Thursday, February 6, 2003

February 6, 2003

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The Daily Gazette
Swarthmore College
Thursday, February 6, 2003
Volume 7, Number 79

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1) Wave of personal thefts sweeps across campus

2) Olde Club closes basement, plans two or three more shows this

3) Campus community discusses future of CIVIC

4) Science center tour highlights recent additions to Biology

5) World news roundup

6) Campus events


1) Garnet men’s and women’s basketball defeat Washington

2) Upcoming contests


Today: Mostly cloudy, high of 34.
Here at the Gazette, we like to keep things interesting – so today, a
limerick for you all:

Tonight: Low of 29, chance of light snow.
There once was a man from Nantucket,

Tomorrow: Chance of snow, highs in the mid 30s.
Who had a keen use for his bucket.

[Tune in to tomorrow’s Daily Gazette for the thrilling conclusion to
today’s Weather Limerick!]


Lunch: Chicken pot pie, homemade biscuits, baked pasta, spinach, fajita
bar, cupcakes

Dinner: Beef stroganoff, buttered noodles, garden burgers, tofu creole,
vegetable blend, patty-grill bar, cheesecake


1) Wave of personal theft sweeps across campus

by Alexis Reedy
News Editor

During the past couple of weeks, there have been a rash of thefts from
offices in Parrish.

“Since January 14th we have had five reported thefts,” says Owen Redgrave,
director of Public Safety.

Most of the thefts were from offices on the second floor of Parrish, with
the perpetrator taking money and credit cards from unattended wallets and
purses. The amount taken ranges from $5-$5000.

Witnesses have seen “what appears to be the same individual acting in a
suspicious manner in Parrish, Kohlberg and Pearson Halls,” wrote Redgrave
in a reserved-students e-mail. The suspicious person is described as “Black
male, mid to late twenties, 5’8′ to 5′ 11′, medium complexion, medium
build, short hair, may have some light facial hair but otherwise no other
remarkable features. This individual may be wearing a red parka style coat
with white stripes on the sleeves or a dark blue or black long coat. He has
also been observed with and without a dark knit hat.”

If you happen to see this person, Public Safety asks you to call them at
ext. 8281, call the Swarthmore Borough police at 610-543-0123, or dial 911.
“It is difficult to make contact with the suspect so we would advise people
to call us promptly,” said Redgrave. Also, Redgrave recommends noting the
direction the suspect was heading.

Thefts have not been restricted to Parrish. On February 2, one of the Dell
laptops that McCabe lends to students was stolen between 5:30 and 5:55 p.m.
The student who borrowed the laptop was working in one of the study rooms
on Level III of the library. The student left the room with the computer
unlocked and unattended at around 5:00, and by the time the student
returned at 5:55, the computer was missing. Another student had noticed the
computer was in the room at about 5:30. The theft was reported to Public
Safety at 5:30. Currently, Public Safety has no leads on who could have
stolen the computer, and the computer has not been recovered. “It’s hard to
say whether we will recover it but statistically, it’s not very likely,”
said Redgrave.

Redgrave strongly recommends that all members of the Swarthmore community
keep a close eye on their belongings. “The majority of the thefts here are
what we call crimes of opportunity. Property was left unattended, or
unlocked and someone comes in and takes advantage of that. Most thefts can
be stopped by simply locking property up. By not leaving property
unattended, you can greatly reduce the chances of theft,” he said.


2) Olde Club closes basement, plans two or three more shows
this semester

by Greg Leiserson
Gazette Reporter

Swatties reading their email last Thursday were alarmed to find included in
a reserved-students message the notice, “As many of you know, last
semester, Olde Club was vandalized. Since many of the damages have not yet
been repaired, Olde Club will not be available for parties until further
notice. 2 Shows will still take place this semester, because they were
scheduled last semester and we are not able to cancel them.”

However, while the initial plan was to hold only those two shows, Olde Club
student director Caroline Bermudez has since decided to try and book two or
three more shows this spring.

No repair work was done during winter break, and Bermudez was unsure when
it was scheduled and whether it would take place this semester. On short
notice, Facilities was unavailable for comment.

