Arts - Page 12

Drexel at Olde Club

Last week, Drexel bands Hotel Breakfast, Simply Sedated, Slow Burning Daydream, and The Jette Planes performed at Olde Club. Photos shot on a Nikon d7000.
February 16, 2023

A Review: Quenching a “Thirst” for Vampire Films

Sorry, “Twilight” fans, “Thirst” (2009) is the best modern-day vampire film. Having come out only a year after the kickstarter to the fan-favorite franchise, Park Chan Wook’s psychological thriller demonstrates what a true paragon of vampire film looks like, delivering a bizarre
February 9, 2023

Artist of the Week: Imzadi Diaz on Beauty and Horror

I met Imzadi Diaz ’26 standing outside Mary Lyon. When walking to her room, I understood how an artist could feel inspired by the dorm’s scenic backyard. Mary Lyon looks like a cottage — not a college dorm. However, when Imzadi opened
February 2, 2023
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The Phoenix