News - Page 17

College Declines to Voluntarily Recognize RA Union, RAs Respond

The college declined to voluntarily recognize Swarthmore’s newly-formed resident assistant union on Friday, Nov. 10. In an email to RAs on Friday afternoon, Vice President for Student Affairs Stephanie Ives told resident assistants that the college would support their decision to vote
November 16, 2023

2023 General Election Recap

Pennsylvania: On Tuesday, Nov. 7, voters across the United States went to the polls and made their voices heard in the 2023 general election. In Pennsylvania and other select states, influential gubernatorial, legislative, and judicial seats were selected through Tuesday’s elections. In
November 16, 2023

President Val Smith Welcomes Campus Input on New Strategic Plan

On Oct. 27, President Valerie Smith requested campus community feedback on the college’s current draft of its new strategic plan: Sustainable Swarthmore. Smith acknowledged that while the college has been developing the plan over the past eighteen months, Sustainable Swarthmore is still
November 9, 2023
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The Phoenix