News - Page 27

The Swim Team Plays Assassins

On Tuesday, Sept. 6, the Swarthmore College Instagram posted an unusual picture. The photo captures two students walking across campus with, bizarrely enough, snorkels strapped to their heads. The photo is captioned “students found a creative solution to the heavy rain this
September 15, 2022

Margaret MacMillan Comes to Swarthmore College to Talk About War

On Sept. 8, Margaret MacMillan, Professor Emeritus of International History at the University of Oxford, held a public lecture entitled “Friend or Foe? War and Society?” as part of the 2022-23 Cooper Lecture Series. MacMillan was invited to campus by the political
September 15, 2022

Student Artists Perform at War3House 3

Student artists gathered last Saturday, April 30, in the “War3House 3,” a music venue located in the Ville, to perform for the Swarthmore community. Although not sponsored by the college, the concert was organized by the Orpheus Review club, a student-run online
April 28, 2022

Student APIDA Committee Hosts Cherry Blossom Festival

The Intercultural Center hosted the college’s first-ever Cherry Blossom Festival — an event featuring live music and dance, student vendors, and food trucks — on Sunday afternoon, April 17. The festival, held in recognition of Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Heritage
April 21, 2022

Campus Recreational Group Skates into Crumb Cafe

On Wednesday, April 20, SwatSkates and Crumb Cafe will be collaborating to deliver students’ food. The event will be a twist on ’50s skating diners, but rather than honor the old-timey carhops, it will celebrate the skate culture that originated on the
April 14, 2022
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