Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
The Daily Gazette
Swarthmore College
Friday, October 8, 2004
Volume 9, Number 30
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1) Movie Review: Che takes a roadtrip in “The Motorcycle Diaries”
Today: Sunny. High of 77.
Ahh, fall break… Its finally upon us!
Tonight: Clear. High of 62.
Of course the advent of break brings a choice: Wild parties and drunken orgies?
Saturday: Partly cloudy. High of 74.
Or sleep, bad TV, and lots of lots of schoolwork?
Sunday: Sunny. High of 70.
Given that I only get four hours of sleep per night the rest of the semester,
I think the second option is going to have to win out.
Lunch: Beef with broccoli, jasmine rice, three bean casserole, eggplant creole (v), wrap bar, lemon cake.
Dinner: Friday’s favorite chicken picante, rice pilaf, lentil stew, tabouleh (v), pizza bar, cream pies.
1) Movie Review: Che Takes a Road Trip in “The Motorcycle Diaries”
by Micaela Baranello
Gazette Reporter
The first half of “The Motorcycle Diaries” comes across as an artier that usual road trip movie. Most of the requisite elements are there: the protagonist, Ernesto, the protagonist; an unreliable mode of transportation, here a motorcycle ironically dubbed “The Mighty One”; Ernesto’s goofy buddy; lack of money and all the other conventions familiar to viewers of Road Trip. But the viewers’ knowledge of Ernestos future gives the film an added dimension.
Ernesto is Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, better known as the poster and t-shirt icon Che (Gael García Bernal), here a 23-year old medical student. “The Motorcycle Diaries” is based on the memoir of the same title by Che and Alberto, the buddy (Rodrigo De la Serna). They set off from Bueonos Aires in 1952 with a simple aim: “Get laid in every country in South America.” Or, “Every town if were lucky.” The tone is light, the problems often comic and the South American scenery is stunning. So far, so good.
The Mighty One meets gives its final hurrah about halfway through the film. At this point, many of the other clichés also vanish and “Motorcycle Diaries” undergoes a rapid transformation into a bildungsroman (or bildungsfilm, if you will). Ernesto and Alberto take to walking and hitchhiking, and are forced to confront more of the people they pass. Though the film keeps politics to a minimum, we see Ernesto’s rapid awakening to the everyday suffering of poor people, which culminates in a long passage set in a leper colony.
The film is alternately warm and annoyingly heavy-handed. Some of the dialogue is overly blunt and obvious, even for a subtitled film (a Spanish speaker may be able to illuminate this further). However, García Bernal gives a credible and nuanced performance, and De la Serna manages to make his somewhat underwritten foil character amusing and likable. It’s easy to fault the film as being too easy on Che. It suggests he will become Albert Schweitzer, not a violent revolutionary. But the movie does not purport to be weighty or a definitive treatment of Ches life. It is enjoyable for what it is: a reflective, entertaining treatment of the early years of a revolutionary.
by Victoria Swisher
Living and Arts Editor
Fall break gives many Swatties the opportunity to get off campus by going home or traveling to places outside the Philadelphia area. For those of you still on campus, though, you’ve got a golden opportunity to take advantage of the wealth of entertainment options available in Philadelphia. Hang around University City and go to the variety of restaurants and museums that are within walking distance.
Ever heard of 1812 Productions? The comedy theater company, located on fourth street, is currently showing “Mondo Mangia” – for more information and ticket prices, go to www.1812productions.com. Looking for a dinner and theater for a great price? Try Big House theater, where dinner and a show is $5.00. Call (215) 208-6884 (tickets) for more information.
For some inexpensive and flavorful Ethiopian food, try Abyssinia Ethiopian Restaurant, which has a great selection of vegetarian dishes (call (215) 387-2424). Nan offers a fusion of French and Thai food, at a more moderate price (call (215) 382-0818 for reservations).
