Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
The Daily Gazette
Swarthmore College
Thursday, October 7, 2004
Volume 9, Number 29
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2) ITS experiments with VOIP telephone systems, wireless hubs
3) Desmond Tutu speaks about hope, forgiveness at Villanova
1) Men’s soccer grounds Seahawks
Today: Sunny. High of 75.
It got cold enough that I finally took out the heavy blanket for my bed last night. And, while the end of summer does have some drawbacks, the bigger problem is that I can’t decide which benefit I like more:
Tonight: Clear. Low in the mid 50s.
That I can now hide under the blanket in the morning to make my alarm go away,
Tomorrow: Mostly sunny. High in the mid 70s.
Or that there are only a few days left before the next chapter in Red Sox – Yankees post-season drama.
Lunch: Maryland crabcakes, lattice cut fries, polenta marinara, Dave’s roasted tofu, baby carrots, cauliflower, puppy club bar
Dinner: Fried chicken, candied yams, macaroni and cheese, mashed black beans, stewed tomatoes, collard greens, breakfast bar
1) SVRC successfully appeals funding through proper channels, focuses further scrutiny on SAC bylaw regarding political ideologies
by Maile Arvin
Gazette Reporter
The Student Budget Committee (SBC) meeting last Sunday night included a repeat performance for the Swarthmore Voter Registration Coalition (SVRC), appealing for the second time a Social Affairs Committee (SAC) decision not to fund an event featuring a screening of the first presidential debate. Last week, SAC denied SVRC’s request for funding because of a bylaw stating that no SAC funding would be given for events promoting a political ideology. SVRC successfully appealed to Student Council (SC), but it became clear after the fact that SC had no authority to overturn the decision. “No one read the bylaws,” SBC Manager Sonya Hoo ’05 said. It states in the SC constitution that any budgeting appeals must first go to SBC for re-evaluation, though if the situation remains unsatisfactory, the appeal may then be brought to SC for final evaluation. That SVRC is not yet a chartered group may have complicated matters; the procedures for dealing with unchartered groups are more makeshift than the procedures for dealing with chartered groups. Nonetheless, Hoo insists, SBC was the better forum for SVRC’s appeal.
Ethan Ucker ’07 made the second appeal on behalf of SVRC at the Sunday SBC meeting. Charlie Sussman ’05 and Darshan Patel ’05 made statements for SAC, and SBC board members debated the issue. SBC’s conclusion was much the same as SC’s — they voted to grant SVRC $150, reflecting a decision that SVRC did not need the full $350 they requested (SVRC also received funding from the President’s Office), but that SAC should have supported the event. According to Hoo, SBC decided SVRC’s debate broadcast was not an event that fell under the political ideologies by-law, but also maintained that this decision did not set a precedent.
Though no precedent has been set, SBC’s decision to overturn SAC’s ruling has again demonstrated the need to clarify the political ideology bylaw. Sussman verified that there will be a meeting tonight to discuss the SAC bylaw. The meeting will include the SC co-presidents, the SAC co-directors and several members from the dean’s office. One option under consideration is to expand the purview of SAC to all entertainment events.
SVRC has expressed satisfaction with the outcome of the appeals. Ucker stated in an email that “[t]hough the process was frustrating for many reasons, not the least of which was having to go through the appeals process with Student Council, and then again with SBC because apparently no one (including members of Student Council) knew the proper appeals procedures or cared to enforce them until after the event, I am confident that it at least has set a precedent for these representative bodies’ future dealings with this type of issue.” He also said that he hoped the large turnout for the debate event will demonstrate to SAC and SC the demand for these kind of events on campus. “[S]ubstantive, important, albeit political events” should be “encouraged in the future, and receive more enthusiastic, full support, not only from the administration, the student body, and Student Council (as this one did), but also from the organizations that represent Swarthmore students and their interests/values financially,” Ucker argued. “After all, if bodies like SAC are hesitant to at least partially fund events such as this one, what legitimate purpose do they serve on this campus?”
The issue of SAC funding for SVRC events may be raised again soon as November 2 nears. Ucker confirmed that SVRC intends to host an election day returns party, to take place after the polls have closed and lasting until a winner is announced. SVRC will be seeking SAC funding for the event.
2) ITS experiments with VOIP telephone systems, wireless hubs
by Megan Mills
Gazette Reporter
Efforts to bring Swarthmore further into the information age continue as ITS weighs the pros and cons of innovations such as Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) telephone systems and wireless hot spots for the campus. Currently, both are used to a limited extent in select parts of campus and may expand in the future.
Using the internet instead of landlines, VOIP telephony is a technology that Swarthmore has been using for two years, according to ITS Network and Systems Manager Mark Dumic. While these phones were used in overflow housing in Whittier, Fieldhouse Lane, and one floor of Strath Haven last year, this year the phones are only in place in Whittier.
