Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
The Daily Gazette
Swarthmore College
Friday, April 16, 2004
Volume 8, Number 125
Write to us! daily@swarthmore.edu
Photo of the day: http://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/org/daily/photo.html
Today’s issue: http://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/org/daily/
1) New student group takes tasty approach to raising
funds for charity
2) Amnesty International makes comeback on campus
3) Parents Weekend Living and Arts preview
2) Softball wins first in double header with Washington
3) Washington wins over baseball team in seesaw contest
4) Women’s lacrosse momentum slowed by Mules’ victory
Today: Mostly sunny. High of 65.
The warmer weather and the high breezes have made me long for summer
days spent on the water sailing, my favorite past time…
Tonight: Partly cloudy. Low of 42.
But, I must say, despite the utter lack of fulfillment I’m suffering by
not going to school that has a sailing team…
Tomorrow: Partly cloudy. High of 70.
You won’t find me competing in the Crum Regatta this weekend.
Sunday: Mostly sunny. High of 72.
Wading through that water last November wearing only shorts, a t-shirt,
and leaky waders in search of eels that never came kind of turned me
off. Sorry, Engin department.
Lunch: Beef with broccoli, jasmine rice, three bean casserole, eggplant
creole, navy bean and mushroom barley soups, wrap bar, lemon cake.
Dinner: Tandori chicken, oven-roasted potatoes, tabouleh, pizza bar,
cream pies.
1) New student group takes tasty approach to raising
funds for charity
by Maki Sato
Gazette Reporter
“Cookies 4 Charity,” a new student-run service organization on campus,
will be hosting their first cookie bake sale this Sunday at the Charity
Fun Fair in the Swarthmore Ville. The founders of the
group, Mamta Jhaveri ’06, Amanda Vacharat ’06, and Kennette Banks ’06
came up with the idea when they all realized their love for baking and
desire to do something with their passions. Vacharat commented,
“We wanted to keep baking, but to give it a purpose.” Their plan
is to have a “seasonal cookie,” a different kind of cookie for each
month, to sell, and then give all proceeds to a different charity group
each month.
Although a small group now, Jhaveri hopes the group will become a “full
fledge club that students might even be able to carry back to their
hometown.” She added, “We also want to have trademark recipes,
and sell cookie dough in a jar.” Vacharat said about the
organization’s future: “I can’t really think of where I want it to go,
but for us, I think it’s a good way to spend time together, have some
fun, and help people by doing stuff we’d be doing anyway.” Banks
exclaimed: “I’m really excited to get the organization off of the
This Sunday (more information about the Fun Fair can be found at www.swarthmorefair.org),
they will be selling Oatmeal Raisin, Oatmeal Raisin White Chocolate
Chip, and Chocolate Chip in addition to their two trademark cookies:
Strawberry Banana Pudding Cookies (this month’s “seasonal cookie”) and
“Decorate-your-own-sugar-cookie,” which the buyers will be able to
decorate to their liking. All proceeds for this month will be
donated to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Their motto is: “Cookies 4 charity. We’re here to raise dough.”
2) Amnesty International makes comeback on campus
by Megan Mills
Communications Editor
Earlier this year, several students noticed the glaring lack of an
Amnesty International chapter at Swarthmore College and decided to do
something about it. This new incarnation’s presence will first be felt
on Monday, April 19th, when they takeover Paces with live music, themed
decorations, and a letter-writing campaign.
Amnesty International is a worldwide organization that works to enforce
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. They are especially
prevalent on college campuses.
Though a previous attempt at an AI chapter died out when the leaders
graduated, this time will be different, according to Bella Liu ’07.
“Melinda Lee ’04 (a member of the earlier group)… told me that it was
also because it didn’t have a viable charter,” she said, and one of
their first concerns is “that Swat AI successfully implants itself
among the myriad of other student organizations, and actually stays
The diverse members of Swat AI bring many different issues to the
group’s attention. Liu focuses on global AIDS, Rachel Ackoff ’07 on
environmental issues, and Stefanie Wong ’07 on death penalty. Said Liu,
“This will insure balance, and also uniqueness on campus, precisely
because of this group’s stress on the global and overall human rights.”
