Opinion - Page 26

The Phoenix Is Back in Print

The very first issue of The Phoenix was printed on December 1, 1881. Its inaugural editorial board was a group of eleven students with a desire to provide their community with an advocate for truth and independence through fair and honest journalism.
October 7, 2021

Wait, Seriously? Pink Tax?

The pink tax: it’s probably affecting you right now without you even realising it. Even in the 21st century, women are at a fairly large economic disadvantage compared to men. Not only are women paid less across fields ranging from the theatre
September 30, 2021

Anonymous Commenting is BACK

The Phoenix Editorial Board is once again allowing anonymous commenting on our website. This policy change took effect on Monday and overturned a Fall 2019 policy update that required comments to be submitted under a legitimate-looking email for The Phoenix to approve
September 30, 2021

No, We Are Not Okay: It is Time We Pop the Bubble

We students talk a lot about the Swarthmore “bubble” — that invisible structure that keeps us isolated from the outside world in our ivory tower of academia. Yes, we sometimes venture into Philly and Chester and the surrounding community, but by and large,
September 16, 2021

A Gap in Group Leadership

The Phoenix is a student-published paper that has been in print since 1881. In its time, it has fostered students’ passion for writing, arts, politics, and whatever else drove people to put pen to paper. It has been the proving ground for
September 9, 2021
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The Phoenix