Thursday, April 18, 2002

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.


The Daily Gazette
Swarthmore College
Thursday, April 18, 2002
Volume 6, Number 119

Our new email address:
Photo of the day:
Today’s issue:


1) Student under investigation for child porn

2) Student Council candidate platforms

3) World news roundup

4) Campus events

5) Correction


1) Men’s lax falls against stiff competition

2) Women’s tennis dominates Bears

3) World sports roundup

4) This weekend’s contests


Today: Partly cloudy early, with possible thunderstorms during the
afternoon. High around 67.
Yesterday’s Sharples Carnival was a blast!

Tonight: Mostly cloudy. Low near 63.
The best part was my inspired pairing of the consumption of a half-dozen
corndogs with a trip to the Moon Bounce!

Saturday: Showers and thunderstorms late. Highs in the mid 80s.
Like I said, it was a “blast”…


Lunch: Tortellini with rose sauce, focaccia, Indian-style chickpeas,
crinkle-cut carrots, zucchini italiano, fajita bar

Dinner: Sweet and sour chicken, basmati rice, pasta saute, stuffed peppers,
broccoli, cut corn, taco bar


1) Student under investigation for child porn

By Mary Harrison
Gazette Reporter

A Swarthmore student is being investigated about the possible presence of
child pornography on his personal computer. According to the Borough of
Swarthmore’s Police Chief Brian Craig, investigators from the Delaware
County District Attorney’s office, armed with a search warrant, examined the
student’s computer last Thursday. Investigators are now in the process of
gathering evidence.

According to Friday’s edition of the Delco Times, the student was first
pinpointed last month, when he conducted online conversations with an
undercover New Hampshire detective posing as a fifteen-year old boy. The
student allegedly issued a phone number that was later discovered to be that
of a Swarthmore dormitory phone. Friday’s article states that the
investigators, members of the Delaware County Internet Crimes Against
Children Task Force, confirmed that the student had admitted to having child
pornography on his computer, sending it out over the internet, and
conducting conversations with the false fifteen-year old.

The first that Chief Craig heard of the case was when he received a call
from an officer from the New Hampshire police department. He subsequently
put the detectives in touch with the District Attorney’s office, which was
better equipped to handle this type of electronic investigation. The DA’s
office refused comment on the case.

The student allegedly stored the electronic files in question on the SCCS
server. A student-run server separate from the main college server, the
SCCS server usually houses web pages and alternate email accounts for
students. Last Thursday, SCCS administrator Tan Wu gave the investigators
access to the files when presented with the search warrant. According to Wu,
the SCCS does not have any privacy protection policies. “We generally rely
on the integrity of the systems’ operators,” says Wu.

Tom Krattenmaker from the Department of News and Information says that the
first time the College heard of the investigation was a month ago, when a
small number of people, including members of Public Safety, were informed of
the matter. Some administrators learned of the affair only when the warrant
was served last week.

Though the administration cooperated with the police, they were reluctant to
violate student privacy. “Swarthmore cares about its students’ individual
privacy,” says Associate Dean Tedd Goundie. “We had to cooperate,
to avoid
obstructing justice, but even then we met in a committee addressing the
issue.” According to Goundie, this case is without precedent. “I don’t
what kind of punitive action the College will take because we have not been
informed of any evidence as of yet.”

Judy Downing, the head of Information Technology Services, sees the College’
s privacy protection policies as dealing more with the regulation of
internal interaction within the Swarthmore community rather than protecting
the students from outside forces. According to her, the student’s behavior
is forbidden by Swarthmore policy: “You can’t use College resources in
a way
which violates state and federal laws”.

Along with several college officials, Ms. Downing expressed shock and
distress at the growing scandal. “It was a wakeup call for a lot of us.
have a certain image of ourselves here… We operate so often as if we were
fairly isolated. That’s not the way the world works.”

At publication time, no charges had been filed in this case, and as such,
the student’s identity is being kept under wraps.


