Friday, April 12, 2002

April 12, 2002

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.


The Daily Gazette
Swarthmore College
Friday, April 12, 2002
Volume 6, Number 115

Remember, this issue will be available in print form all across campus
today. So be sure to pick up a copy and share it with your friends and
family members. And when they’re ready to subscribe for themselves, send
’em over to

Thanks and have a beautiful weekend everybody!

Our new email address:
Photo of the day:
Today’s issue:


1) Nickel Creek, G. Calvin Weston featured in large-scale event
this weekend

2) Housing season preview

3) College Corner: The Mailroom

4) Kerri’s Kandies sweetens up the Ville

5) World news roundup

6) Campus events


1) Women’s lax cruises over Mawrters

2) Women’s tennis prevails over Bryn Mawr

3) World sports roundup

4) This weekend’s contests

5) Corrections


Today: Mostly cloudy. High near 67.
Family Weekend is like walking the world’s most precarious tightrope:
You want to be honest with your folks, but can you really bear the

Tonight: Cloudy skies. Low near 54.
Tell your Mom that Sharples makes you sick and you’ll get a lifetime supply
of Ramen and cookies in the mail the next week.

Saturday: 50% chance of rain. Highs in the upper 60s.
Tell your Grandma that you’re running out of clothes and you’ll have a
newly-knit sweater in hours!

Sunday: Possible showers. Highs in the upper 60s.
So remember: Walk the rope wisely.


Lunch: Crunchy cod, macaroni and cheese, El’s black beans, cut green beans,
stewed tomatoes, specialty salad bar

Dinner: Sweet and sour chicken, basmati rice, pasta saute, stuffed peppers,
broccoli, cut corn, taco bar


1) Nickel Creek, G. Calvin Weston featured in large-scale
event this weekend

By Karla Gilbride
Section Editor

On Saturday, Swarthmore will hold its annual large-scale event in the form
of a concert in Upper Tarble featuring two bands that defy classification by
genre, G. Calvin Weston’s Big Tree and Nickel creek. In recent years,
performers brought to campus through the large-scale events program have
included folk singer Dar Williams and experimental jazz combo Martin,
Medeski, and Wood. This year, the main act, Nickel Creek, has been described
as a “postmodern bluegrass trio,” while the opening band, which features
drummer G. Calvin Weston, plays a musical style that has been labeled

If these definitions seem a bit vague to you, you are not alone, for even
people who know the groups quite well find it difficult to define their
sound. “I hesitate to categorize them as country,” explained Lela
Patrik ‘
04, a Nickel Creek fan, “because so many people tune out automatically
soon as they hear that word. I used to be one of those people.” “They’re
really more of a mixture of folk and bluegrass,” she added, “and they’re
just really talented musicians.” Jessica Williams ’02, who submitted the
proposal to bring Nickel Creek to the college, agreed, saying, “It’s not
type of music that you hear and say, ‘God, I might like that if it wasn’t so
twangy.’ The instruments are tuned to sound acoustic, and so if you like
acoustic but don’t like bluegrass, you could definitely like this band.”

The trio, made up of a brother-sister team and another man, all from
southern California, includes a guitar, violin, mandolin, and both male and
female vocals. Since the release of their debut album two years ago, they
have appeared on the Jay Leno and Conan O’Brian late-night TV shows,
received two Grammy nominations, and been named in Time Magazine as one of
five “music innovators for the millennium.” Their visit to Swarthmore
part of their “Eastern College Tour,” which has also taken them to
Portsmouth, New Hampshire and Northampton, Massachusetts within the past
five days.

A similar reluctance to pigeonhole characterizes many people’s assessments
of G. Calvin Weston’s Big Tree. “It’s really hard to describe their style
because they incorporate so many musical styles,” said Corey Mark ’02,
heard them for the first time a few weeks ago when they opened for a
Boston-based jam band called Club D’Elf. “Sometimes it’s danceable, and
sometimes it’s more complex than danceable.” A review of the group excerpted
in a recent reserved-students e-mail referred to the band as creating “a
blend of funk, African, jazz, harmo-lodic and free-form… led by a spirit
of improvisation and the polyrhythmic phenomenon of Calvin’s drumming.”
encourages as many students as possible to attend Big Tree’s portion of the
evening, promising, “It’ll be really different and will add diversity to
show, but I think it might complement Nickel Creek as well.”