Despite scaling back, Dumic reports that “other than the phones needing to be restarted after the power failures that the building has experienced, they seem to be working well. We aren’t getting reports of problems.” Nevertheless, he commented that “there isn’t currently a clear cut advantage to the new technology although there’s the promise of interesting new features and applications in the future.”
Wireless internet access is currently available in McCabe and Cornell Libraries and ITS plans to add areas in Kohlberg and Science Center Coffee Bars “within the next few weeks,” according to Dumic. Additionally, there is the possibility of another official hot spot in the SCCS lounge. Some students have installed their own hubs in college dormitories and allowed wireless-card-owning neighbors to make use of them as well.
As for the continued development of the campus’ wireless network, Dumic says “we will need to see where the wireless project fits into the other priorities for the College. For example, we know that we have a need to replace our aging telephone system which will soon no longer be maintained by the vendor.”
3) Desmond Tutu speaks about hope, forgiveness at Villanova
by Victoria Swisher, Living and Arts Editor
additional reporting by Anna Cable
Speaking before an audience of more than 20,000 at Villanova University last night, Archbishop Desmond Tutu summarized the circumstances in which apartheid was ended in South Africa and stressed the importance of the forgiveness required of black Africans in the post-apartheid era. Roughly 75 Swarthmore students and several high school students from the Swarthmore Upward Bound program attended the lecture. Tutu ended his speech with an entreaty to the new generation of students everywhere not to give in to cynicism and to keep believing that “this world can become better.”
Student volunteers set the tone of the evening with the quote from Tutu on the back of their shirts, “Forgiveness does not mean condoning what has been done. It means taking what happened seriously…drawing out the sting in the memory that threatens our entire existence.” Dr. Maghan Keita, Director of the Department of Africana Studies at Villanova University, gave an introductory speech that outlined “three parts” that make up Desmond Tutu. According to Keita, Tutu is reflective of how far we have come and how much further we can go, he “inspires a quest for justice,” and “he inspires hope.” Tutu was then presented the Adela Dwyer/St. Thomas of Villanova Peace Award “in recognition of outstanding contribution to the understanding of justice and peace in the human condition” by Dr. William Werpehowski, Director of the Center for Peace and Justice Education at Villanova University.
Tutu took the stage to receive the Peace Award to a standing ovation. After giving his heartfelt thanks “for this privilege,” Tutu spoke about his experiences on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa. Originally, the world had thought that the first elections concerning apartheid would end in a bloodbath, but he was “relieved that so few were killed in the first days of the elections.” Tutu stressed that South Africa only succeeded against apartheid because of world support as students everywhere demonstrated in favor of divestment. Thus, the anti-apartheid laws were legislated over the President’s veto. Tutu expressed gratitude saying, “I know I speak on behalf of millions — we came asking for help and you gave us help, and now we are free.”
In the post-apartheid era, black Africans did not take revenge on their tormentors; instead, they forgave. Tutu observed that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was created instead of holding trials because there was a military stalemate between the apartheid government and the liberation movements, because there was no possibility for implanting justice and apartheid era leaders would not hand over the government if they were to be prosecuted, and because the trials “would have drawn out the process of healing.” The perpetrators of apartheid were made to confess publicly on television because Tutu claimed, “we contend there is another kind of justice other than punishing the perpetrator” and that even those guilty of the most heinous crimes “are still children of God.” Tutu further stated that “the offender and victim must be reconciled.”
Reconciliation between victim and perpetrator began with efforts to reunite torn families, especially reuniting abducted victims with their families. While many efforts to reconcile victims with perpetrators were successful in giving closure, other victims still wanted trials. In response to these sentiments, Tutu said, “Forgiveness is never cheap…there is no future without forgiveness…an eye for an eye, as Gandhi said, leaves the world blind.”
Archbishop Tutu sees South Africa “as a beacon of hope,” and believes that if it is possible for peace and forgiveness there, it is possible anywhere. He finished his speech with words of hope: “Nowhere ever again can people say, ‘Ours is an intractable problem.’ If peace is possible in South Africa, peace is possible any and everywhere. Hatred is not appeased by Hatred. Hatred is appeased by Love alone. That is the eternal law.”
In response to audience members’ questions in a brief question and answer session that followed, Tutu expressed his hope that people will continue to engage in acts of generosity. As for what young people can do now, he stated that we cannot win a war against terror because terror will continue as long as there are conditions that make people desperate. He said that we must remember that the South African struggle was for an inclusive government that valued each person’s vote. He also warned, however, that “we have succumbed to social temptations” and that “we need young people to infuse the government with old ideals [that it has forgotten].”
