Opinion - Page 28

A Note on Last Week’s Article

Last week I wrote an Opinions piece about vaccine hesitancy and the need for Swarthmore to require vaccinations for all its students. This was a short piece, written more or less off-the-cuff after seeing a news article about vaccine exemptions. Unfortunately, this
April 23, 2021


On April 16, 2021, The Phoenix published an op-ed titled, “Vaccinate Every Swattie. No Exceptions.” The piece, which argues for every Swarthmore student to be vaccinated, focuses somewhat on ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities of New York which have famously suffered high COVID-19 infection
April 23, 2021

Becoming > : Advice from Professors

In my previous piece, I outlined this pervasive feeling of being <, this mix of imposter syndrome, stereotype threat, and my own insecurities blended together in a, to say mildly, unappetizing concoction. Since then, I’ve spent the past month interviewing four mathematics
April 23, 2021

Why We Should Reject the Chamberlain Project

The Chamberlain Project has partnered with Swarthmore College to provide Retiring Officer Teaching Fellowships to retiring military officers with terminal degrees or PhDs. These retired military officers would work as visiting assistant professors in their field of study. While students and faculty
April 16, 2021

Vaccinate Every Swattie. No Exceptions.

Editor’s Note: The Phoenix Editorial Board and the author of the piece have issued apologies regarding the editorial process of this article. Since the original publication of the piece, mentions of Orthodox Jews in this article have been modified to ultra-Orthodox Jews
April 16, 2021

On Denialism

Every day I wake up in denial. I need to deny the absolute insanity of the world we live in just to function on a day-to-day basis. I actively push aside thoughts about how I am affected by and how I am
April 9, 2021

What Would a “Democratic” Russia Look Like?

From the first Tsars of the sixteenth century to the notoriously repressive Soviet regime to the contemporary mafia state of Vladimir Putin, Russia has long been a bastion of autocracy in Eastern Europe. Even the 1990s-era democratization attempt under Boris Yeltsin’s rule
April 9, 2021

Swarthmore Ought to Commit to Open Access Research

Search Cell or The Lancet, two globally renowned biology and medical science journals, respectively, on Tripod, and they immediately appear under the search results. “Available online,” the search results read. At Swarthmore, institutional affiliation grants students, faculty, and alums free access to
April 9, 2021
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The Phoenix