In terms of what to expect from Nickel Creek’s performance, Williams said
that the group will probably combine original works and popular album tracks
with some traditional bluegrass pieces. “Judging from other tracks of theirs
that I’ve heard that aren’t on the CD, I’d say that they’ll probably do a
lot of improvising and sample from many different musical styles,” she
adding, “They’re very popular, so I’m sure they know how to keep a crowd

There is only one drawback about the upcoming event in Williams’ opinion.
“It’s unfortunate that this year’s event is in Upper Tarble,” she
Pearson-Hall Theatre in LPAC, which has traditionally been the site for
large-scale events, was not available because it is being used all weekend
for the production of Sergei Tretyakov’s “I Want a Baby.” “Since
it is the
large-scale event for this year it would have been better if more students
could come to it, plus it’s difficult in that space to secure the backstage
area and provide hospitality for the band in terms of dressing rooms,
bathrooms and things like that,” she explained. Regarding the acoustics
the room, Williams said that the sound system can be set up in such a way as
to minimize the venue’s shortcomings as a concert hall, concluding, “It’s
not ideal, but it’s doable, and a lot of people are working hard to make it

360 tickets have already been distributed for Saturday’s show, which will
begin at 8 p.m. with Big Tree’s set and continue after a short intermission
with Nickel Creek at 10. 340 of the tickets went to Swarthmore students
while the other 20 were claimed by faculty and staff members. Since Upper
Tarble has a seating capacity of 400, a limited number of tickets are still
available and can be picked up free of charge by Swarthmore students, staff
and faculty in Parrish 295. Student activities coordinator Jenny Yim has
said that no tickets will be given out on the day of the show and that both
tickets and Swarthmore ID’s will be checked at the door on Saturday.


Check out Nickel Creek’s website,,
and learn more about
G. Calvin Weston’s Big Tree at


2) Housing season preview

by Jeremy Schifeling
Section Editor

Though the blocking phase of this year’s housing season is now complete, the
true fun and games are still yet to come, in the form of the spring housing
lottery. With lottery numbers due in mailboxes on Monday and the selection
process set to begin a week from Sunday, here’s a brief preview of the
issues that will shape Housing 2002-03.

First of all, College housing should be available to all who want it next
year, according to Dean of Housing Myrt Westphal. “There is a large number
of students expected to go on foreign study in the fall, similar to the fall
of ’01,” says Westphal. Additionally, the availability of Strath Haven
rooms in the lottery should alleviate any pressures on the housing system.

Contrary to popular opinion, Westphal sees the one- and two-room doubles
offered in the apartment complex as especially desirable. “With the
upgraded telecom connections, the air-conditioning, and the quiet
atmosphere, it should be a sought after location,” said the Dean.

As for the much-discussed coed housing option, Westphal was unsure if the
addition of ML basement to the existing roster of coed-approved locations
(the Lodges and Worth I & J) would meet the surplus demand for such housing
present last year. As reported yesterday

demand for this type of residence seems just as strong this year, based
on the number of coed groups applying for blocks. However, Westphal
promised, regardless of the results, to “re-evaluate [the coed housing
options] again at the end of the year and see what changes, if any, need to
be made.”

Also in regards to ML basement, Westphal is looking forward to summer
renovations that will enhance the oft-ridiculed hall. These will likely
include system upgrades and converting some doubles into singles, although
the actual details are not yet available. Additionally, Danawell and the
rest of ML will receive summer face-lifts, getting brand new sprinkler
systems like those currently in place in Mertz, Wharton, and PPR.

