry…
students late at night with late-night food options. What’s more important, I will try to make ALL OF US RICHER!!! Yes, we all should be able to eat at Qüb and Paces Café for free! And Qüb and Paces Café should earn more profits as well! Can you imagine? Basically, it is possible to set up a system for them to accept points.

Also, I will do my best working on a new SC web-site. It should serve as a campus-wide forum for the expression and exchange of student ideas and opinions. There, students should be able to communicate with members of various committees, such as Large-Scale Events.

In any case, if any of the particulars of how I plan to accomplish these goals are of any interest to you, please visit my website at or contact me at x5025. I would love to talk to you!


Rasa Petrauskaite

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