The basement will remain closed until the needed repairs are made. Said
Bermudez, “We did this for the Dalek show and it went fairly well.
Admittedly, it is an awkward set-up but I don’t think students would want
to hang out or have parties in a severely vandalized space. And I certainly
would not want performers to see the space the way it is. It just wouldn’t
reflect well upon us.” Since the music performances at Olde Club usually do
not fill it to capacity, closing the basement is not expected to create any

Students attending the Dalek show did not feel there were any problems
caused by having the basement closed. Ken Patton ’06 commented, “There were
no adverse effects from having the basement closed, you didn’t really even
notice it.”

According to Bermudez, space would be an issue if parties were to be held
in Olde Club, “Parties would not be feasible because there probably would
not be enough room for them to take place. Without the basement, trying to
cram 250-300 people into only the main floor and balcony and having enough
room to dance would not be possible–especially for a big party like Sager.”

So while initially there was discussion of only putting on two shows this
semester at Olde Club, relieved Swatties need have no worries about this
semester, and can look forward to two or three more shows this semester.


3) Campus community discusses future of CIVIC

by Jeremy Schifeling
Co-Managing Editor

What will community service look like at Swat in 10 years? This was the
question posed at last night’s CIVIC dinner meeting, providing an
opportunity to discuss and shape the student service organization’s future.

Some 40 students, faculty, and staff members turned out for the Scheuer
Room get-together, which was organized by Pat James, Associate Director or
the Lang Center for Civic & Social Responsibility. Those in attendance
included CIVIC interns, student group leaders, and other leaders from the
Lang Center.

Although a wide number of topics were discussed during the course of the
evening, the bulk of the conversation centered around how CIVIC could be
revitalized through enhanced connections.

Participants wanted to see CIVIC connect student service groups to each
other with shared materials and knowledge bases. They called for CIVIC to
connect graduating student leaders and alums to incoming Swatties to ensure
organizational continuity. And they asked for stronger connections between
community service and activism.

In addition, the group suggested building stronger links between CIVIC
groups and existing service agencies in the communities they serve.
However, some participants noted that external agencies had not always been
prepared to use their assistance, leading others to call for the Lang
Center directors to help initiate and maintain these links.

James noted at the end of the meeting that the discussion was just
beginning and called upon those interested in reshaping CIVIC to contact
her with their ideas.

Have ideas about community service at Swat? Get in touch with Pat James at


4) Science center tour highlights recent additions to Biology

by Charlie Buffie
Gazette Reporter

Students and faculty got another taste of the new science center Tuesday
afternoon yesterday at the February tour of the new science center.
Tuesday’s tour was the first opportunity for the public to observe much of
the progress made in the construction over Winter Break.

The new science center has undergone extensive changes since December,
including the completion of a new laboratory in the biology wing, which has
open and occupied by students and faculty since the beginning of the spring
semester. “We’ve reached our first milestone in the completion and opening
of [the new biology] laboratory,” declared Jan Semler, a coordinator of the
construction project.

According to Semler, Swatties will not have to wait long for the next
milestone. Immediately following spring break, the commons lounge area
adjacent to Cornell Library, as well as the coffee/sushi bar it houses,
will be completed and open to students.

Additionally, the 200-seat lecture hall next door to the commons will be
completed shortly after spring break. The new lecture hall will replace
Kirby Lecture Hall in Martin, effective fall, 2003 (Kirby is scheduled to
be demolished this summer).

Overall, the science center is estimated to be approximately 55-60%
complete. Chaz Ricciardi, head manager of the project, noted that different
sections of the projects are in dramatically different stages of
completion. According to Ricciardi, the chemistry and physics sections of
the center are approximately 40-60% complete, the commons area is 80%
finished, and the biology wing is nearly 100% complete.

Currently, the project is on schedule and deep in its most rapid phase of
change and construction, as members of the project work to reach the
post-spring break milestone. “It’s a very busy time,” explained Ricciardi.
“Everybody’s working at full force, and we plan on maintaining this pace
for the next year and a half.”