Finally, Mertz will be the scene of some future transformations, both inside
and out. As has been rumored, some of SWIL’s upperclass population will be
moving from the group’s traditional homebase in ML to the dorm reputed to be
a haven for frisbee players. While one might expect this migration to
change the dorm culture of each residence, Westphal anticipates little
effect on social life in the two dorms since “there are not a lot of
available sophomore doubles in Mertz” – thus, making a wholesale SWIL shift

Also, Mertz residents, usually challenged only by off-target frisbees while
walking across the lawn, will face a unique hardship next year with the
commencement of construction on the new dorm in December ’02. The as-of-yet
unnamed residence hall will be built on the expanse of land between Mertz
South and the railroad tracks. However, Westphal assures students that the
workers will be fully aware of the residential nature of the construction
zone, and as such, will begin work at 8 am, instead of the standard 6:30
start time. Nevertheless, trucks driving up the path behind Mertz may
occasionally be heard in the rooms facing Chester Road.


For more information on the lottery process, including dates and times for
each class, visit the Housing Committee’s Student Guide:


3) College Corner: The Mailroom

by Mary Harrison
Gazette Reporter


In response to the advice of our readership, we have created a new Gazette
section, the College Corner, which will feature interviews and profiles of
members of the Swat community. If you have suggestions for future Corner
subjects, please let us know at


Interview of post office head Vince Vagnozzi:

Daily Gazette: What did you do before you came here?

Vince Vagnozzi: I was at the Associate National Bank in Delaware, part of
Banking Ops.

DG: How long have you been at Swarthmore?

VV: 8 years. Geez, that long… I thought it was only going to be a
transitional job, but I really liked it. The people, the benefits, the boss.
8 years. Wow.

DG: What’s your schedule like?

VV: I get 22 days off, which is pretty good. People complain, but I’ll tell
you, this is much better than working on the outside. People who haven’t
experienced the outside don’t know how good it is here.

DG: “The outside”?

VV: Yeah, like suits and ties, and traffic, and that stuff.

DG: What exactly do you like about Swarthmore?

VV: I like the work atmosphere. I have the latitude to complete the job the
way I see it. I don’t always have someone breathing down my neck. I’m free
to be innovative. And people are happy here. Just looking around, I never
see anyone being discouraged. When I first came here, at the interview, they
talked alot about the “Swarthmore experience.” I didn’t know what
the hell
they meant. I still don’t really know, but there is something there. It’s a
sense of community. We often get together, me and the people who work here.
We’re friends. And it’s there for the students, too. The small classes, the
way they call their professor by their first name. At Westchester, where I
went to school, we never did that.

DG: What did you study at Westchester?

VV: I studied business management. I was working during the day as a cashier
at Pathmark, and then I took night classes from 6 to 10 pm. It was tough;
for awhile there, I thought that I wouldn’t make it, but I pulled through.
I’ll tell you, I did some of my best sleeping in class.

DG: What are some funny mailroom stories?

VV: Funny mailroom stories? I’ve seen alot of good pranks. This one time,
the kids broke into the back, and removed all the pins from the mailboxes so
the students couldn’t get their boxes open. Or once, they put lots of fake
package slips into people’s mailboxes, and the kids all came asking for
packages that didn’t exist. The kids got kind of annoyed, I remember. Once
they filled everyone’s mailbox with knives and forks from the dinning hall.
We just put a bucket out in the mailbox area, and collected them, and took
them back to Sharples. I thought it was pretty funny.

DG: What do you think about the Dash for Cash?

VV: I never go. They come right past the window, but I’d feel too much like
a perv [laughing].

DG: I remember when I worked here, the mailroom guys seemed to be looking
forward to it.

VV: Don’t let them fool you. They talk about it alot, but they don’t look.

Interview of John Quinn and John Steele:

DG: How long have you been working in the postal service?

John Steele: 39 years. Maybe more. In Lansdowne, PA.

DG: And how long at Swarthmore?

JS: 8 years.

DG: How has Swarthmore changed over the years?

JS: I dunno. John, how has Swarthmore changed?

John Quinn: Mail room’s gotten dilapidated.

DG: Is this your last job posting, do you think?