Though Swat AI currently has no charter, they have big plans for the
future and hope to spend the rest of the current semester establishing
interest on campus. According to member Adam Roddy ’06, “We’re hoping
to just get our name out for now and then next semester, we want to
broaden our activities and campaigns. We foresee ourselves as
working cooperatively with other similar activist groups on campus.”
Added Liu, “If all goes well next semester and we can confirm that Swat
AI will remain viable, we’ll apply for budgeted charter and start doing
some serious business, such as demonstrations, conferences and larger
scale campus activities.”
The letter campaign to be held during the Paces takeover was conceived
partially by Mark Hanis ’05 to work in conjunction with Genocide
Awareness Month and will focus on both the genocide in Sudan and
efforts to increase the Victim’s Trust Fund.
3) Parents Weekend Living and Arts preview
by Jonathan Ference
Living and Arts Editor
A quick look at this weekend’s events listing reveals that the
Swarthmore campus is offering a diverse range of its very best events
to students and their visitors. For those specifically interested
in attending one of the campus’ performance events, be it dance, music,
or theatre, the offerings are dazzling. Here’s a quick overview
at what’s going on where in the arts this weekend.
The premier drama event of Family Weekend is Savage/Love, an LPAC
Mainstage play by the Junior Company. The play, billed as
presenting “real and imagined moments in the spell of love”, is being
performed by 6 juniors and sophomores, with the technical assistance of
students from a wide range of class years. Faculty member Erin
Mee is directing the students; performances are Friday and Saturday at
8:00 p.m. and Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Judging by the impressive yet
simple decorations that already dominate the stage, the play should be
well worth a night out at LPAC.
If your parents prefer to rock out to classical, Swarthmore will not be
forcing you to hang out with them in your room listening to
Mozart. Rather, take the ‘rents to Lang Concert Hall any of the
nights this weekend–Friday for the Baroque Ensemble, directed by
Richard Stone, and Saturday and Sunday for the College Orchestra. The
Orchestra will be featuring Concerto Competition winner and campus
personality Mac Carlson ’04. The Baroque Ensemble is at 8:00
p.m.; the Orchestra starts at 8:00 Saturday and 7:30 Sunday.
Prefer to get international with your music? You can’t do better
than Swarthmore’s own Balinese music group, the Gamelan Semara Santi.
This group, organized in part by the Music Department’s own Tom
Whitman, performed in both Philadelphia and Carnegie Hall in the past
year–yes, that Carnegie Hall. The Gamelan is guaranteed to
astound, especially in the setting of the Amphitheater. Be there,
3:00 p.m. Sunday.
Yet another option this weekend is offered by Rhythm ‘n’ Motion. The
College’s highly energetic dance troupe always puts on impressive
performances, and this instance surely won’t be an exception.
Plus, you can’t beat the accessibility and the beauty of Upper Tarble
for this kind of show. You can catch RnM Friday at 5:00 p.m. or
Saturday at 2:00 and 6:00 p.m.
Perhaps you’re interested just in the power of the human voice?
The all-female a cappella group Grapevine will step up to the plate for
Family Weekend, performing the ever-popular bell tower sing Saturday at
7:00 p.m. Or, on Saturday, you can catch the Music Department’s
Senior Voice Recitals at 3:00 p.m. in Lang Concert Hall. This
will be your last chance to see some incredibly talented performers in
ensembles performing everything from Schubert to Vaughan Williams.
Though your family will surely be overwhelmed by the College’s many
offerings this weekend…and by cleaning up your room, and asking you
why you haven’t shaved in months, and asking you what that funky smell
is (hint: it’s from last Saturday night, and, the answer is, “I don’t
know, Mom, really!”)…you will surely be missing out if you don’t take
time to see at least one of the many incredible performances in the
arts this weekend, whether it be drama, baroque music, or the power of
a full orchestra launching into Copland’s “Appalachian Spring.”
by Megan Mills
Communications Editor
While it might be nice to have your parents on campus this weekend,
eventually, they’re going to get tired of watching you study. Trust me.
