Opinion - Page 34

A Space to Trust

I’d like to believe I wasn’t alone in having had some concerns about my writing abilities when I first came to Swarthmore. The class that I sat in on during Swatstruck was an upper-level philosophy course. I remember being so completely blown
February 20, 2020

Reflecting on the Natalist Discourse

The discourse that occupies the American psyche says that reproducing and building a biological family is ideal. I disagree. Instead, I believe that the reproduction of human beings is unethical. This position is known as antinatalism. Reproduction is an ethical question because
February 20, 2020

SwHeartmore: The Holiday We Get Right

For a day full of love and hearts and chocolate, Valentine’s Day provokes a surprising amount of bitterness. People tend to view Valentine’s Day as an exclusive holiday, one reserved for lovebirds who sit in a quaint café holding hands. In the
February 20, 2020

Mike Bloomberg Should Drop Out of the Race

On Tuesday morning, Feb.11, leaked audio surfaced of presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg’s remarks at a 2015 event, in which he makes aggressively racist comments and defends his support of “stop-and-frisk”. In this piece, I will detail the context of these revelations, explain
February 13, 2020

To Progress

I am scared. We are at the nexus of an immovable moment in our modern history. What we know to be true has been a perfuse fallacy. Our existence and future is no more real than answering to the proverbial question: what
February 13, 2020

The Handiness of Humanities

As a student at Swarthmore College, I cannot count how many times I have heard about the benefits of a well-rounded, liberal arts education. Our distribution requirements attempt to ensure that all students gain exposure to subjects outside their major. Students can
February 6, 2020

Iowa Shouldn’t Vote First

Caucus-goers in Iowa participated in the first nominating contest of the 2020 Democratic primary on Monday. A caucus is a party meeting where voters gather to discuss the candidates. Voters don’t fill out a traditional ballot; instead, voters with the same preferred
February 6, 2020

On Nourishment

When I was debating whether or not to come to Swarthmore, I called up an alum that I knew through a friend of a friend and asked for the full rundown on everything the school had to offer. We talked for over
February 6, 2020

Iran and 2020: What Does Peace Mean?

From the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani to increased U.S. sanctions on Iran, tensions between the U.S. and Iran are becoming more and more volatile. Foreign policy always carries considerable weight in each election cycle, but is normally treated as completely
January 30, 2020
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