JQ: Actually, I was thinking about brain surgery next.

JS: Yeah, I want to be President of the college.

DG: Speaking of which, do you know Al Bloom?

JS: Oh, yeah, yeah.

JQ: Sure.

DG: What’s the weirdest thing that you’ve ever seen sent through the mail?

JS: Hmmmm. John, what’s the weirdest thing that’s ever been sent through the

JQ: Probably bodies. Cremated. You shake the package, and you can hear the
bones rattling inside. People go down to Texas or Florida, throw a seven,
then get cremated and sent back.

DG: What’s your favorite part of Swarthmore?

JQ: Oh, the kids. We really enjoy the kids. They really energize the place.

DG: What are your thoughts on the Dash for Cash?

JQ: I don’t have an opinion. We never go.

JS: At our age, you’ve seen it all before.


4) Kerri’s Kandies sweetens up the Ville

by Evelyn Khoo
Gazette Reporter

Think Juliette Binoche in “Chocolat,” with vats of swirling molten
chocolate, rows of handcrafted candy and a cheerful smile from behind the
counter – this heartwarming scene is not confined to the cardboard facades
of Miramax but can now be found right here in the Ville.

Kerri’s Kandies, a candy store featuring “handmade, homemade” chocolate
two Ridley Township residents, opened in South Chester Road on March 1st,
three doors down from Michael’s College Pharmacy.

Its owners, Joe and Kerri Parisano, 36 and 32, have seen a regular stream of
customers since their opening.

“We get about 20 people a day, and go through about 500 pounds of chocolate
in 2 weeks,” says Joe. “Everything we make has been snatched up pretty

The business has been a success story since its conception five years ago,
when Kerri began making candy in her own home and giving it away to friends
or as gifts for holidays. People loved her sweets and clamored for more
until the two became so busy they decided they had to open up a store to
keep up with the demand. Joe, a former police officer, has now joined his
wife’s business full-time and has learnt to make chocolate alongside Kerri.

“I was forced to learn pretty quickly,” laughs Joe.

Store favorites include chocolate-covered pretzels, caramel-covered pretzel
rods, peanut butter nuggets and their specialty – chocolate-covered fruit
trays, which, according to Joe, has been a popular choice of Swat’s Dining
Services for about a year.

The store itself has attracted many return customers. The Parisanos are new
to the candy business but decided they wanted to design their own store
despite their lack of experience.

Says Joe, “We had an idea for what we wanted it to look like and so we
winged it and went with it!” The store has succeeded in creating the quaint,
cozy feel that the Parisanos had been aiming for and it seems that the
welcoming attitude they have extended to the community has been
reciprocated by the Ville population.

“Everybody has been so wonderful to us, and we really want to return the
favor!,” says Joe.


Kerri’s Kandies is located on 9 South Chester Road and is open 10:00 a.m. to
4:00 p.m. from Tuesday to Thursday and from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on
Friday and Saturday. It is closed on Sunday and Monday.

See a photo of Kerri’s Kandies at


5) World news roundup

* Yesterday in Pretoria, Dr. Wauter Basson, popularly known as Dr. Death,
was found not guilty on all 46 charges related to his leadership role in the
germ-warfare program of South Africa’s apartheid era. Judge Willie
Hartzenberg said that the prosecutors failed to prove beyond a doubt that
Basson was guilty of any of the charges, which included murder, conspiracy,
fraud and drug possession. During the two and a half year trial, witnesses
gave evidence that the program, Project Coast, attempted to create poisons
that would only be lethal to blacks, and hoarded enough cholera and anthrax
to trigger epidemics. After experimental poison gels failed to kill black
subjects, they were injected with lethal doses of muscle relaxants. Other
killing ideas included sugar laced with salmonella, cigarettes with anthrax,
chocolates with botulism, and whisky with herbicide. Dr. Basson maintains
that he was only following orders, and depicted himself as a scientist
researching ways to combat the potato blight and hepatitis-A epidemic.