So if you need to get away with (from) them, here are some tried and
true options.
You may have visited it in Bio 2, but Longwood Gardens is still a great
place to take the “wiser” generation. According to www.longwoodgardens.com,
this week features blooms by orchids, hydrangeas, wisteria, bananas,
bougainvillea, and one of my all-time favorites, aechmeas. So if the
foliage at Swat just isn’t rampant enough for you, you may want to
splurge on the $14 per adult ($6 if you’re 20 or under) and entertain
the florally minded for hours.
Another place our ancestors might enjoy is the Rosenbach Museum, touted
as “a wonderland for lovers of books and antiques.” You may yawn, but
the Maurice Sendak (author of “Where the Wild Things Are” and “Little
Bear”) has an gallery, and the “R is for Rosenbach” anniversarial
exhibit promises to be intriguing. I let my literary roots show when I
actually do get excited at the original manuscripts for Joyce’s
Ulysses, Conrad’s Lord Jim, and Dickens’ The Pickwick Papers, which the
Rosenbach also has. The museum itself in in Philly, and ticket prices
are reasonable. For more info, see www.rosenbach.org.
If seeing your family is making you a little nostalgic for your younger
years, trot over to the University of Pennsylvania on Friday. Though
their Spring Fling is not even a blip on the radar compared to what
ours will be, they’ve got a decent act or two–namely Wyclef Jean and
Reel Big Fish. Remember them? I do. Tickets are kind of expensive, but
as we all know, getting out of the bubble is worth it.
* Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney made a bid yesterday in an attempt
to block the legally sanctioned gay marriages that are scheduled to
take place next month, beginning on May 17. Romney, who has asked to
take his case directly to the Supreme Judicial Court, Massachusetts’
highest court, would like to delay the marriages for another two years,
until voters have a chance to decide on the proposed constitutional
amendment to ban gay marriage. Romney’s request to halt the weddings
was already shot down once, by the state’s attorney general, whom this
new legislation is designed to bypass. However, the anti-gay marriage
legislation faces a tough battle in the Massachusetts Senate, which
voted against the constitutional amendment, although it went on to
receive the majority vote in the house. “He’s encroaching upon the
powers of the attorney general, clearly because of a difference of
opinion to accommodate a political agenda,” said Senate President
Robert Travaglini.
* Arab TV networks aired an audiotape yesterday, purportedly of Osama
bin Laden, who offered a truce to any European countries that withdrew
their troops from Muslim countries. The offer was rejected by all
countries, but analysts think that it was an attempt to play on the
antiwar sentiments that are present throughout Europe and deepen the
rift between the European and American governments. The speaker on the
tape also vowed revenge for the death of Sheik Ahmad Yassin, spiritual
leader of the militant Palestinian group Hamas, who was assassinated by
Israel. “I think that the international community realizes that they
cannot give in to these kinds of threats. I hope this will strengthen
our determination to deal with terrorism and especially to do
everything we can to bring Osama bin Laden to justice,” responded
Secretary of State Colin Powell.
* The Environmental Protection Agency revealed Thursday that 474 US
counties fail air-quality standards. The majority of the counties were
located in either California or the east coast. According to the study,
159 million Americans (over half the country’s population) live in
areas that contain unhealthy air. The Los Angeles basin area won the
distinction of having the most severe air pollution in the country,
followed by fellow California counties Riverside County, San Joaquin
Valley, and Sacramento. Failing counties are instructed to impose
controls on industrial plants and vehicular restrictions in order to
comply with the federal guidelines.
Family Weekend: Internet Searching Techniques Workshop
McCabe Level IV Computer Classroom, 11:15 a.m.
