Opinion - Page 16

It’s Time To Fix Danawell’s Laundry Room Washouts

The typical Swarthmore student might encounter multiple obstacles when trying to do their laundry on campus. Although it is a positive step to have laundry services included in tuition prices, the college’s few and faulty machines pose considerable challenges. Functioning laundry services
February 9, 2023

Sharps Babe, Please Stay! (Open a Little Longer)

Let me begin this by saying I am not an angry person. I strive to be calm, cool, and collected (like a cucumber). However, nothing sends me into the five stages of grief faster than when I walk into the dining hall
February 9, 2023

A Plea for More Diversity of Thought on Campus

The rise and subsequent entrenchment of woke culture – wherein individuals adopt an obsessive and blinkered approach towards civil rights issues – in higher education institutions has resulted in the erosion of intellectual rigor that flows from nuanced debate around contested issues.
December 1, 2022

The Wrong Kind of Autopsy

Recently, there has been an increase in news stories surrounding the deaths of rappers, such as Pop Smoke and PnB Rock, and members of the general public. Both have become the source of scrutiny not because of their untimely passing, but the
December 1, 2022

Why the I20 Fall Feast is Important to the Whole Campus

The Fall Feast is a remarkable annual event at Swarthmore for international students. During Fall Feast, chefs from different parts of the world cook food from their familiar cultural backgrounds. Students can either be an assistant to help one of the chefs
December 1, 2022

Semester in Review

During this fall semester, The Phoenix collectively dedicated ourselves to living up to our new mission statement: “We, The Phoenix, aim to empower and serve our community through timely and relevant coverage, continually striving for a fuller grasp of excellence, accuracy, and
December 1, 2022

Welcome to the Free Zone Jungle

Narples. The expensive piece of brick that replaced the old ski-lodge-looking stone we called Sharples. It is the poster child of the power that donors have on Swarthmore. The Swarthmore ship depends on its sea of money to keep floating and expanding
November 17, 2022
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