A recent poll shows that the most popular sport at Swarthmore is "Misery Poker." Though neither a team nor recognized division sport, Misery Poker has a much larger following among [...]
Just lose The Game? The good news is that if you didn't, I did, so you've got exactly five minutes to carry on with life, worry-free in regards to losing [...]
Since it will be a few months before the costumed Phoenix mascot makes its sidelines debut, the Daily Gazette, "Your Fun Computer Friend," will be filling in in its place, [...]
The field of Democratic candidates for President grew yesterday as former congressman and Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan announced his intention to seek the White House a fourth time. [...]
Swarthmore approved 765 applications from a pool of 3,724 for a record-high acceptance rate of twenty percent in an attempt to get a jump on the competition in claiming the [...]
After the success of the "Kick Coke" campaign, students objecting to the replacement of Coca-Cola products by those produced by the Pepsi Company formed the "Kick Pepsi" campaign. Drawing on [...]
White claims that he needed to get a second B.A. in "Management" from the University of Phoenix in order to get employers to notice him. "They see Swarthmore and they've [...]
In response to a "Tri-Co All-Star Hot List" which mostly mentioned students who have already graduated, or "that Bryn Mawr whore from Sager," GN 11:52 wrote a post that was [...]
The year was 1869. The night was stormy. The history was a'making. Twelve Quakers held hands in silence. Then they did that seriously unhygienic thing where you prick your finger [...]