Between fiction and essay with Xiaolu Guo

The frame of a screen hangs on a wall before several rows of chairs in Swarthmore’s hallowed/multipurpose Eugene Lang Performing Arts Center. Several students and professors are sprinkled about, waiting for the film to begin in an abstract pattern with no reason

An eye-opening walk in the park (or, arboretum)

 The Scott Arboretum is as much a source of beauty as allergic reactions: a collection of taxonomically classified plants. It is accessible to individuals for free at any time, and to organized tour groups according to a regular schedule. On Sunday, September

Behind the scenes at Rhythm n Motion auditions

“I love to dance,” they all said, in various ways. Rhythm n Motion hosted its fall auditions this past Sunday, September 14, from 1:30 to 5 p.m., and my pride was one of its victims. I do not love to dance. Dancing

Baenziger exhibit sculpts gallery as canvas

Nature is a common subject of art. It is romanticized, rationalized, and splattered into impressionistic dots. Although there are a variety of ways to artistically interpret natural beauty, few ways are as inventive as the approach taken by Markus Baenziger in his

On Ian Hoffman ’15, from the poet to the poetry

“I would very much like,” Ian Hoffman ’15 confessed, as we approached the end of the interview, “to stop writing.” Regarding poetry itself: “I don’t think it’s ‘important.’ I like writing it. But it’s not important like ISIS is important.” “I get

José Galvez’s series disaggregates Latino identity

McCabe rarely gets an exhibit as immediately thought-provoking as the one currently on display. “De Mis Viajes” — “From My Travels” in Spanish — is a photographic exploration by José Galvez of Latin American communities in the United States. The series, organized

Reflecting on 100 days of creativity

Sometimes creativity comes in small spurts. Other times, it takes dedication and a lot of time — 100 days, to be exact. Emma Kates-Shaw ’16 discovered her strengths making an amazing range of art in pursuit of 100 creative days, displaying the

A guided tour through our garden home

“We must cultivate our garden.” The Scott Arboretum is the unacknowledged space that bears the fragrant nectar of Swarthmore College like a rose petal bears a drop of water. Arable space is like poetic space, and the Arboretum that hosts Swarthmore’s 2,000

Kitao Gallery board recommits to collaboration

Strolling down the path to the west of Sharples, past the grime of the fraternities and the sweat of the tennis courts, one will come upon a discreet stone structure that houses the Kitao Gallery. Intercrossed birch planks tile the floor of

An awfully big adventure

“To live would be an awfully big adventure.” As the year comes to a close, many students are readying themselves for the transition out of the Neverland of college. But one senior is focusing instead on somebody who refuses to grow up:

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