Family Weekend Book Sale
McCabe Library, 1:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Scott Arboretum Tour
Scott Arboretum, 1:30 p.m.
Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility Open House
Lang Center (Train Station), 2:00 p.m.
Lecture by Robert Campany: “Narrating the Quest for Transcendence in
Kohlberg 115, 3:00 p.m.
Swarthmore Photo Club Show and Reception
Kitao Gallery (Sharples III), 3:00 p.m.
Science Center Tour
Eldridge Science Center Commons, 3:15 p.m.
Senior Thesis Exhibition Opening and Reception: Emily Alvarez
List Gallery in LPAC, 4:00 p.m.
Physics Colloquium: Sean Carroll on “Why is the Universe Accelerating?”
SCI 199, 4:30 p.m.
Provost’s Reception
Cosby Courtyard, Kohlberg, 4:30 p.m.
Rhythm ‘n’ Motion Concert
Upper Tarble, 5:00 p.m.
Lecture by Zheng Lianjie: “Rediscovering the Lost Soul”
Kohlberg 318, 5:00 p.m.
Shabbat Services and Dinner
Bond, 5:30 p.m.
Swarthmore Christian Fellowship Meeting
Kohlberg 115, 7:00 p.m.
SCDC Debate on “Free Culture”
8:00 p.m.
Film Society Presents: Talk by Stu Silverstein and Screening of “Dead
River Rough Cut”
SCI 199, 8:00 p.m.
The Junior Company presents: Savage/Love
LPAC Mainstage, 8:00 p.m.
Baroque Ensemble Concert
Lang Concert Hall, 8:00 p.m.
Anime/Manga Club Screening: Revolutionary Girl Utena
Kohlberg 228, 8:00 p.m.
Love Stories Screening: “Top Hat”
SCI 101, 10:00 p.m.
Scott Arboretum Workshop: “Backyard Plant Propagation”
Scott Arboretum, 9:00 a.m.
Meet the Deans Session
Kohlberg 115, 9:15 a.m.
Family Weekend Book Sale
McCabe Library, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
President’s Forum for Parents and Families
Lang Concert Hall, 10:30 a.m.
Free Scott Arboretum Tour
Scott Arobretum, 1:00 p.m.
Pre-Med/Pre-Law Advising
Kohlberg 115, 1:00 p.m.
Rhythm ‘n’ Motion Concert
Upper Tarble, 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Beit Midrash Open House
Lodge 5, 2:00 p.m.
Science Center Tour
Eldridge Science Center Commons, 2:00 p.m.
Career Services Open House
Parrish 150, 2:00 p.m.
Panel Discussion on Foreign Study, Internships, and Externships
Scheuer Room, 2:15 p.m.
Muslim Students Association Meeting
Kohlberg 228, 2:30 p.m.
Voice Student Recital
Lang Concert Hall, 3:00 p.m.
Student/Faculty Presentations
LPAC Cinema, 3:30 p.m.
Mother/Daughter Self-Defense Workshop
Kohlberg 115, 3:30 p.m.
Holocaust Memorial Day Services begin
Parrish Porch, 5:00 p.m.
A Cappella Performance: Grapevine
Bell Tower, 7:00 p.m.
The Junior Company presents: Savage/Love
LPAC Mainstage, 8:00 p.m.
College Orchestra Concert
Lang Concert Hall, 8:00 p.m.
Olde Club Show: Liars and Young People
Olde Club, 10:00 p.m.
Family Fun Run
Field House, 9:15 a.m.
Quaker Meeting
Friends Meeting House, 10:00 a.m.
Crum Regatta
Crum Meadow, 10:30 a.m.
Catholic Mass
Bond, 11:00 a.m.
The Junior Company presents: Savage/Love
LPAC Mainstage, 2:00 p.m.
Scott Arboretum Lecture by Judy Glattstein: “Consider the Leaf”
LPAC Cinema, 2:00 p.m.
Gamelan Semara Santi Concert
Scott Outdoor Amphitheatre, 3:00 p.m. [rain location: Lang Concert
College Orchestra Concert
Lang Concert Hall, 7:30 p.m.
