Tuesday, March 25, 1997

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The Daily Gazette

Swarthmore College
Tuesday, March 25, 1997
Volume 1, Number 36


1) Worth Health Center at capacity

2) World news round-up

3) Oscar results


1)  Yesterday’s results:  baseball, golf

2)  Men’s swimming disappointed at Nationals

3)  The weekend’s results (continued)

4)  Tonight’s and tomorrow’s contests


1) Worth Health Center at capacity

Worth Health Center has been swamped with patients in the past couple of
days since students returned from Spring Break.  Although as of Monday
night there were only two patients in Worth, during the week Worth was
operating at full capacity, turning away some students to recuperate in
their own rooms because all seven beds and one couch were occupied.  But,
in the words of one Worth nurse, “things are beginning to look up.”

Most students suffered from nausea and vomiting and there were also
multiple cases of diarrhea.  A nurse at Worth suggested that sudents wash
their hands repeatedly in order to decrease their chances of catching the
germs.  Although she did point out that as soon as one touches the faucet
after washing, they recontaminate their hands.  Students should also avoid
drinking out of the same glass after someone else already has.  However,
the spread of the germs is facilitated by the fact that students live and
work in such close proximity to one another.


2) World news round-up


Israel braced for more attacks following a suicide bombing Friday in a Tel
Aviv cafe. Police patrolled public places, and the government banned
Palestinians who live on the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip from entering
Israel. A Palestinian was wounded at a checkpoint Tuesday after attempting
to cross the border into Israel. Also on Tuesday, Israeli police in
Bethlehem used tear gas and rubber bullets against Palestinians who were
throwing stones; no injuries where reported.

The world news roundup is produced by Swarthmore Radio News, which airs
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:30 p.m. and midnight on WSRN 91.5 FM.


3) Oscar results

Indy films sweep the Oscars

The audience seemed to welcome the return of Billy Crystal as host last
night at the Oscars, with his patented opening musical review of the
nominees for Best Picture.  “The English Patient” was the big winner,
nominated for eleven Academy Awards and only losing three.  Of the
approximately 145 films released by the Hollywood studios last year, only
“Jerry Maguire” was nominated in any of the major categories.  This year
represents a shocking sweep of the Academy Awards by the independent film
community.  And the 1996 Oscars went to:

Best Picture:  “The English Patient”
Best Director:  Anthony Minghella (“The English Patient”)
Best Actor:  Geoffrey Rush (“Shine”)
Best Actress:  Frances McDormand (“Fargo”)
Supporting Actor:  Cuba Gooding, Jr. (“Jerry Maguire”)
Supporting Actress:  Juliette Binoche (“The English Patient”)
Visual Effects:  “Independence Day”
Cinematography:  John Seale (“The English Patient”)
Editing:  “The English Patient”
Live-Action Short Film:  “Dear Diary”
Animated Sort Film:  “Quest”
Documentary Short Subject:  “Breathing Lessons: The Life and Work of Mark
Documentary Features: “When We Were Kings”
Sound:  “The English Patient”
Sound Effects Editing:  “The Ghost and the Darkness”
Foreign Language Film:  “Kolya,” The Czech Republic
Screenplay (Original):  Ethan Coen and Joel Coen (“Fargo”)
Screenplay (Adaptation):  Billy Bob Thornton (“Sling Blade”)
Make-up:  “The Nutty Professor”
Costume Design:  Ann Roth (“The English Patient”)
Art Direction:  “The English Patient”
Original Dramatic Score:  Gabriel Yared (“The English Patient”)
Original Music or Comedy Score:  Rachel Portman (“Emma”)
Original Song: “You Must Love Me,” music by Andrew Lloyd Webber, lyric by
Tim Rice (“Evita”)

The Movie Committee plans to bring  both “The English Patient” and “Shine”
to campus later this semester.


1)  Yesterday’s results:  baseball, golf

Lebanon Valley 18, Swarthmore 9
Pat Straub ’97 remained hot at the plate.  Straub reached base all four
times, scored three runs, and had two hits including a bases clearing
triple in the fifth inning.  Jeremy Bonder ’97 collected two hits and
scored two runs.

Swarthmore 394, Philadelphia Pharmacy 407
Darby Kopp ’99 was the match medalist after shooting an 88.  Naveen
Nirgudkar ’99 finished with the team’s second lowest score, a 96.  The golf
team is now 1-0 on the season.  It was Swarthmore’s first win in two


2)  Men’s swimming disappointed at Nationals

Of the four swimmers the Centennial Conference sent to the NCAA Division
III national swim meet this weekend at the University of Miami (Ohio), two
were from Swarthmore:  Andy Robbins ’98 and Brandon Walsh ’00.  Both,
though swimming relatively well, were somewhat disappointed with their
performances overall.  Robbins, a backstroker, and Walsh, a butterflier,
each swam the 100-yard and 200-yard versions of their respective strokes,
and each narrowly missed going to the finals of the 200-yard races.
Robbins placed 17th overall, 0.01 seconds off 16th place and a spot in the
finals.  “It’s a shame, because Andy’s one of those guys who bust out at
night [in the finals],” said senior swim captain Jamie Raich.  Walsh placed
18th in the butterfly, only 0.4 seconds out of 16th place.  “Both had a
legitimate chance of placing in the finals,” Raich commented.


3)  The weekend’s results (continued)

Swarthmore 4, Emory 3
Swarthmore 6, DePauw 1
Swarthmore 4, Pomona 3
Swarthmore won every contest on its trip to Atlanta, Georgia over the
weekend.  It avenged a defeat last season at the hands of Emory.  The team
looks forward to playing a little closer to home, as its last seven
contests have been on the road.  Over spring break Swarthmore traveled to
California where they split their four matches.  The Garnet look to
continue their winning ways against the University of Pennsylvania tomorrow

Kobayashi Maru Tournament at University of Maryland
Swarthmore 10, Carnegie-Mellon 9
Swarthmore 13?, Virginia 7?
Swarthmore 13, Salisbury State 6
Penn State 7, Swarthmore 4
Swarthmore 13?, Maryland (Quarters) 7?
Swarthmore 15, Delaware (Semis) 10
Penn State 13, Swarthmore (Finals) 9


4)  Tonight’s and tomorrow’s contests

The baseball team hosts Wesley in a 3:30 p.m. game.
The softball team travels to Washington for a doubleheader starting at 2:30
Men’s tennis takes to the road to face the University of Pennsylvania at
3:00 p.m.
The women’s lacrosse team meets Washington at 4:00 p.m.

TOMORROW (26 March)
Baseball hits the road for a 3:30 p.m. contest at Eastern.

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The Daily Gazette
Board of Editors
Fred Bush
Kate Doty
Jennifer Klein
David Lischer
Eric Pakurar
Sam Schulhofer-Wohl
Sylvia Weedman

Contributing Writer
Sara Miller

The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
group of Swarthmore College students. Technical support from the Swarthmore
College Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.

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This concludes today’s report.

Copyright 1997 by The Daily Gazette.  All rights reserved.

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