Opinion - Page 36

Ban the Ban

Note: due to concern about online harassment, we have made certain individuals anonymous at their request. Introduction Do you believe that you deserve to know where your money is going? Do you believe in ethical, human-centered investment? Do you believe in holding
November 14, 2019

Embracing Our Birthday Suits

Even though nudity is one of the most natural and normal things a human can experience, American society has been in the business of censoring it for a long time. As modesty began to take deep roots in our human psyche, we
November 14, 2019

In Defense of Economics

“Economics is astrology for guys named Chip.” I am by no means an avid follower of the campus meme page, but I happened to catch this economics joke a few weeks ago while scrolling through my Facebook feed. Unlike most things on
November 14, 2019

The Point of Protesting

“Make Earth Great Again” painted on canvas, held by a man in his 40s. Teachers clutching permission slips next to students who joined the cause. The raucous chanting as we marched down Philadelphia’s Market Street. The Global Climate Strike may have empowered
November 7, 2019

@Jack’s Answer to Zuckerberg

The startup founders of the mid aughts imagined themselves as heroic figures, creating an internet that would be more accessible and social than ever before. They got exactly what they dreamed of: an open, democratized internet. But instead of liberating and uplifting
November 7, 2019

SWE Provides Support and Community

I have been asking myself since elementary school: Why are there so few women in science, technology, engineering, and math? Women and non-binary people do not get enough support and encouragement from their peers, institutions, and communities. I believe that we should
November 7, 2019

Revamping Resilience

I woke up Sunday morning in the cold embrace of my depression, like a dumbbell balancing on my chest, weighing me down. Tears waterfalled down my face, I blubbered with sobs but felt absolutely nothing. No motivation to dry off my tears,
November 7, 2019

Bernie Sanders Can Still Win

Last week, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) held a rally in New York City to show that his campaign is still viable. This rally had an attendance in the tens of thousands and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) formally endorsed Sanders prior to the
October 31, 2019

A Sweet Take on Candy Corn

Fall is fully upon us now, which means candy corn has finally begun to grace store shelves. Although this is something I personally see as a delight, I am acutely aware that candy corn really irks some people. Whilst many people think
October 31, 2019

Docuseries Can Teach Empathy and Understanding

I publicly sobbed while watching “When They See Us” and “Unbelievable.” Both of these shows are docuseries, television series that follow real events. I was left with a deep-seated frustration and despair towards the American justice system. These two cases are each
October 31, 2019
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The Phoenix