Housing Lottery: Rising Seniors
Field House, 7:30 p.m.
Living Wage Campaign Meeting
Trotter 303, 8:00 p.m.
Student Forum on Health Care Issues at Swarthmore
Do you find it difficult to get the health care you need ?
Do you have questions and/or concerns that you would like Worth and/or
Pysch Services to address?
Come talk!
Friday, April 16th
5:30 PM in the Intercultural Center (IC) big room.
Pizza will be served!
A group of students will be meeting to discuss our healthcare-related
concerns and to put together a list of questions to send to Worth and
Psych Services in order to clarify some of their policies and
procedures. We see this as a first step towards working with
Worth and Psych Services to collaboratively improve the healthcare
available to our diverse student body. This is a strictly
student-run meeting, and no representatives from Worth or Psych
Services will be in attendance.
Swarthmore Charity Fun-Fair
Date: Sunday, April 18, 2004, rain or shine
Time: 1-6 pm
Theme: “From Stage and Screen” (EVERYONE is encouraged to come in a
creative costume!)
The Swarthmore Charity Fun Fair is a community event in the village of
Swarthmore that is fun for attendees of all ages with a parade, games,
food, and continuous entertainment throughout the day. The festivities
kick off at 1:00 p.m. with a parade sponsored by Wawa, with
organizations from the surrounding communities to be involved (along
with those who dress in costume!). Starting at the end of the kick-off
parade and continuing until 6pm, there will be entertainment on three
stages, games and give-aways at booths set up throughout the Ville, and
a food court that will serve a wide array of wonderful snacks, meals
and drinks, from roast pig to Chinese to deli sandwiches to pastries
and more! Attendance is expected to exceed the 5,000 that enjoyed the
event last year.
Check out the official Fun Fair web site at www.swarthmorefair.org
to find out more about the day. This event is organized by the Rotary
Club of Swarthmore and the College Rotaract Club. Please contact Jim
Pilkington (jpilkin1) with any questions.
In yesterday’s article on the science faculty writing panel, the start
time of Peter Friedman’s upcoming workshop was listed as 2:00
p.m. The workshop itself will begin at 2:30 p.m., but Friedman
will discuss what people would like to cover in the workshop beginning
at 2:00 p.m. He will read from his new book, Ideal Marriage, at
4:30 p.m. Friedman will also discuss publishing written work of
all types, in addition to academic work.
by Alex Glick
Sports Editor
It looks like Spring is finally here! Come out of your dorms this
weekend and spend some time in the sun with your family as you enjoy
some great sports action courtesy of our very own Garnet Tide!
The women’s tennis team is sure to serve up some exciting action for
you this Saturday with a 1:00 p.m. match against Dickinson. These
Garnet ladies are currently riding an eight game win streak and have
outscored their opponents 66-6 in their last eight matches. One
player in particular to watch out for is Anjani Reddy ’04, who has won
42 consecutive conference matches.
If tennis isn’t quite for you, there are a variety of other home games
to go to on Saturday, all beginning at 1:00 p.m. The men’s rugby
team, also known as the Evil Buzzards, are hosting Susquehanna. These
guys are really tough, and the game will definitely be action packed.
If you are feeling a need for speed instead of the rough, try checking
out the men’s lacrosse game against conference foe Dickinson. The
team is currently 1-2 in conference play and is looking to even up its
record. Steve Isbister ’04 was named to the Centennial Conference
Honor Roll at the beginning of the week as recognition for recording
fifteen saves in a recent Garnet victory.
And spring time would not be complete without good old baseball and
softball. The baseball team hosts Dickinson in a double header.
Ryan Pannorfi ’04 and Noah Cooper-Harris ’07 were both named to the
honor roll last week and will work with their teammates in a match-up
against the third-place team in the conference. Softball hosts #6
Franklin and Marshall in a double header where the players look to earn
their third conference win of the year.
