
Postcards From Abroad: Nadin Hamza

Dear Campus Journal, Inona no vao vao?* *What’s up? About two weeks ago, I flew out from Cairo to Antananarivo, Madagascar’s biggest city and capital. It’s the summer season here, but also the rainiest time of the year. The first couple of

Crum Creek installation to bring environmental art to campus

As freezing temperatures and accumulating precipitation keep the student population inside for the most part, the sheer beauty of Swarthmore’s campus can be nearly forgotten by many of us. Even as we settle into the lively ambiance of spring, we often take


Postcards from abroad: Sara Morell

Dear Campus Journal, So I’ve been in Rabat for the past two weeks and am absolutely loving my time here!I’m taking classes through a program called AMIDEAST with about 27 other American students. My host mom has promised to teach me how

Raising voices in song to help the homeless

The snow flurry on Sunday afternoon caused the temperature to drop a further several degrees, but inside the cozy and well-lit Whittier Room of the Friends Meeting House there was a concert going on. It was the third annual “Harmony for the


Swarthmore’s very own LARP to return to campus

As the sesquicentennial approaches, a group of students is starting a new tradition at Swarthmore. The group, comprised of six students, including Riley Collins ’16, Randy Doyle ’16, Raymond Elias ’15, Leah Foster ’14, Josh Ginzberg ’15, and Julian Marin ’14, is


Postcards from abroad: Erik Jensen ’15

Dear Campus Journal, So I’ve been in Rabat for the past two weeks and am absolutely loving my time here!I’m taking classes through a program called AMIDEAST with about 27 other American students. My host mom has promised to teach me how

Playwright Sam “Swift” Shuker-Haines ’14 debuts thesis work

Sad kids and queer love: that’s how Sam “Swift” Shuker-Haines ‘14 describes their Honors Playwriting Thesis, read at the Lang Performing Arts Centre last week. Titled “The Real World Will Never Arrive,” the staged reading was directed by Professor Adriano Shaplin from