Check out the latest photos from the science center:


5) World news roundup

* Secretary of State Colin Powell’s presentation of evidence to the
Security Council in support of the U.S.’s claim that Iraq is working to
deceive U.N. weapons inspectors received mixed reactions on Wednesday.
Powell’s evidence included recorded conversations and satellite photos.
General Amer al-Sa’adi, science adviser to Saddam Hussein in Baghdad,
labeled the speech a “typical American show complete with stunts and
special effects” according to European nations on the Council
followed the presentation with remarks supporting their countries’ already
announced positions. Chinese foreign minister Tang Jiaxuan announced his
government’s belief that the U.S.’s intelligence should be handed over to
the weapons inspectors to help them complete their tasks more effectively
and that Chinese officials do not believe war is inevitable, but that
continued diplomacy through the Security Council can solve the problem.

* KCNA, the official North Korean news agency, announced Wednesday that
North Korea has reactivated its nuclear facilities, saying that at the
present time they will be used only to produce electricity. U.S. Secretary
of Defense Rumsfeld labeled the action a “worrisome thing.” Adding that
“they could either make additional nuclear weapons for themselves or they
can sell the nuclear materials and/or the nuclear material in side a
warhead to another country – any country.”

* The pressure on German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder is increasing, as the
Federal Labor Office announced the most recent unemployment figures which
saw an increase in the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate to 4.274
million people, marking a five year high. Germany is Europe’s largest
economy and the news will do little to heighten prospects as corporations
continue to cut jobs. The government cut the growth target for the economy
down from 1.5 to 1 percent last week.


6) Campus events

Poetry Reading by Luis and Sofiya
Sponsored by Dept. of English Literature
Scheuer Room, 8:00 pm

Fellini Film Festival: “Juliet of the Spirits”
Sponsored by the Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology
LPAC Cinema, 8:00 pm

Study Abroad Visit/IFSA/Butler
Programs in Australia, New Zealand, UK, Ireland, Cuba
Student Dining Room #5, 12:00 pm



1) Garnet men’s and women’s basketball defeat Washington

The Swarthmore women’s basketball team soundly defeated the Washington
Shorewomen 77-67 accentuated by junior Katie Robinson’s double-double of 20
points and 11 rebounds.

The men’s basketball team also fared well, defeating Washington 67-61.
Blair Haxel ’05 recorded his sixth double-double of the season with 15
points and 11 rebounds, while David Pearce ’03 and Matt Gustafson ’05 each
scored 11 points. Senior Eran Ganot came up big on both ends of the floor
with 10 points, nine rebounds, four blocked shots and four steals.


2) Upcoming contests

Badminton hosts Bryn Mawr, 7:30 p.m.



“If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the precipitate.”
–Henry J. Tillman

Interested in reporting or writing for the Gazette?
Got a news or sports tip for us?
Just want to tell us what you think?

Contact the staff at

Managing Editors: Pei Pei Liu
Jeremy Schifeling
News Editor: Alexis Reedy
Living & Arts Editor: Evelyn Khoo
News Reporters: Charlie Buffie
Jennifer Canton
Mary Harrison
Greg Leiserson
Megan Mills
Aude Scheuer
Siyuan Xie
Roxanne Yaghoubi
Sports Writers: Jenna Adelberg
Saurav Dhital
Sarah Hilding
Holice Kil
Photographers: David Bing
Liz Bada
Miriam Perez
Casey Reed
Christine Shin
Webmaster: Jeremy Schifeling
World News: Greg Leiserson
Campus Sports: Charlie Buffie

The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
group of Swarthmore College students. The Daily Gazette Web Site is updated
regularly, as news happens. Technical support from the Swarthmore College
Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.

Our world news roundup is compiled daily, using a variety of sources, most
notably the Associated Press (,
Reuters (, CNN
(, and The New York Times (
Our campus sports
summaries are derived from information provided by the Swat Athletics Department

To subscribe to the Gazette, free of charge, or to cancel a subscription,
go to our subscriptions page on the web at

Back issues are available on the web at:

This concludes today’s report.

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