Opinion - Page 14

When Good is Good Enough

My dad is infamous in my family for his terrible shopping advice. If you hold up two shirts and ask him to help you decide which one to buy, he’ll say, “Well, if you like them both equally, then it doesn’t matter
April 20, 2023

It Is Time to Take Action for Workers’ Rights

Do you remember why you applied to Swarthmore? In the 2022-2023 U.S. News rankings, Swarthmore was ranked as the #4 liberal arts college in the country. The class sizes are generally small, which allows professors and students to connect more meaningfully. The
April 13, 2023

The OneCard System is in Dire Need of Consistency

No system can claim itself to be perfect; all systems have defects. However, this is not a reason to give up on seeking improvements. This can be difficult, as a defect sometimes cannot be identified immediately until it has caused a problem.
April 13, 2023

Building Community and Connecting with our Neighbors

Now, more than ever, is an important time for journalism: it is time to build up our communities and connect with those we might not otherwise – to learn from others’ experiences, listen to people’s stories, and share them throughout our circles.
April 6, 2023

We Need More Artistic Diversity in Museums

Art and history are intrinsically intertwined, as history, whether it be that of ancient societies or the modern day, is exhibited within artworks left behind. One of the most important jobs art has, then, is the preservation and exportation of history. It
April 6, 2023
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The Phoenix