Sweaty Swatties rejoice--air conditioning is finally being installed in Sharples for a price tag of $900,000. Stuart Hain, Vice President of Facilities, explained that "we have been aware that the conditions in that building can be really uncomfortable for both students and
The ranks of Swarthmore's activist organizations are joined this semester by a new group dedicated to raising awareness of infectious diseases that threaten the lives of people in developing countries. [...]
The SCCS server was compromised and was being used to host and send out pharmaceutical spam content, largely due to a URL vulnerability in The Phoenix's index.php
Professor Sawsan Abbadi, recently hired as a lecturer for the Tri-Co Arabic program, aims not only to teach students Arabic, but also to give them wider exposure to Arabic culture.
Late Friday afternoon, Al Bloom joined the presidents of eighteen other liberal arts colleges in releasing a statement outlining the colleges' positions on college rankings. All but one of the colleges signing Friday's letter are currently ranked in the top twenty-five LACs
Renovations begun in Old Tarble over the summer and slated to be completed in the next couple of weeks will culminate several years of facilities expansion for the art department.
Student Council discussed the agenda for an upcoming forum with the Intercultural Center and Black Cultural Center. This event will be happening in the Scheuer Room on Sunday the 16th [...]
This year incoming freshmen were required to take AlcoholEdu, a web-based course that lasts about two and a half hours and imparts information about alcohol safety. The Delta Upsilon fraternity was the early adopter at Swarthmore. They were encouraged by the national
Student Council had many successes last year (the ITS calendar initiative, class syllabi on Blackboard) but is also still in the middle of many projects, some of which were discussed [...]