News - Page 392

Weekend roundup

Due to the dearth of activities on campus this weekend, you Swatties have a chance to get into Philly and explore! Take advantage of this free weekend to put things [...]
September 10, 2004

Magician Mike Super lives up to his name

On Friday evening, Mike Super took to the LPAC stage for what he called an "interactive magic experience." The show seemed to be a popular choice for that evening's entertainment: [...]
September 6, 2004

Weekend roundup

After five whole days of classes, each and every one of you is probably ready for a fresh taste of the air outside the bubble. There is a reason for [...]
September 3, 2004

College Corner

DG: Where are you from? Kim: Morristown, NJ DG: How did you hear about Swat? Kim: I heard about Swat from other students at my school that had applied here. [...]
September 3, 2004

Swat summer news roundup

Associate Dean for Student Life Tedd Goundie leaves Swarthmore after twenty years to become Dean of Students at Bates College, Assistant Dean Myrt Westphal assumes his duties... Construction begins on [...]
August 30, 2004

Summer roundup

The summer roundup is, by itself, in sort of a precarious existential position. How can it purport to cover potential activities for Swarthmore students who will be doing all manner [...]
April 30, 2004

Spring Fling preview

It's the last day of classes, and if you didn't party it up last night, have no fear Ôcause Spring Fling is here! Promised to be the biggest and the [...]
April 30, 2004
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