Friday, January 29, 1999

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The Daily Gazette

Swarthmore College
Friday, January 29, 1999
Volume 3, Number 63

EDITOR’S NOTE:  In Wednesday’s issue, we mistakenly reported that an
hit the nation of Columbia, when in fact no such nation exists.  The
occurred in Colombia, the country, not Columbia, the city.  The Daily Gazette
regrets and apologizes for the error and has taken steps to ensure it will
never happen again.  


1) Multi-Cultural Dean Working Group looks to bring a new Dean to Swat

2) World news roundup

3) Campus events


1) Men’s basketball falls to University of Sciences

2) Women’s swimming overcomes Bryn Mawr

3) Badminton topples Bryn Athen

4) Today’s and tomorrow’s contests


Today: Partly sunny – highs in the low 40’s.
       Samantha Juices…Kohlberg…11-3…be there.

Tonight: Fair skies – lows in the upper 20’s.

Tomorrow: Partly sunny – high near 40.
       Yay, weekend!  Hip-hip-hooray!

Sunday: Fair skies – low of 15 with highs around 30.
       What is a Samantha Juice, anyway?


1) Multi-Cultural Dean Working Group looks to bring a new Dean to Swat

A significant number of students are currently exploring the potential
that the campus could gain from the addition of a Multicultural Dean to the
administration. The appointment of such an administrator was one of the ideas
produced at the rally last year. Although the Multicultural Dean Working Group
(MCDWG) has not yet moved beyond the planning stages, its members have met
several administrators and are currently preparing a collection of ways in
which such a position would benefit the community. According to Working Group
member Gloria Chan ’02, “We are mostly just gathering information at this

Several years ago, then-Dean of the College Ngina Lythcott pushed for a
Multicultural Dean who would coordinate Academic, Intercultural, and Student
Life Teams and promote multiculturalism on campus. The then-Director of the
Black Cultural Center, Joseph Mason, was promoted to the position as a
half-time Associate Dean, but left after a year to pursue his Ph.D. A search
began to find a replacement, but it was unsuccessful. Later, when the
Intercultural Center was established, the administration considered combining
the responsibilities of the IC Director with those of a Multicultural Dean,
concern was expressed that that would result in the Director having less time
to fulfill his or her responsibilities to the IC. Now, however, many students
are advocating this position as a needed addition to the community.

One likely responsibility of a Multicultural Dean would be to help organize
first-year Diversity  Workshops, which are currently run by Diversity
Coalition. In addition, the Dean might organize events and bring in speakers
whose topics were relevant to the entire campus. Such jobs would be in sharp
contrast to the responsibilities of the Directors of the IC and BCC, the
religious advisors, and the staff of the WRC, whose main responsibilities are
to serve as a support to the students of their groups. These staff members
currently interact with students outside of their groups, because other
students affect those for who they are responsible. A Multicultural Dean would
likely take on the added responsibility.

A Multicultural Dean might also organize ways to, as Director of the Black
Cultural Center Tim Sams put it, “empower the majority to discuss minority
issues.” This could be through helping to incorporate sensitivity education
into curriculum. Sams believes that such sensitivity education would not be
same thing as political correctness, but rather would be a confrontation of
He said that while political correctness silences students, sensitivity
education would be attempting to educate students on how to express their true
feelings on sensitive issues without inadvertently offending others, and thus
halting discussion.

At this early date, it is difficult to tell whether a Multicultural Dean will
be appointed within the next few semesters. Drawbacks could include, for
example, budgetary considerations. According to Dean of the College Bob Gross,
the expense of a full-time Associate Dean with an office and an administrative
assistant could be as high as $80,000 to $100,000, which is about the cost of
two beginning professors. If a current Swarthmore College administrator is
appointed to the position, it could be somewhat less expensive. The MCDWG is
currently gathering student and faculty sentiment, which they will eventually
present to the administration. “We are compiling a list of student, faculty,
and administration needs with which this position could help,” said Working
Group member Sarah Kowalski ’01.

Students who would like to participate or have ideas to contribute are
asked to
write to for information.


2) World news roundup


NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana warned both the Yugoslav government and
ethnic Albanian rebels in the province of Kosovo that failure to enter peace
talks soon could result in military intervention. A meeting will be held today
by the Contact Group, representing the United States, Russia, France, Italy,
Germany, and Britain, in which the warring sides will likely be demanded to
negotiate a U.S.-endorsed peace plan within a week. Threatened NATO airstrikes
had persuaded Yugoslavia into a cease-fire last  October, but violence has
since resumed.


