Adam Dalva '08 is on a mission to revive the recently dormant Mock Trial club. We at the Daily Gazette have read our share of John Grisham, so we were [...]
"Vanity Fair" is a sight to behold. The 19th century British atmosphere hangs in the air and the colors are glorious. Sadly, there is the matter of the plot, something [...]
Due to the dearth of activities on campus this weekend, you Swatties have a chance to get into Philly and explore! Take advantage of this free weekend to put things [...]
Daily Gazette staff members, like many Swatties, have been intrigued by the New Dorm and the unusual architectural perks some residents enjoy. In an attempt to shed light on the [...]
On Friday evening, Mike Super took to the LPAC stage for what he called an "interactive magic experience." The show seemed to be a popular choice for that evening's entertainment: [...]
After five whole days of classes, each and every one of you is probably ready for a fresh taste of the air outside the bubble. There is a reason for [...]
DG: Where are you from? Kim: Morristown, NJ DG: How did you hear about Swat? Kim: I heard about Swat from other students at my school that had applied here. [...]
Associate Dean for Student Life Tedd Goundie leaves Swarthmore after twenty years to become Dean of Students at Bates College, Assistant Dean Myrt Westphal assumes his duties... Construction begins on [...]
The summer roundup is, by itself, in sort of a precarious existential position. How can it purport to cover potential activities for Swarthmore students who will be doing all manner [...]
It's the last day of classes, and if you didn't party it up last night, have no fear Ôcause Spring Fling is here! Promised to be the biggest and the [...]