You can always take the bus located on Chester Road or the trolley (located behind Springfield Mall) into Media, where there are Japanese, Thai, French, and Italian restaurants waiting for you. Rita’s Water Ice is a must on your way back to Swarthmore (located across from the Acme between Media and Swarthmore).
So don’t stay cooped up in your room writing your thesis or working on your research project – explore!
*Three explosions shook Egyptian resorts on Thursday. The resorts are located in the Sinai and are popular vacation spots for Israelis. In total the three attacks killed 35 people and wounded 100. The Israeli government warned of the possiblity of such attacks last month, in a report issued by Avi Dichter, the head of the Shin Bet intelligence service. No definitive claims of responsiblity have yet been made for all the attacks, but Agence France-Presse reported that a previously unknown group, the World Islamist Group, had taken repsonbiltiy for the truck bomb that struck the Taba Hilton resort.
*New polls released on Thursday by CNN/Gallop show the Presidential race to be close in three states. According to the polls, the candidates are tied in Colorado, and within the margin of error in New Mexico and Wisconsin. While New Mexico and COlorado have long been considered battleground states, Sen. John Kerry’s rising popularity in Colorado is surprising to many analysts. President Bush carried that state by nine points four years ago.
*A report, issued on Wednesday by the top American arms inspector, has found that Saddam Hussein spent millions of dollars importing arms into his country. Starting in 1991, the dictator used revenues acquired from the UN’s oil for food program to acquire long-range missiles, spare parts for tanks and night-vision equipment. The report also documents how Hussein was able to buy these weapons relatively easily from a large group of countries and private companies.
*King Norodaum Sihanouk of Cambodia announced on Thursday that he would abdicate his throne. After ruling over his country, on and off, for over half a century, the King’s frustration over his country’s political and economic turmoil finally grew so large as to force his retirement. Though he is a constitutional monarch whose power is mostly symoblic, the constitution does not say what who would take his place in cases of abdication.
Ruach Friday Night Services
Bond Memorial Hall, 5:30 p.m.
There are no events scheduled for Saturday.
There are no events scheduled for Sunday.
Golf at Rutgers-Camden Invite, 12:00 p.m.
Women’s Soccer at Johns Hopkins, 7:00 p.m.
Volleyball in Seven Sisters at Wellesley
Field Hockey at Washington, 1:00 p.m.
Men’s Soccer hosts Muhlenberg, 7:00 p.m.
Volleyball in Seven Sisters at Wellesley
“Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency. Nothing is that important.”
–Natalie Goldberg
Interested in reporting or writing for the Gazette?
Got a news or sports tip for us?
Just want to tell us what you think?
Contact the staff at dailygazette at swarthmore dot edu
Managing Editor: | Greg Leiserson |
News Editor: | Jonathan Ference |
Sports Editor: | Alex Glick |
Living and Arts Editor: | Victoria Swisher |
Features Editor: | Alexis Reedy |
World News Editor: | Roxanne Yaghoubi |
Photo/Graphics Editor: | Charlie Buffie |
Web/Tech Support: | Ken Patton |
Reporters: | Maile Arvin Micaela Baranello Anya Carrasco Lauren Janowitz Evelyn Khoo Megan Mills Andrew Quinton Jen Roth Maki Sato Cara Tigue |
Photographers: | Kyle Khellaf Anthony Orazio |
World News Roundup: | Roxanne Yaghoubi |
Campus Sports: | Alex Glick |
The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent group of Swarthmore
College students. The Daily Gazette Web Site is updated regularly, as news happens. Technical
support from the Swarthmore College Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.
Our world news roundup is compiled daily, using a variety of sources, most notably the
Associated Press (www.ap.org), Reuters (www.reuters.com), CNN (www.cnn.com),
and The New York Times (www.nytimes.com). Our campus sports
summaries are derived from information provided by the Swat Athletics Department (http://www.swarthmore.edu/athletics/).
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Back issues are available on the web at: http://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/org/daily/archive.html
This concludes today’s report.