Governor Mel Carnahan of Missouri commuted the death sentence of a  confessed
triple-murderer on Thursday after a direct appeal by Pope John  Paul II.
Darrell Mease, 42, who was scheduled to be executed on February  10, will now
serve a life prison term. During a mass in St. Louis on  Wednesday, the Pope
spoke out strongly against the death penalty, and  later, according to
Carnahan, contacted the governor personally about the  issue. In a statement,
Carnahan said he still supported capital punishment, but acted out of respect
for the Pope.


Two American fighter jets attacked an anti-aircraft battery in northern  Iraq
Thursday after being targeted while on routine patrol. …Jordan’s  King
Hussein was flown Tuesday to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, where he is  still
being treated with chemotherapy for a serious relapse of cancer. … Ford
Company announced Thursday that it will purchase the auto manufacturing
division of Volvo for $6.45 billion. … On Monday the Supreme Court ruled 5-4
against the use of statistical sampling methods for allocating Congressional
representation in the U.S. census. Statistical sampling typically accounts
for groups who are often missed under a “head count” census, such as the
homeless, immigrants, and the rural poor.


3) Campus events


Shabbat Services and Dinner
Bond Memorial Hall, 5:30 p.m.

Friday Night Worship
Kohlberg 115, 7:30 p.m.

Movie: There’s Something About Mary
DuPont 161, 7:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.

Dead Dog Evening Cafe, Open Mike
ML Dead Dog Cafe, 8:00 p.m.


Friends of Music and Dance Reception
LPAC Lower Lobby, 3:00 p.m.

Jacob Holdts Presentation
LPAC Pearson-Hall Theatre, 6:00 p.m.

Movie: North by Northwest
DuPont 161, 7:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.


Protestant Worship
Bond 2nd Floor Worship Room, 4:00 p.m.

Celebration of Catholic Mass
Bond Memorial Hall, 4:00 p.m.

Tu B’Shvat Seder
Bond Memorial Hall, 8:00 p.m.

Mertz 2nd Floor Lounge, 8:30 p.m.



1) Men’s basketball falls to University of Sciences

Swarthmore men’s basketball lost to the University of the Sciences Red Devils
on Wednesday night. The beginning of the game saw the Garnet surge to an
initial lead, but by halftime, the score was tied at 36-36. The Garnet was
unable to follow through in the second half, eventually losing by a score of
78-66. Charlie Brubaker scored 23 points while Tim Schofield ’99 had 15. The
Garnet’s season record now stands at 2-14.


2) Women’s swimming overcomes Bryn Mawr

Women’s swimming now boasts an overall record of 8-3 and a Centennial
Conference record of 4-0 after defeating Bryn Mawr 112-88 on Wednesday.
included Alice Bonarou ’02
(100 m. butterfly); Jill Belding ’99 (200 m. freestyle); Becca Howes-Mischel
(50 m. freestyle); Melissa Amir-Arjomand ’00 (100 m. freestyle); Erica
Rosenthal (500 m. freestyle); Amy Auerbach ’02 (400 m. individual medley); and
the team of Alissa Parmalee ’01, Amir-Arjomand, Cathy Polinsky ’99, and
Auerbach (medley relay).


3) Badminton topples Bryn Athen

Badminton won its second match of the season, raising its record to 2-0,
with a
final score of 5-0 over Bryn Athen on Wednesday. Three singles players were
victorious as well as the doubles teams of Erica Anderson ’01 & Jennifer Chen
’99 and Siobhan Carty ’01 & Karen Lange ’02.


4) Today’s and tomorrow’s contests


Track and field travels to the Wesleyan Invitational at 4:00 p.m.


Badminton hosts Haverford at 11:00 a.m.

Wrestling hosts the Centennial Conference Quad Meet at 11:00 a.m.

Swimming hosts Gettysburg at 2:00 p.m.

Women’s basketball visits Franklin & Marshall at 2:00 p.m.

Men’s basketball visits Gettysburg at 3:00 p.m.


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Jeff Heckelman
Jessica Salvatore

Staff Writers
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Ben Geller
Joey Genereux
Megan Haberle
Ilya Leskov
Alma Ortiz
Claire Phillips-Thoryn
Pete Schilla
Jaspal Singh
Rhiana Swartz

Jeff Heckelman

Online Editor
Lorrin Nelson

The Daily Gazette is temporarily being published Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday by an independent group of Swarthmore College students. We will
return to our previous format (issues Monday through Friday) as soon as
possible. Technical support from the Swarthmore College Computer Society is
gratefully acknowledged.

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This concludes today’s report.

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