Tutu finished the question and answer session by noting “forgiveness is becoming more respectable because retributive justice fails.” He said that it is important, though, that people keep questioning the status of the new government in South Africa — if people become monitors, then the project becomes pointless. He closed with comments of hope, that “despite all the ghastliness that has happened, [people] are fundamentally good.” To the current generation of young people, he advised, “If you want to be a leader, you must be a spendthrift for yourself on behalf of power. Leadership and power are for service, not for self aggrandizement.”
Archbishop Desmond Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for his peace efforts in South Africa. He currently serves as chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
* On Wednesday, European Union members determined that Turkey had made sufficient political and economic reforms to merit holding talks about the possibility of joining. Turkey, which is a majority-Muslim country with 71 million people, has lobbied to be part of the regional body for four decades. In order for Turkey to join, final approval must be given by the heads of each of the 25 countries that make up the EU. Officials warned that given these constraints, talks could last as long as fifteen years and would be halted if Turkey’s democratic reforms faltered. But despite all these difficulties, Turkey’s foreign affairs minister, Abdullah Gal, called the decision “a historic victory for Turkey and for Europe.”
* The top American inspector for Iraq, Charles Duelfer, issued a report to the Senate Armed Services Committee on Wednesday stating that Iraq had destroyed its stockpiles of illicit weapons only a few short months after the end of the first Gulf War in 1991. Furthermore, Duelfer said that the last Iraqi factory capable of producing such weapons closed in 1996. Mr. Duelfer believes that Hussein ended his weapons programs in the hope of ending UN sanctions against Iraq, but that Hussein continued to lay the groundwork to resume the weapons programs if sanctions were to be lifted. Iraq was deliberately ambiguous about whether it had such weapons, in the belief that this would act as a deterrent against possible invasion by its neighbor and rival Iran. In Washington on Wednesday, the Democrats and Republicans sparred over whether Mr. Duelfer’s report would prove hazardous to the Republican re-election campaign.
* Representative Tom DeLay, the House majority leader, faced accusations on Wednesday from the House Ethics Committee that he had violated fundraising guidelines and had used his position to exert undue influence over a federal agency. This is the second time in less than a week that Rep. DeLay has faced such accusations. Though House Republicans rushed to defend the congressman, some said privately that the ethics violations could threaten DeLay’s bid to become speaker of the house after Dennis Hastert retires.
Film screening by Jack DuVall: “Bringing Down a Dictator”
Kohlberg Scheuer Room, 4:15 p.m.
Artist talk: “LeRoy Johnson, Bearing Witness, Views from the Street”
LPAC Cinema, 4:30 p.m.
Swarthmore College Bowl
Kohlberg 202, 7:00 p.m.
Peace Network Forum Series panel discussion: “The Role of the United States Abroad”
Science Center 101, 7:30 p.m.
Alfie Kohn lecture: “The (Progressive) Schools our Children Deserve”
LPAC Pearson-Hall Theater, 7:30 p.m.
French Film Festival: “Le hussard sur le toit”
Science Center 199, 7:30 p.m.
Swarthmore Massage Sessions
Bond Memorial Hall, 10:00 p.m.
1) Men’s soccer grounds Seahawks
by Andrew Quinton
Gazette Reporter
Coming off of a loss to Moravian on Monday, the men’s soccer team looked to last night’s non-conference match with St. Mary’s of Maryland as a way to reestablish some momentum leading into Saturday’s return to conference play. The Garnet certainly accomplished their mission, coming up with an impressive 2-0 victory in frigid weather at Clothier Field over a tough Seahawk squad. The win improves the Garnet to 7-2-1 overall.
Play began at a very high level, as both teams showcased excellent speed and strong ball skills. Neither team was able to generate much offense until Scott Long ’06 chipped the ball over the defense right to the feet of Colton Bangs ’07. Seahawk goalkeeper Rick Besore, an imposing figure at 6’5″, charged out of the net, but Bangs was able to hit a low line drive just to Besore’s left and into the net at 13:16 for his second goal in three games. Four minutes later, St. Mary’s looked to even the score as Brian Wolcott took one of his six shots, but stalwart goalkeeper Nate Shupe ’05 made the save.
The Seahawks controlled play through much of the rest of the half but were unable to generate much in the way of scoring chances, preferring to blast the ball from far outside as soon as any semblance of an opening developed. The Garnet nearly extended their lead when Marty Griffith ’05 moved up from the backfield to put a solid header on a corner kick, but Besore was there for the save. When halftime arrived, a layer of condensation was covering most surfaces and the hardy fans that braved both the weather and midterms were huddled together in an attempt to ward off the sudden chill.
