Thursday, January 27, 2000

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The Daily Gazette

Swarthmore College
Thursday, January 27, 2000
Volume 4, Number 63


1) World news roundup

2) Campus events


1) Men’s and women’s basketball victorious over Haverford

2) World sports roundup

3) Today’s and tomorrow’s contests


Today: Partly cloudy. High in the mid 20s.
    Let the mudslinging begin: quotes from yesterday’s Democratic
presidential debate…

Tonight: Some clouds. Low near 10.
    Gore: “If you’re going to talk about a higher standard, you’re going
to need to live by them.”

Tomorrow: Mostly sunny. High around 30.
    Bradley, about Gore’s negative campaign advertising: “You know
better. You know better, but you continue to do what you know is


1) World news roundup

Elian Gonzalez met for two hours with his Cuban grandmothers at the home
of a Roman Catholic nun yesterday in Miami. After the visit, the
grandmothers flew to Washington to lobby Congress members against granting
Elian citizenship. …U.N. Security Council members chose Hans Blix, the
former Swedish head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, to lead a
new U.N. weapons inspection agency for Iraq. The council unanimously
agreed on his appointment. …Lawyers for six human rights organizations
and the Belgian government went before London’s High Court yesterday to
argue against former Chilean leader Gen. Augusto Pinochet’s release from
Britain. Pinochet has been under house arrest for 15 months while the
British government considered an extradition request from Spain, where
he is charged of abusing human rights and using torture during his
1973-1990 rule in Chile. …After a year of problems at home and abroad,
Coca-Cola announced yesterday that it will cut 6,000 jobs–a fifth of its
global work force–in the company’s biggest reductions ever. …In
yesterday night’s Democratic presidential debate, Bill Bradley attacked Al
Gore’s commitment to abortion rights and likened his tactics to Richard
Nixon’s, while Gore criticized Bradley for voting for Republican spending
cuts. …American investigators believe they have uncovered a link between
a group of Algerians charged with plotting a terrorist attack in the
U.S. and Osama bin Ladin, law enforcement officials said yesterday.


2) Campus events

Summer Job/Internship Search
Trotter 301, 4:15 p.m.

Sophomore Paper Departmental Meeting: Francophone Studies
Kohlberg 228, 4:30 p.m.

Sophomore Paper Departmental Meeting: Biology
Kirby Lecture Hall, 4:30 p.m.

Chemistry Colloquium
Kohlberg 115, 4:30 p.m.

Sophomore Paper Departmental Meeting: Asian Studies
Dupont 190, 6:30 p.m.

Sophomore Paper Departmental Meeting: Women’s Studies
Kohlberg 226, 6:30 p.m.

Fiction Reading: Stacey D’Erasmo, “Tea”
Scheuer Room, 7:00 p.m.

Diversity Coalition Film: “Do The Right Thing”
Trotter 303, 8:00 p.m.

Sophomore Paper Departmental Meeting: Medieval Studies
Beardsley 305, 8:30 p.m.

Swing Practice
Upper Tarble, 9:30 p.m.



1) Both basketball teams victorious over Haverford

The women’s basketball team beat Haverford 66-48 yesterday, while the
men’s team defeated the Fords 65-58. On the women’s side, Sarah Tufano ’03
had a career-high 25 points and nine rebounds, Heather Kile ’02 had 16
points and eight rebounds, and Heather Marandola ’01 had nine points,
six rebounds and three assists. The women are now 9-7 overall, 5-1
in the Centennial Conference. In the men’s game, David Pearce ’03 had a
career-high 24 points and Joe Culley ’00 brought in 13 points and 12
rebounds. The team is now 3-13, 2-4 in the conference.


2) World sports roundup

Don Budge, who in 1938 swept all four major tennis tournaments to become
the sport’s first Grand Slam winner, died yesterday of cardiac arrest at
the age of 84. …Mike Tyson is trying to take back his statement that he
would “kill” Julius Francis in their heavyweight bout this weekend
in Manchester. Tyson  had said, “I think that I’m going to kill Julius
Francis. I’m just ready for this fight. I want it bad.” Tyson insists that
he didn’t mean the statement, which has made headlines in Britain,
literally. …Dallas cowboys owner Jerry Jones made Dave Campo head coach
of the team yesterday. Campo has been with the team since 1989.


3) Today’s and tomorrow’s contests

No contests scheduled for today.

No contests scheduled for tomorrow.


Quote of the day:
“Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what’s for lunch.” —
Orson Welles


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Editorial Board
    Jeff Heckelman
    Melanie Hirsch
    Claire Phillips-Thoryn

Staff Writers
    Karla Gilbride
    Alma Ortiz
    Jeremy Schifeling
    Kai Xu

The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
group of Swarthmore College students. Technical support from the
College Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.

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This concludes today’s report.

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