2) Student Council candidate platforms

Here are the the unedited platforms of the candidates running for Student
Council. Edited versions of the statements appear in today’s issue of the


Ryan Budish ’04
A year ago I made many promises during my campaign, and I’m proud to say
that over the past year as Campus Life Representative I have worked hard to
keep those promises. Among my initiatives this year, I created the new
17-meal plan, I started a review of disability services, I worked with
public safety to place more lighting in dark areas of campus, I helped make
changes to financial aid policies, and I worked on improving Dining

Student Council has done a lot this year, but still people ask, “What
Student Council do for me?” Too many students don’t know what Council does,
and too many of those that do know think that Council can’t make a
difference in their lives. Just look at the low voter turnout, and how few
people run for Council positions and you’ll see what I mean. I believe that
Student Council needs to show students how it can help them.

In order to do this, two things must happen. First, Council must continue to
work hard at improving the school for students and second, it must do more
to reach out to them. This semester Council focused on results and that
focus needs to be maintained. Over the next year, Student Council needs to
fully address the issue of safety on this campus; whistles and some extra
lights, while a good start, are not enough. We need more call boxes. Also,
Council should work with Public Safety to create a safety taskforce that can
quickly resolve safety concerns as they arise, and deal with ongoing
security issues. Council also needs to address the student wage issue. It’s
unfair that some students in demanding jobs get paid according to the wage
rules, while others get double time and stipends- Council needs to find a
more equitable solution. If more demanding jobs require higher pay in order
to fill them then we should raise the pay scale for all demanding jobs.
These are just two of the things I want Council to work on next year.

Council must do a better job at reaching out to students and making Council
more accessible and accountable. This semester we held our meetings up in
the CRC on the second floor of Parrish. Council should move back to the
Parlors. A student government that wants to do the best by its students
shouldn’t move further away from them. Members of Council should table at
least once a month in Sharples, so students can ask questions, and make
comments and suggestions. Student Council should also meet occasionally at
times other than 10 PM on Mondays. Every student, regardless of other
commitments, should have access to Council.

These promises are all things Council can accomplish, and I want to lead
Student Council in accomplishing them. I have the experience and the
dedication to do it right. Over the past year I hope I have gained your
trust as a member of Student Council who gets things done, and I ask that
you give me the chance to show what Student Council can do for you.

Get More from Swarthmore
Ryan Budish for Co-President


Joseph Dickerson ’04
Dear Swarthmore,

I am writing to encourage you to vote for me, in my bid for Student Council’
s Campus Life Representative. For those of you who do not know me, I am
Joseph Dickerson class of 2004. It is likely if we have never actually met
each other face to face, you have almost assuredly seen me cruising around
campus this semester on my bike. I think that the Campus Life Representative
is a unique and important position because I will be serving as an advocate
for students interests before the administration. This is a position that I
am very well qualified and comfortable fulfilling. Over the last two years I
have served as a member of the Swarthmore African-American Student Society
Executive Board as Alumni Relations Chair, and as Admission Liaison. These
positions have brought me into a working relationship with administrators
and faculty to design and plan activities. This past semester, I partnered
with other students to establish the Swarthmore Cycling Club. Through this I
learned a lot about how the college allocates funds and attributes value to
activities by its agreement to a certain level of funding. Most notably,
during the spring and fall of 2001, I was a part of the Multicultural Dean
search committee. This process brought me into regular meetings with Bob
Gross, Joy Charlton, several department chairs, and the directors of
psychological services and human resources. Along with others on the
committee, I was responsible for selecting a person that would best fit with
Swarthmore students, professors, and administration. I talked with many
students about what qualities they thought were important, and then brought
that information back to the committee. This has given me extensive
experience in representing student interests before faculty and
administration. These skills would carry over very well into this position.
Also, I am on the Men’s Tennis Team, and can sympathize with the concerns of
athletes over time, and dining hall availability. So, what am I planning to

1) I would seek a better recognition of national and religious holidays by
professors and administration. In only a few of my classes did, I the
professor make mention of holidays. I would help raise professor awareness
of such concerns.

2) We need better washer and drying machines! Plain and simple. I would
devise a specific plan that the college could implement to give us adequate
cleaning facilities over a short period of time.