The second half started out fairly uneventfully. The Garnet again nearly added to their lead when Duncan Gromko ’07 went down low to stop a Seahawk corner kick with his head and proceeded to run the ball up the sideline, but Gromko was unable to connect with an offensive player to finish the play. Swarthmore then suffered a blow when key inside midfielder Patrick Christmas ’08 went off with an injury. It’s tough to deal with the loss of a key player playing a key position, but Long, Brandon Washington ’08, and Paul Thibodeau ’06 combined to fill the gap and kept the Garnet attack running smoothly.
Two more chances for Swarthmore to extend the lead were stopped by Besore, as Kirk Ellison ’05 and Charlie Taylor ’06 were denied. The second and final goal was finally scored when a Washington free kick was saved by Besore. But the Seahawk keeper proceeded to drop the ball, and an alert Michael Bonesteel ’08 put the ball home for his team-leading sixth goal of the season at 74:01. The Seahawks kept trying, but continued to be frustrated by the Garnet defense and goalkeeper Shupe, who was active all game intercepting crosses and corner kicks. For the game, he made four saves, the same number as counterpart Besore. St. Mary’s had the edge in total shots, 16-13, but never managed to find the net. Swarthmore looks to make it two in a row at Clothier Field on Saturday at 7:00 in a Centennial Conference match with Muhlenberg before heading to Maine for a pair of games.
by Andrew Quinton
Gazette Reporter
The women’s soccer team came close but was unable to tame the Bears of Ursinus College, falling by a final score of 2-1 in a Centennial Conference match at Clothier Field last night. The loss drops the Garnet to 3-7-1 on the season and 1-3-1 in conference, with Ursinus moving to 7-4 and 2-2.
On a sunny and cool late afternoon, Swarthmore had the first good scoring chance off of a Stephanie Chappell ’05 free kick but failed to convert. Ursinus’s first chance came when, about 10 minutes into the match, Chelsea Morin broke free for a shot, but Kristen Traband ’08 made one of her five saves. It was a harbinger of things to come, though, as Morin would pressure the Garnet defense throughout the match. The back-and-forth play continued; Natalie Negrey ’07 appeared to put the Garnet ahead at the 15 minute mark when her shot bounced off the bottom of the crossbar, but the referee ruled that the ball did not land inside the goal. Ursinus quickly countered, but Traband made a sprawling save and deflected the ball away from the net.
Swarthmore took a 1-0 lead at 22:23 when Negrey put in her team-leading 5th goal of the season, deflecting a shot first off of the goalkeeper and then the right goalpost. The enraged Bears clawed back, with Aubrey Andre shooting the equalizer past a diving Traband 11 minutes later. Andre nearly scored again with just two minutes left in the half, but when the buzzer sounded, the score was still tied at one.
Rachel Jordan ’08 entered the game at goalkeeper for the second half, and like Traband, she was kept very busy. Morin had two early chances but shot the ball right at Jordan both times. The crossbar continued to be a Garnet nemesis, stopping the long shot of Kasie Groom ’07. Ursinus continued to get chances, with Audrey McKenna getting an open shot at 55 minutes, but she also shot it straight at Jordan.
The Bears finally took the lead at 67:56, when a chip went over the Garnet defenders and straight to Morin, who shot it past Jordan. Swarthmore continued to fight back, and may have lost a chance to tie when an apparent handball in the box on Ursinus was not called with just over three minutes to play. Lauren Kett ’05 nearly tied the game with 1:30 remaining, but Bears goalkeeper Ashley Potter made a diving stop for one of her two saves in the match. After another apparent handball that would have led to a penalty kick, the last gasp for the Garnet came when Nicole Oberfoell ’07 barely lost a race with Potter to a loose ball. For the match, the Bears outshot the Garnet 25-12. Jordan finished the second half with seven saves. Swarthmore returns to action this Friday at 7:00 against Johns Hopkins before traveling to Maine for two games over fall break.
There are no contests scheduled for today.
Golf at Rutgers-Camden Invite, 12:00 p.m.
Women’s Soccer at Johns Hopkins, 7:00 p.m.
“I have a fantasy where Ted Turner is elected president but refuses because he doesn’t want to give up power.” –Arthur C. Clarke
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Managing Editor: | Greg Leiserson |
News Editor: | Jonathan Ference |
Sports Editor: | Alex Glick |
Living and Arts Editor: | Victoria Swisher |
Features Editor: | Alexis Reedy |
World News Editor: | Roxanne Yaghoubi |
Photo/Graphics Editor: | Charlie Buffie |
Web/Tech Support: | Ken Patton |
Reporters: | Maile Arvin Micaela Baranello Anya Carrasco Lauren Janowitz Evelyn Khoo Megan Mills Andrew Quinton Jen Roth Maki Sato Cara Tigue |
Photographers: | Kyle Khellaf Anthony Orazio |
World News Roundup: | Roxanne Yaghoubi |
Campus Sports: | Andrew Quinton |
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This concludes today’s report.