Opinion - Page 37

Swat’s in a Name? S’more Than You Think

I am a first-year student, and I already love many aspects of Swarthmore College: the beautiful campus, the unique and compassionate students, the interesting classes, the dedicated professors, and numerous other miscellaneous quirks. I am decidedly not enamored, however, with one very
October 24, 2019

On Seeking Help for Depression

Depression can make a person feel sad, hopeless, unworthy, tired or guilty — overall, it’s a horrible feeling. It originates from a combination of predisposed genetics for depression, stressful life experiences, and a lack of dopamine production or reception in brain cells.
October 24, 2019

Say Boo to Halloween

October has descended upon us, and we all know what that means — pumpkin spice, sweater weather, and general spookiness. To cap off this long month, America has adopted an old Celtic celebration, now known as Halloween. However, this celebration is merely
October 10, 2019

Queer Eye for Hegemonic Capital

The cast of Queer Eye dug into Bernie Sanders in what was ostensibly a critique of style in a 2018 video that has recently gone viral amid the Democratic primary. The cast members extolled Hillary and Bill Clinton, while denying to have
October 10, 2019

The Medicalization of Desire

Men in the medical field couldn’t understand why their wives didn’t enjoy having sex with them, so instead of finding the clitoris, psychiatrists in the 1950s decided their wives must have a medical disorder. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
October 3, 2019
mental health

Mindfulness is More Than Meditation

When I used to think about mindfulness, I would groan internally, imagining someone sitting under a tree for hours with their eyes closed. This transformed into a deeper dislike for “mindfulness” when my parents forced me to try it. At thirteen, sitting
October 3, 2019

Thinking Through Impeachment

The beginning of impeachment proceedings against President Trump will almost certainly define the last stage of his presidency, and potentially the future of both parties. It’s still far too early to know what the results of the impeachment inquiry may be. We
October 3, 2019

Athletes Have an Obligation to be Activists

Throughout history, athletes have demonstrated that they can and should take active roles in the fight for justice. Muhammad Ali personifies the greatness, both in physical ability and in advocacy, that all athletes should strive for. On April 28, 1967, Ali refused
September 26, 2019
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