* Violence broke out during anti-government demonstrations in Caracas,
Venezuala yesterday, leaving nine dead and more than 80 injured. More than
150,000 people, armed with sticks and rocks, marched on the presidential
palace, demanding that President Hugo Chavez resign. Troops surrounding the
palace threw tear gas at the protestors, and the men shooting from building
rooftops were reputed to be government snipers. The unrest comes on the
heels of an announcement by Venezuala’s largest business and labor
confederations that they will continue their general strike indefinitely to
show their support of the state oil company’s workers. The workers are
protesting President Chavez’s appointment of a new board.

* Heirs of Christopher Wallace, better known as the popular rapper Notorious
BIG, claim that the Los Angeles Police Department did not do enough to
prevent his murder in a drive-by shooting in 1997. They have filed a
wrongful death and federal civil rights lawsuit against Los Angeles Police
Chief Bernard Parks, two former chiefs, the city of Los Angeles, as well as
an LAPD officer and a private citizen. The suit charges the LAPD with
“deliberate indifference to Wallace’s death” and the following
investigation, and describes the department’s actions as “reckless and
conscience shocking.” The family claims that the LAPD knew or should have
known that Death Row Records, a rival record label, was associated with
violent street gangs, and that the company exhibited “significant animosity”
toward Wallace and blamed him for the death of popular Death Row artist
Tupac Shakur.


6) Campus events


Hospitality Corner for Family Weekend
Parrish Parlors, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Family Weekend: Internet Searching Techniques
McCabe Library, 11:00 a.m.

Queer Student/Faculty/Staff Luncheon
IC Center, 12:00 p.m.

Student Thesis Exhibition
List Art Gallery – LPAC, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Family Weekend: Scott Arboretum Tour
Sharples Patio, 1:30 p.m.

Physics and Astronomy Colloquium: “Superfluid Helium – Testing Your
Intuition and Nature’s Memory”
with Robert Hallock, Physics, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Dupont 133, 4:00 p.m.

“From Persian Saint to American Pop Icon: The Post-Death Career of Rumi”
by Omid Safi
Scheuer Room – Kohlberg, 4:30 p.m.

Provost’s Reception for Parents
Cosby Courtyard, 4:30 p.m.

Shabbat Services and Dinner
Bond Memorial Hall, 5:30 p.m.

Anime Club Showing
Kohlberg 330, 7:00 p.m.

Swarthmore Christian Fellowship Meeting
Kohlberg 115, 7:30 p.m.

“Occupation”: An event with the Harvard Living Wage Campaign
Kohlberg 228, 7:30 p.m.

Author Eula Biss reads from “The Balloonists”
Scheuer Room – Kohlberg, 7:30 p.m.

Film: “The Royal Tennenbaums”
Kirby Lecture Hall – Martin, 7:30 & 10:00 p.m.

International Club Movie Night
Kohlberg 116, 8:00 p.m.

The Swarthmore College Wind Ensemble
Lang Concert Hall, 8:00 p.m.

“I Want to Have a Baby” by Sergei Tretyakov
Acting III Production – Directed by Ursula Neuerberg Denzer
Pearson-Hall Theatre – LPAC, 8:00 p.m.


Hospitality Corner for Family Weekend
Parrish Parlors, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Family Weekend Forum for Parents
with President Alfred H. Bloom, Dean Bob Gross ’62, and Provost Connie
Lang Concert Hall, 10:30 a.m.

Gamelan Dress Rehearsal – Open to the public
Scott Amphitheatre, 12:00 p.m.

Family Weekend: Ballroom and Swing Club Demonstration
Sharples Patio, 12:45 p.m.

Questioning the War Workshop
Kohlberg 115, 1:30 p.m.

Family Weekend: Scott Arboretum Tour
Sharples Patio, 1:30 p.m.

Faculty Presentations for Family Weekend
Scheuer Room – Kohlberg, 3:00 p.m.

Community Service Poster Session for Family Weekend
Kohlberg Coffee Bar, 4:00 p.m.

