News - Page 9

Students Race in Annual Crum Regatta

On Friday, Apr. 19, students brought boats made out of plastic, rubber, wood, rope, and tape to the Crum Regatta, an annual Swarthmore tradition where students race homemade crafts down Crum Creek. The event was organized by the Office of Student Engagement
April 25, 2024

The Phoenix In Conversation with Tiffany Hammond

An article on Tiffany Hammond’s talk, given before this interview, can be found here. Milan Tenn: In your talk, you mentioned intersectionality and the way in which various aspects of one’s identity can lead to unique forms of discrimination, unique forms of
April 18, 2024

Swat Thai and i20 Celebrate Thai New Year

On Friday, April 12, students gathered outside the InterCenter (IC) to play trivia, participate in water games, and enjoy Thai food to celebrate Songkran — Thai New Year — for an event held by Swat Thai and i20 Swarthmore International Club. Songkran
April 18, 2024

Admitted Students ‘Swatstruck’ by Swatlight

On April 11 and 12, Swarthmore College hosted its first round of Swatlight and Swatstruck: programs allowing admitted students to explore the college and experience its community through visiting classes, eating a meal in the dining hall, and hearing from faculty, staff
April 18, 2024
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The Phoenix