Opinion - Page 17

Reflections on the New Dining Hall

“Let’s meet at Narples?” is a relatively recent common question on campus. Swarthmore’s newest facility, officially named the Dining Center, has been open for almost three weeks now. This facility replaces the former dining hall, Sharples, an establishment which was a staple
November 3, 2022

America’s Obsession with Consuming Crime

A while ago, my boyfriend sent me an Instagram post that, in his words, reminded him of me. The screenshotted tweet read, “Imagine you get murdered, and some girl skips your episode of ‘Forensic Files’ because it’s boring”. I laughed out loud
October 27, 2022

Time to Open the Door for Unlimited OneCard Access

One of the most annoying sounds you can hear on Swarthmore’s campus — especially if you’re in a rush — is the “beep BEEP” of a OneCard reader as it flashes red, denying you access to a residence hall that is not
October 27, 2022

My Chemical Romance and the Ghost of Fall Break

Breaks are typically a breath of fresh air — a welcome detox from the overwhelming nature of academia. Breaks are something to look forward to and help cut the monotony of seemingly endless exams, papers, and demanding extracurriculars. After all, nothing beats
October 20, 2022
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