3) I would make sure that students have an adequate voice in the
administrations plans for the renovation of Parrish. Otherwise, Parrish may
not be as much of a student accommodating space as we would like it to be.

4) I would work with the dining services to extend Sharples dining hours to
7:30 on weekdays, and until 7:00 on weekends.

5) I would work to increase the number of minority faculty on campus, most
specifically Latino and Asian faculty.

Please consider me strongly to serve as your Campus Life Representative.


Esha Senchaudhuri ’05
Diverse and broad academic curricula are one of the fundamental goals of a
liberal arts education, and I feel that Swarthmore needs to devote more
energy into making this goal a reality. PDC requirements try to encourage
exploration, but are often overcrowded introductory courses that do not
inspire curiosity or enthusiasm. If elected Education Policy Representative,
I would pursue the following two methods to broaden academic options at

The first would be to increase the number of offered interdepartmental
courses. Interdepartmental courses enable students who have mastered
introductory courses in different departments to interact with each other
and broaden perspectives on issues related to both academic fields. They
provide the added benefit of allowing professors with different backgrounds
and teaching styles to collaborate, thereby yielding unique learning
experiences for both professors and students.
Encouraging department-sponsored workshops are another route I would
undertake to provide academic diversity. Workshops are different from
lectures in that they allow students to have hands-on experiences.
Department sponsored workshops would give students the opportunity to learn
one talent or skill from every academic department, and enable students with
many requirements to fulfill for majors to explore different academic areas
without committing to a course. Some students would hopefully be motivated
to take courses in departments they would have previously ignored, after
going to a workshop.

Though my two biggest initiatives involve diversifying the academic
curriculum, as Education Policy Representative I would also like to organize
an Academic Help Center that would provide one place where students could
find TA’s, natural science clinicians, WAs and SAMs. Such a system will only
enhance these already available programs by making them easier to access.
For example, the organization of an Academic Help Center would enable
students writing papers to not only have their papers WA’ed, but to also
discuss the factual contents of their papers with TA’s or clinicians from
the respective departments, without traveling to two different locations.

Therefore, as Education Policy Representative, I would pursue three
initiatives: increasing the number of interdepartmental courses, advocating
for more department sponsored workshops, and establishing an Academic Help
Center that would have WAs, TAs, clinicians and SAMs all available in a
centralized location. The objectives of these policy goals would be to
expose students to a diverse arrangement of academic fields, and to make
access to academic aid more efficient.

Lester Tran ’03
Education policy on this campus deserves now, more than ever, diverse ideas
and positive input from the student body. As an individual dedicated to his
responsibilities, I would like to be your representative on the following
critical issues:

Faculty Advising: to reform the current system so that all students,
regardless of major or class year, receive excellent, equitable and
personalized academic advising

PDCs and Freshman Seminars: to create a forum by which more students can
effectively contribute to the current debate on how to reform the PDC system

Course-Evaluation Guide: to ensure that the publication provides an accurate
description of each class, supported by a diversity of opinions, in the
hopes of improving all courses on this campus

Having worked with students on pioneering the successful CLP program and
having worked with faculty and administrators on the Diversity Task Force
and ADVICE, I have the experience and determination to make certain each and
every one of these issues are addressed.

Please vote Lester Tran for Education Policy Representative.


Kevin Bovard ’03
In running for Student Council, I don’t want to make any haughty promises
that stand little chance of ever becoming reality. I would, however, like
to be Swat’s Financial Policy Rep because I know of several issues that
could be addressed in the immediate future.

As a member of SBC, I have watched as the administration proudly advertises
its commitment to multiple activities (e.g., club sports and political
activism), but it does little to ensure full financial support to these
student endeavors. The most egregious example is the college’s
proclamations of greater support for athletics in the wake of the wrestling
and football team cuts. One year later, students are forced to spend nearly
$50,000 of student activities fee money to fund club sports because the
college will not pick up the tab for rugby, frisbee, or men’s volleyball.
Instead, almost the entire burden is put on the $280 student activity fee.
If even half of club sports’ costs were paid by the administration, there
would be an extra $25,000 to pass back to student groups that are desperate
for funding increases. As Financial Policy Representative, I will work to
beat back the administration’s unfunded mandates, and reclaim the activities
fee for its main purpose: providing activities for students, not
subsidizing the Athletics Department.

