Last Thursday the Swarthmore Co-op unveiled its new building in the Swarthmore Ville, in between Cheng Hing and the old Co-op. The new, more spacious store boasts a larger selection [...]
Can you remember what made you want to come to Swarthmore? For those of us who have already turned into jaded seniors, watching the newest addition to the Admissions Office's [...]
Yesterday, Dr. Keith Poole, Kenneth Lay (yes, that Ken Lay) Professor of Political Science at the University of Houston, gave a talk entitled “Political Polarization and Economic Inequality”, a discussion [...]
Earlier in the semester ITS began the process of switching over to a new email interface, called Horde Internet Messaging Program (IMP) Webmail Client, from the older TWIG client. Horde [...]
Democratic Vice Presidential candidate John Edwards spoke to a large and energetic crowd at the Haverford Field House yesterday. Throughout his speech and responses to audience questions he emphasized the [...]
Dr. Ali Ali-Dinar, Outreach Director of the African Studies Program at the University of Pennsylvania, came to Swarthmore yesterday to present "A Call For Peace in Darfur", a talk on [...]
While most students are still asleep on Saturday mornings, a dedicated group of members of Swarthmore's Pro-Choice Task Force (PCTF) take a 7:30 train into Philadelphia to serve as patient [...]
The externship program is one of the highlights of Career Service’s offerings. Founded by a group of alumni over 30 years ago, the program has continued to grow each year [...]
Speaking before an audience of more than 20,000 at Villanova University last night, Archbishop Desmond Tutu summarized the circumstances in which apartheid was ended in South Africa and stressed the [...]
Efforts to bring Swarthmore further into the information age continue as ITS weighs the pros and cons of innovations such as Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) telephone systems and wireless [...]