Swarthmore Fun Fair: “Legends and Fantasies”
The Ville, 4:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Film: “The Royal Tennenbaums”
Kirby Lecture Hall – Martin, 7:30 & 10:00 p.m.

The Swarthmore College Orchestra
Lang Concert Hall, 8:00 p.m.

“I Want to Have a Baby” by Sergei Tretyakov
Acting III Production – Directed by Ursula Neuerberg Denzer
Pearson-Hall Theatre – LPAC, 8:00 p.m.


Family Weekend: Family Fun Run
Lamb-Miller Field House, 9:00 a.m.

Crum Regatta
Crum Meadow, 10:30 a.m.

Celebration of Mass
Bond Memorial Hall, 11:00 a.m.

Gamelan Dress Rehearsal – Open to the public
Scott Amphitheatre, 11:00 a.m.

Family Weekend: Book Sale
McCabe Library, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

“I Want to Have a Baby” by Sergei Tretyakov
Acting III Production – Directed by Ursula Neuerberg Denzer
Pearson-Hall Theatre – LPAC, 2:00 p.m.

Spring Gamelan Concert
Scott Amphitheatre (Lang Concert Hall if rain), 3:00 p.m.

The Swarthmore College Orchestra
Lang Concert Hall, 7:30 p.m.

Higher Ground Meeting
Kohlberg 115, 9:00 p.m.


The Swarthmore Theatre Studies Program presents the American Premiere of

Sergei Tretyakov’s
translated by Stephen Holland

Friday April 12, at 8 p.m.,
Saturday, April 13 at 8 p.m., and
Sunday April 14 at 2 p.m.
Pearson-Hall Theatre, Lang Performing Arts Center
Seats are available on a first come first serve basis
Not advisable for children


SAO Party!
Friday April 12th
10pm – 2am, Paces



You are invited to join Career Services and Alumni Services Sat.
April 20, 6-8pm in TIC for a fabulous evening of good food,
excellent conversation and great learning opportunities. You’ll
talk with alumni representing a variety of interests, occupations
and career paths. You don’t need to know what you want to do with
the rest of your life, just come and learn. You’ll make great
contacts for your future. Space is limited for this very popular
event so sign up early. Sign-ups are in Career Services, Parrish
140. Call x8352 for more info.



1) Women’s lax cruises over Mawrters

by Pat Quinn
Gazette Sportswriter

The women’s lacrosse team handily defeated Bryn Mawr at home yesterday 17-6,
improving their record to 6-4 (2-3 in Centennial Conference). Though Bryn
Mawr managed a few scores off penalties and in unsettled situations, the
Garnet thoroughly dominated both halves on offense and defense.

Swarthmore drew first blood, as Jackie Kahn ’04 cut through the defense to
receive a quick pass and get off a shot. The team then proceeded to build
on its lead, scoring four more quick goals, with the Mawrter defense seeming
to crumble each time a Garnet player brought the ball down the field.
Senior Kim Cariello scored two of these in a row off fast breaks.

With Swarthmore jumping out to a 5-0 lead, Bryn Mawr struck back, scoring
two off an unsettled situation and a penalty. Caught off guard, the Garnet
allowed several cutters to break across the crease unmolested, but still
maintained the upper hand by putting five more goals on the board.

By halftime, Swarthmore led 10-3, and was well on its way to a fourth
straight victory. The Mawrters never gave up though, notching three scores
in the second frame. However, with the game in the bag, nearly all
Swarthmore players got on the field, providing valuable playing time to a
team with many young athletes.

The big win increases the team’s chances of making the Conference playoffs.
Said senior captain Katie Tarr, “at this point, every Conference win counts,
[and this one was] special because everybody stepped it up, with new faces

The team next faces another Centennial foe, Muhlenberg College, at home this
Saturday. That game will be the first of five remaining Conference matchups
on the season schedule, leading up to the playoffs on April 27-28.


2) Women’s tennis prevails over Bryn Mawr

The women’s tennis team took on Bryn Mawr yesterday and came away
victorious, winning the match by a score of 6-3.