In the past, Student Council has brought up the issue of laundry on
campus-Swat students pay for coin-op laundry, while many colleges do not
charge. Some opponents of free laundry said it would be too expensive.
Others said it would encourage inefficiency and energy waste. I would
propose a middle ground alternative to balance these concerns: eliminate
the charge for using dryers. This would still avoid the common good dilemma
because students would have to pay something for each load of laundry, but
we could enjoy greater convenience and affordability by reducing the total
cost of laundry. I think this option is feasible, and I will work hard to
pursue it.

I have several smaller ideas in the works, like introducing two-ply toilet
paper to the dorms. If I am elected as Swat’s Financial Policy Rep, I can
apply my past experience in helping to achieve all of my goals; I hope I can
win your support. I make no promises, but I do have definite goals and
plans for the year. Hopefully we can get more money from the administration
into the hands of students and student groups and make Swarthmore a little
bit better in years ahead.

Erik Munroe ’04
My name is Erik Munroe ’04, and I’m running for the position of Financial
Policy Representative to Student Council. My reasons for running are
simple: I believe that a number of financial policies of this College could
be improved, and I would work to do just that.

Take Meal Equivalence as an example. I know a lot of you thought that your
last interaction with math would be on your last day of High School, but
please bear with me. For the past year, Board expenses at Swarthmore were
$3974. The number of meals served over that period of time is 609 (I’m
using this spring’s and next fall’s academic and meal calendars). That
means the price you pay for each meal is $6.53 if you go to EVERY meal
served-from the first day of each semester until the last day of both exam
periods. How many people never miss a meal? And how many stay until the
very end of exams?

When one looks at the more realistic example of 14 meals per week, even
staying until the very last day of exams both semesters, the number of meals
attended would be 423 over the course of the year. This would make the cost
per meal to round out to $9.39 (Even with points from the 14-meal plan, the
cost of each meal is $9.10)! Making students pay roughly $9.39 for each
meal, nearly three times our average meal equivalency of $3.21, is
ridiculous. I know our school needs to make money in order to pay its
expenses, but giving us one-third of what we pay for is a bit much.

As Financial Policy Representative I would work to make sure your money is
spent judiciously and that you get your money’s worth. I would also fight
to pass Student Council proposals in your best interest. Next semester,
Student Council is working on student wages and financial aid, both of which
fall under the College budget and thus the duties of the Financial Policy
Representative. My past experience in school governments and other
organizations would help me jump right into these issues and my role in the
College Budget Committee. Also, I’d always be available to discuss Student
Council business or any other concerns you had. I believe these
characteristics make me the best person for the job. Ask anyone who knows
me what she thinks. And vote Erik Munroe for Financial Policy

Youssef Soliman ’03
My main interest in running for Financial Policy Representative is to give
students more input in the College Budget Committee. This is where the
major decisions about funding for almost everything take place. I have
served on the Student Budget Committee for the past year, and it’s given me
a good idea of the student body’s financial priorities. In addition, as the
co-president of the International Club, I’ve worked to organize social
events that students have really enjoyed, and I would like to take this a
step further by planning events for the whole student body.

Some of my more specific goals include sending vans to the destinations
students want – such as restaurants and entertainment on the Baltimore
Pike — and also in better advertising the shuttle schedule. I want to work
to improve and expand club sports in light of the football team cut.
Another idea is to try to add some variation to the speakers and the
entertainment we bring to campus, possibly including some more popular
figures in the mix of academic speakers the school already gets.

If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call.


