On Tuesday evening, Student Council held a chat with Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid Jim Bock '90 on Swarthmore's decision to eliminate loans from its aid package. Bock began [...]
SCOREBOARD Men's Lacrosse #5 Washington (Md.) 13, Swarthmore 6 MEN'S LACROSSE: Fateful Third Cramps Garnet Upset Bid The Swarthmore men's lacrosse team went toe-to-toe with fifth-ranked Washington (Md.) through the [...]
Mike Gravel, an ex-Senator from Alaska, stumped for the Libertarian nomination in Bond Hall yesterday to a crowd of Swatties. Until recently, Gravel was campaigning as a Democrat, but switched [...]
The sudden death of a 38 year-old working class man was the central focus of the talk that professor Farha Ghannam gave on Tuesday, entitled "The Life and Death of [...]
Reverend Ralph Roy, ’50, opened Tri-Co Peace Week last Friday with a speech recalling his Swarthmore days and his life of political activism. After graduating from Swarthmore, Roy attended Columbia [...]
Scoreboard Golf 15th at Lebanon Valley Invitational MEN'S LACROSSE: Mazzucco Named CC Defensive Player of the Week Swarthmore goalie Frank Mazzucco '08 was named the Centennial Conference Defensive Player of [...]
SAO and StuCo | $10:$1 Student Council was running late this week due to a long budget appeals meeting. Combined with a short agenda, the meeting ran quicker than usual, [...]
The Swarthmore Literary Review is a newly created annual poetry magazine, and is one of 22 publications at Swarthmore. The magazine, however, is also Swarthmore’s only international publication and accepts [...]