Opinion - Page 40

Trump’s Nominees Will Undermine the Fed

Donald Trump recently announced his intention to fill the two open spots on the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors by nominating Herman Cain and Stephan Moore. Both have no monetary policy experience and are grossly unqualified for the job, but there’s something
April 18, 2019

“The Cursed Child” Brings Magic to Life

One point that I have found to be absolutely amazing about Swarthmore is that almost all Swatties can immediately bond over Harry Potter. And it’s not just Swatties who can share this bond. This past Winter break, at an externship, my mentor
April 18, 2019

A Meditation on Meditation

Our society pushes the idea that the more responsibilities we accept, the better and more successful we are. Since we live in a society that demands that we be the best, most fulfilled versions of ourselves, it often feels like we must
April 11, 2019

Finding a Place on Campus to Rest and Revive

What are the most important functionalities for the public spaces on campus? The most common concerns are always whether the public areas can satisfy our academic or social needs. Are there enough rooms for us to study quietly? What are the best
April 11, 2019

A Crumby ‘Thank You’ to Our Workers

I am completely biased in saying this as the Crumb Cafe’s co-head director, but the café has truly become one of my favorite spaces on campus. Sure, our wait times can be inconsistent, but what was once a financially floundering café operating
April 11, 2019

Dear Prospective Swattie: What We Want You to Know

Welcome to Swat! As you attend admitted student events, go to the activities fair, and explore campus, we at The Phoenix want to impart on you some of our insights about the College to help you in your deliberative process. Each member
April 11, 2019

Swarthmore and the Post-Modern Episteme

In a recent Super Bowl advert for Pepsi, Cardi B asks us to reconsider the question “Is Pepsi Okurrr?”. “Of Course Pepsi is Okurrr” she says. The “Is Pepsi Ok?” campaign, which has also featured Steve Carell, seeks to soothe a sore
April 4, 2019

Rethinking the Way We Talk About Climate Change

In my Introduction to Environmental Studies class, one of our first projects was about climate communication. In order to be a compelling environmental activist, we reasoned, you have to be able to start productive conversations with the vast majority of Americans, most
March 28, 2019
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