Neil Cavanaugh ’03
The position of Student Groups Advisor necessitates a representative with
experience. The SGA works with both Student Council and Student Budget
Committee to ensure that the Student Activities Fee is utilized in a manner
that maximizes the number of high-quality activities Swatties take part in.
I am running for this position because I have the experience and expertise
necessary to ensure that the $273 each person pays is distributed to
represent the interests of every part of this campus. My experience as the
Campus Relations representative will serve me well as I aid Student Council
in their broad array of initiatives, and my present position on Student
Budget Committee will undoubtedly prepare me to act as the liaison between
Student Council and SBC. So vote for experience and feel comfortable that a
knowledgeable council member will be looking out for the interests of your
student group. Thank you.

Doru Gavril ’05
The Lost Word: Efficiency

People who usually run for this position see it only as a step toward higher
offices. That’s why they don’t care about getting the job done so they make
mistakes. But, hey, why should you care about their mistakes, after all?
Maybe because you have just paid $278 to the College as activity fee. This
fee goes to organisations chartered by the Student Groups Advisor and when
he or she messes up, you end up paying. Here’s why it’s YOUR job to watch
over YOUR money and put efficiency back into the Charter Committee. As
Student Groups Advisor I’ll be there to keep and eye on your money and
report back. To YOU.

The Seven Point Contract

MORE MONEY. Groups will receive better funding when we cut the red tape.
Eliminate the overlapping expenses of similar organisations and free up
money for student initiatives.
DIVERSITY. Squeezing every group into some umbrella forum, “so they can
more money”, is not a solution. This would mean putting the Democrats and
the Republicans in the same “forum for political activism”. I bet
reduces the costs a lot, but what’s left of our pluralism? Charter all
worthwhile groups and show Swatties the respect they deserve – that’s the
INTERACTION. Swat groups have only to benefit if they work together on
projects and I will get the proper technical support for fast, reliable
communication between organisations. Want to know who’s doing a similar
project and get more people for yours? It’ll just be a click away, 24
MEETING PLACES. The days when you shared the Parlors with five other groups
are over. How about Trotter seminar rooms?
NETWORKING. We’ll set up an accessible database of nation-wide organisations
that will allow student groups to link up with activists in their field. Let
our potential and richness be known outside the “Swat bubble”.
EASY CHARTERING. The process of writing a charter, presenting it and getting
it approved will require five hours of work of two individuals. We value
your time.
AVAILABILITY. Regular meetings every other week, a dedicated website and
week round feedback will put groups in touch with THEIR Advisor.

Remember: I am in this game for you and I’m playing to win. And after that,
WE will keep on winning because making the right choice now saves you money.
* * *
Doru Gavril is currently a freshman. His leadership experience includes a
directorship in an international charitable research society, previous
experience with student bodies and a certificate recognizing his leadership
skills awarded by Stanford University, American University and George Mason
University in 2001. He is also a member of Amos J. Peaslee Debate Society
and Vice President Elect of Swarthmore College Rotaract Club. Doru was a
member of the Chester Road Orientation Program 2001. He receives the Laurama
Page Pixton scholarship and plans to double major in Political Science and

Roxanne Yaghoubi ’05
I’m running for Student Groups Advisor because I think extra-curricular
activities deserve better support. As a leader and member of several groups
this past year, I have seen how even seemingly small problems can cause a
student group to become less active and lose membership.

Such problems include:
*The amount of spaces that groups can meet on campus are very limitated.
Thus I hope to establish an online reservation system for areas such as the
or Parrish Parlors. Additionally, there would be an online calendar where
students could post their meeting times so that the clubs would not conflict
as much.
*Currently there are many groups that receive a surplus of funding and
others that do not receive enough funds to meet their needs. I hope to work
with the Student Budget Committee and the Council to ensure that each group
receives the approriate amount of funding, and that the allocation process
is more transparent.
* Many groups do not have an up-to-date charter. I will encourage each group
to write a charter if they haven’t already, and to constantly re-evaluate
this charter if the group’s focus changes. This will make funding easier for
many groups, as well as presenting a clear picture to prospective members of
what each club’s purpose is.

I will be honored to be elected your Student Groups Advisor, and I promise
to try to affect these changes to the best of my ability.