Whatever you do this weekend, take the time to check out the Garnet
Tide. The playoffs are coming up soon, and all of the teams would
love the support.
2) Softball wins first in double header with
The softball team split a double header with Washington yesterday.
Swarthmore earned the 3-2 victory in the first game but were topped by
Washington in the second 13-0. Mary Mintel ’05 hit a three run
homer in the fifth inning to give the Garnet the win in the first
game. Emily Remus ’06 took the victory, allowing six hits and
striking out three.
3) Washington wins over baseball team in seesaw
The Washington Shoremen earned a 13-10 victory over the Garnet baseball
team (2-14, 1-9) yesterday. Swarthmore took an early 2-0 lead,
but Washington added four runs in the fourth inning to bring the game
to a score of 4-2. The Garnet added three runs of their own in
the bottom of the third to take the lead. Later, the Shoremen
scored two runs, but this was again quickly countered by the Garnet,
who tied the game at 7. Washington took the lead for a final time
in the fifth inning with an added two runs. Jody Fisher ’05 and
Cliff Sosin ’04 led the Garnet with three hits apiece.
4) Women’s lacrosse momentum slowed by Mules’ victory
The women’s lacrosse team fell 15-10 to Muhlenberg yesterday. The
Garnet took an early 2-1 lead, but the Mules countered with four
consecutive goals in the first half to take the lead. Lindsay
Roth ’07 earned a hat trick, and Jenn Hart ’04 had ten saves in goal.
Baseball at Washington, 3:30 p.m.
Men’s tennis at Washington, 3:30 p.m.
Women’s ultimate frisbee at Sectionals (King of Prussia)
Track at Widener, 10:00 a.m.
Women’s lacrosse at Ursinus, 11:00 a.m.
Baseball hosts Dickinson (double header), 1:00 p.m.
Men’s lacrosse hosts Dickinson, 1:00 p.m.
Men’s rugby hosts Susquehanna, 1:00 p.m.
Softball hosts (double header) F&M, 1:00 p.m.
Women’s tennis hosts Dickinson, 1:00 p.m.
Women’s ultimate frisbee at Sectionals (King of Prussia)
Baseball hosts Johns Hopkins (double header), 1:00 p.m.
Softball hosts Ursinus, 1:00 p.m.
Women’s tennis at Gettysburg, 1:00 p.m.
“If I wasn’t Bob Dylan, I’d probably think that Bob Dylan has a lot of
answers myself.”
–Bob Dylan
Interested in reporting or writing for the Gazette?
Got a news or sports tip for us?
Just want to tell us what you think?
Contact the staff at daily@swarthmore.edu
Communications Editor: | Megan Mills |
Features Editor | Alexis Reedy |
Living & Arts Editor: | Jonathan Ference |
News Editor: | Greg Leiserson |
Sports Editor: | Alex Glick |
Photo/Graphics Editor: | Charlie Buffie |
News Reporters: | Anya Carrasco Lauren Janowitz Sanggee Kim Brendan Moriarty Ken Patton Maki Sato Angelina Seah Victoria Swisher Siyuan Xie |
Sports Writers: | Sarah Hilding Holice Kil Cara Tigue |
Photographers: | Kyle Khellaf Robbie Hart Nicole Oberfoell Anthony Orazio |
World News Roundup: | Lauren Janowitz |
Campus Sports: | Alex Glick |
Webmasters: | Charlie Buffie Greg Leiserson |
Weathercaster: | Josh Hausman |
The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an
independent group of Swarthmore College students. The Daily Gazette Web
Site is updated regularly, as news happens. Technical support from the
Swarthmore College Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.
Our world news roundup is compiled daily, using a variety of
most notably the Associated Press (www.ap.org),
Reuters (www.reuters.com), CNN (www.cnn.com), and The New York Times (www.nytimes.com). Our campus sports
summaries are derived from information provided by the Swat Athletics
Department (http://www.swarthmore.edu/athletics/).
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This concludes today’s report.