News - Page 23

Students Participate in Spring “Screw” in New Venue

On Saturday, Feb. 11, costumed students filled the Dining and Community Commons for the biannual Screw Your Roommate event, a Swarthmore tradition where roommates set one another up on blind dates. Despite Screw’s longevity (originally starting in the 1980s), it is not
February 16, 2023

CAPS Returns To In-Person Services

Starting in Spring 2023, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) has resumed in-person meetings for individuals and groups. Due to ongoing COVID-19 concerns, all meetings were moved to Zoom as a way to accommodate health guidelines. CAPS has now adopted a hybrid system
February 9, 2023

Swarthmore Inn Hosts Winter Formal for the First Time 

On January 28, the Office of Student Engagement (OSE) in collaboration with the Student Government Organization (SGO) hosted Swarthmore’s Winter Formal. The event took place at the Inn at Swarthmore’s Ballroom from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The OSE took advantage of
February 2, 2023

Students Launch Mobile App to Spotlight Campus Social Scene

On Jan. 19, Spotlyte, an app designed to help Swarthmore students find and host social events, launched successfully, gaining over 400 downloads in under a week. The app’s launch came after 11 months of hard work, constant improvements, and an initial setback.
February 2, 2023

President Smith Joins PSEG’s Board of Directors

During her tenure as College President, Valerie Smith has helped lead Swarthmore’s multiphase plan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2035. But in Spring 2022, Smith also quietly took on a role in the private energy sector, accepting a position on a major
December 7, 2022

Tri-College Launches New Asian American Studies Program

This year, students in the Tri-College Consortium have the opportunity to minor in a new interdisciplinary program: program: Asian American Studies. The minor officially launched in the Fall 2022 semester, but work started in 2017 with support from faculty in the the
December 1, 2022
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