3) World news roundup

* Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld dismissed the reports of Osama bin
Laden’s escape to Tora Bora as mere speculation, calling them “obviously
not verifiable. If [the reports] had been verifiable, one would have
thought that someone might have done something about it.” Rumsfeld also
denied Washington Post claims that indicated that bin Laden had fled to
Tora Bora when the Afghanistan offensive first began and that the U.S. had
inadvertently allowed him to escape deep into the mountains there by not
deploying ground troops. In response to a query over the validity of the
reports, Rumsfeld said, “I wouldn’t be able to answer a question like that,
and it impresses me that others can from their pinnacles of relatively
modest knowledge.”

* U.S. District Court Judge Robert Jones decided yesterday to uphold
Oregon’s assisted suicide law, saying that Attorney General John Ashcroft’s
attempt to overturn it stemmed from ideological, rather than legal,
reasons. Ashcroft had argued that assisted suicide violated the Controlled
Substances Act in that it was not a “legitimate medical purpose” for
prescribing federally controlled drugs. Jones, however, said that the
Controlled Substances Act was intended primarily to deal with the illegal
use and distribution of prescription drugs, rather than “controlled
substances in compliance with a carefully worded state legislative act.”
Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act was first approved in 1994, and it still
the only state in the country to allow assisted suicide.

* National Geographic announced yesterday that an archeological dig over
the past three years unearthed over two thousand Inca mummies in an ancient
cemetery near Lima, Peru. Lead archeologist Guillermo Cock said there may
have been as many as 10,000 Incas buried at the Rimac Valley site between
1480 and 1535. The findings are especially interesting because they include
samples from all ages and social classes. However, after the excavation
ended last July, the site was rapidly covered with an expanding shantytown
of refugees fleeing from guerrilla warfare, and the development of the town
and the sewage being released into the ground, Cock said, have likely
destroyed much of the remaining unexcavated area. “Having to walk away
frustrating. What’s left may have been a huge contribution to knowledge of
the Inca.”


4) Campus events

Biology 16 Student Presentations
Scheuer Room – Kohlberg, 1:00 p.m.

“Creolization: State of the Art or Art of the State?”
by Aisha Khan, SUNY Stony Brook. Caribbean Identities On the Move Series.
Scheuer Room – Kohlberg, 4:15 p.m.

Peter Gram Swing Lecture, Gunther Schuller, “Duke Ellington and Jazz in
Lang Concert Hall, 4:30 p.m.

Hong Kong Movie Night
SCCS Lounge, 7:30 p.m.


A friendly Spec Weekend reminder from the Admissions Office:

We are expecting over 200 prospective Swatties this weekend; they
will begin arriving on Friday, April 19 and will be with us through Monday,
April 22. All of these students have tough choices to make, and this is
their opportunity to experience Swarthmore firsthand. The Admissions
Office apologizes for any inconvenience caused by the influx of visitors
and we encourage the College community to help us welcome these students
and their families to Swarthmore.


5) Correction

In yesterday’s listing of the Student Council candidates, we inadvertently
switched the class years of two of the candidates running for Student Groups
Advisor. Doru Gavril should have been listed as a member of the class of
2005 while Neil Cavanaugh should have been listed as a member of the class
of 2003. We apologize for the mistake.



1) Men’s lax falls against stiff competition

by Pat Quinn
Gazette Sportswriter

In another difficult matchup on a schedule packed with ranked teams, the
men’s lacrosse team fell to #3 Washington College Wednesday, 12-3.

Swarthmore struggled early and never managed to pull back, with a lack of
cohesiveness on both sides of the field preventing the Garnet from finding its
groove. Though
the scorching afternoon sun limited both teams’ endurance, the Shoremen simply
outplayed the Garnet, who dropped to 5-8 (0-5 in Centennial Conference).

