Reality Meets Fall Break

Act 1: Back to the Start [The pathways through Swarthmore College’s lush grounds empty out with the sound of luggage wheels all combining in a cacophony of oscillating friction against the unrefined stone. The dark moon says its prayers for a relaxing

Freshman Falls

Dear my inner psyche,  I deliver yet another shipment of overwhelming mysteries unsolved by a weary “detective.” The freshman experience is all that’s on my mind now. Let’s talk about it?!? No reply (I mean, I am talking to you who is


Top Three Most Comforting Places on Campus

Within the next few weeks, midterm exams will be taking place here at Swarthmore College, making it important to find places on campus to relax. These are my top three choices.  The Amphitheatre, a must-see spot when visiting Swarthmore, provides a wonderful


Somehow, in just the first three weeks of this Fall semester, I managed both to forget to turn in a part of my musicianship homework and to try to analyze a poem that was frankly way too big to handle. So much

A Small Review on Swarthmore’s Smallest Dorm

Apparently, one of Swarthmore’s solutions to the residential overcrowding crisis was to put nine people into Kyle House, a dorm that has been offline for two and a half years due to the construction of Singer Hall. It also does not have

The View from Bryn Mawr’s Dining Hall

Bryn Mawr dining hall food is objectively better than Sharples food*. I’m sorry, but it’s true. I take a class there every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and as of writing this article, I have eaten exactly six meals at Bryn Mawr; I

Lonely Greetings: Your People

Wrinkle. Twist, squirm, SUN. His eyes open to take in the annoying morning light as his body rises to start the blessed day known as Friday. Like every responsible adult, he seeks to hush the vibrations and song of the 3-D magic

The Tree of Us in a March Chinook

In the spring of 2018, I paused on the steep, tightly coiled stairs that lead up to the third floor of Beardsley, catching my breath. I was on my way to a class that I was more excited about than any class

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