Anjani Reddy ’04, Megan Speare ’05, Katherine Voll 03 and Sarah Fritsch ’04
were all winners in straight singles sets, while the doubles teams of
Reddy-Kristina Pao ’04 and Voll-Laura Swerdlow ’02 took their matches as

The team’s record is now 6-8 overall and 5-3 in the Centennial Conference.
They will next be on the court at Ursinus on April 17.


3) World sports roundup

* Overcast skies, soft greens and a relative lack of wind rendered the newly
revamped Augusta National golf course less challenging than it might have
been on the first day of this year’s Masters Tournament, but the lengthened
holes, added trees and stretched bunkers on the course did seem to somewhat
cramp the style of the world’s elite golfers in Thursday’s first round.
While 21 players broke par, the average score (74.118) was more than two
points over par and nearly a full stroke higher than last year’s first day
average. Leading the pack at the end of yesterday’s round is Davis Love III,
who scored a 5-under 67. He holds a one-stroke lead over Sergio Garcia and
Angel Cabrera. The field remains tightly bunched at the top, however, with
16 players finishing the day within three strokes of the lead. Among them
was Tiger Woods, the defending Masters champion, who ended the round with a
70, tying his own personal record for best score in a Masters first round.
After finishing last in the field with a score of 89, 72-year-old golf
legend Arnold Palmer announced that tomorrow would be the last Masters round
of his career. Palmer, who entered professional golf in 1954 and went on to
claim four Masters titles of his own, is credited with first popularizing
the game amongst television viewers.

* Roger Neilson took over for Jacques Martin as head coach for the Ottawa
Senators last night and will fill that role in one more upcoming Senators’
game in an effort to become only the ninth person in NHL history to coach
1,000 games. Including this brief two-game stint with Ottawa, Neilson will
have coached eight different NHL teams since starting with Toronto in 1977-‘
78. His head coaching career was interrupted during the 1999-2000 season,
his second with the Philadelphia Flyers, when he was diagnosed with bone
marrow cancer. He left the Flyers at the end of the 2000 playoffs when they
chose to retain interim coach Craig Ramsay even after Neilson was available
to return. He has been working as an assistant coach with Ottawa for the
past two years. His 999th career game turned out to be his 460th career
victory as the Senators upset the conference-leading Boston Bruins 4-0. Jani
Hurme made 22 saves to record his third shutout of the season.

* Despite trailing by 20 points late in the second quarter, the Houston
Rockets battled back to eke out a 98-95 overtime win over the Dallas
Mavericks. The loss dropped the Mavs into a tie with San Antonio for the
lead in the Midwest Division. Dallas was hurt by the fact that they were
playing without leading scorer and rebounder Dirk Nowitzki, who was out for
the second straight game with a sprained left ankle. The comeback victory
snapped the Rockets’ four-game losing skid and was only their third win in
their last 14 games.


4) This weekend’s contests

Golf at Holy Family, 1:00 p.m.
Baseball at Muhlenberg, 3:45 p.m.

Track and field at Moravian, 11:15 p.m.
Men’s tennis at Washington, 12:00 p.m.
Women’s lacrosse hosts Muhlenberg, 1:00 p.m.
Baseball hosts Johns Hopkins (DH), 1:00 p.m.
Softball hosts Gettysburg (DH), 1:00 p.m.
Men’s lacrosse at Franklin & Marshall, 1:30 p.m.
Women’s rugby at Franklin & Marshall
Men’s ultimate at Yale Cup

Men’s tennis hosts Rochester, 12:00 p.m.
Men’s ultimate at Yale Cup


5) Corrections

The women’s rugby team was incorrectly referred to as “the Warmothers”
yesterday’s issue. That moniker, in fact, belongs to the women’s ultimate
frisbee squad. Additionally, the rugby team’s Saturday matchup against F&M
will be held in Lancaster, PA, not at Swat as initially stated.



“If I had to live my life again, I’d make the same mistakes, only sooner.”
–Tallulah Bankhead

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Sportswriters: Muhsin Abdur-Rahman
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This concludes today’s report.

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