Early in the game, Washington College jumped out to a 3-0 lead. Hoping to
expand their margin, the Shoremen pressed forward again, and only a leaping
by goalie Steve Isbister ’04 prevented another score. However, with a little
over a minute to go in the first quarter, Washington College scored their fourth
with an impressive outside shot that went in right off Isbister’s offstick

In the second quarter, Swarthmore had their first true opportunity to score,
when a penalty put them in an extra man situation. However, Than Court ’03
missed Joseph DiSimone ’04 on the crease, and the opportunity passed. With
the score at 6-0 late in the half, sophomore John Cleaver put Swarthmore on
the board off a dodge from the point.

The second half saw some improvements in Swarthmore’s play, but an over-
reliance on isolation plays on offense and breakdowns in team defense
prevented the Garnet from slowing Washington’s pace. Than Court ’03 hit his
first goal of the afternoon on a bouncing outside shot, but it was followed
by four more Washington College goals, several of which were scored when
Swarthmore failed to slide in to help out on defense. With under 3:00 to go
in the game and the score 12-2, Court scored his second when his man slid to
help a teammate, leaving him open on the crease.

Though Swarthmore could not have made the Centennial Conference tournament
by winning this game, it was still a difficult loss for a young team. Said
freshman Tom Coughlin, “it was a tough game; even though we tried hard,
we couldn’t
pull it all together.”

The team next faces Haverford at home this Saturday in their final game of
the season.


2) Women’s tennis dominates Bears

The women’s tennis team notched an easy 8-1 victory over Centennial
Conference foe Ursinus yesterday. Anjani Reddy ’04, Kristina Pao ’04, Megan
Speare ’05, Laura Swerdlow ’02, and Katie Berry ’05 were all victorious in
their singles matches, while Reddy & Pao, Speare & Swerdlow, and Berry
Sarah Fritsch ’04 scored wins in doubles play. The team is now 7-8 overall
and 6-3 in the Centennial. Their final regular season matchup will be held
at Swat this Saturday, when the Green Terror of Western Maryland come to


3) World sports roundup

* The NHL playoffs began last night with high drama: Henrik Sedin scored a
goal at 13:59 in OT to give the #8 Vancouver Canucks a 4-3 victory over the
#1 Red Wings in Game One of their first round playoff series. In Philly, a
similar scene was played out as Ruslan Fedotenko broke a 0-0 tie 7:47 into
overtime to complement goalie Roman Cechmanek’s 35-save shutout and give the
Flyers a 1-0 win over the Senators. Elsewhere, Carolina beat New Jersey 2-1
and San Jose downed Phoenix by the same score.

* On the last day of the NBA season, the once-mighty Bucks fell out of the
playoff picture after getting dismantled by the Pistons, 123-89. Their loss
allowed the Pacers, who beat the Sixers last night 103-80, to claim the
final playoff spot in the Eastern Conference. Meanwhile, the Raptors
claimed the seventh seed with a 103-85 victory over the Cavs. The playoffs
begin this Saturday.

* The Seattle Mariners are picking up right where they left off last year as
they beat Oakland 7-4 yesterday to complete a 10-0 road trip. The Mariners
recorded 59 road wins last year – an AL record. Meanwhile, San Francisco
Giants’ slugger Barry Bonds is also showing consistency from last season to
the current one, as he hit home run #8 in a 5-3 loss to the Padres. The
442-foot blast tied Bonds for the Major Leagues lead with the Astros’ Lance


4) This weekend’s contests

Softball at Phila U., 4:00 p.m.
Women’s lacrosse at Western MD, 4:30 p.m.

Golf at Widener, 1:00 p.m.
Baseball at Franklin & Marshall, 3:30 p.m.



“Men have become the tools of their tools.”
–Henry David Thoreau

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Section Editors: Karla Gilbride
Pei Pei Liu
Jeremy Schifeling
Online Editor: David Bing
Weathercaster: Jeremy Schifeling
News Reporters: Mary Harrison
Evelyn Khoo
Sanggee Kim
Natacha Pascal
Kent Qian
Alexis Reedy
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Sportswriters: Muhsin Abdur-Rahman
Shavaugn Lewis
Pat Quinn
Photographer: Casey Reed
World News: Pei Pei Liu
Campus and
World Sports: Jeremy Schifeling

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This concludes today’s report.

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