Advertising space is available in print issues and on The Phoenix’s readers are an excellent market for most advertisers: Swarthmore, a liberal arts college in suburban Philadelphia, has been recognized for years as one of the top institutions of its type in the country (U.S. News & World Report). Its students, representing most of the fifty states and 35 foreign countries, are socially concerned, highly educated and unusually motivated, preparing for challenging careers with high earning potential. Because The Phoenix’s high standards for student journalism have brought it intercollegiate recognition (Associated College Press Pacemaker Awards and others) and — far more important — intelligent and engaged readers on campus, advertising in our newspaper makes it easy to reach a desirable audience.
Print Advertising
The Phoenix is published in print approximately 28 times per year — weekly every Thursday morning during the academic year, except during vacation periods and exams. It is printed on broadsheet (23″ x 13″) newsprint paper, with some pages in color and others in black and white. Some issues consist of two separate sections, one folded inside the other, a main A section containing news coverage and opinions (usually 6-8 pages), and a Campus Life B section containing living and sports coverage (usually 4-6 pages). Others are just one section (usually 8-12 pages). Advertising is available on all pages except the front page of the first section. The newspaper is provided free of charge to the college’s nearly 1,600 students. The college’s 300+ faculty and staff also receive the newspaper free, while subscribers — parents, alumni and residents of the Borough of Swarthmore and other surrounding towns — pay for copies. Total circulation is 1,500 print copies per issue.
Swarthmore Review Print Advertising
The Swarthmore Review is a general interest magazine published four to five times per year by The Phoenix. It is typically around 40 pages, and features long-form reporting, short stories, photo essays, reviews of books and movies, argumentative essays and more. It is printed on 8.5″ x 11″ newsprint paper in full color, and 1,000 copies are distributed for free around campus.
Web Advertising
The Phoenix’s newly redesigned website reaches thousands of readers both on and off campus. It features almost all of the content in The Phoenix’s print issues, plus breaking news and additional web-exclusive stories. The Phoenix maintains an active and popular presence on Facebook and Twitter, ensuring an active readership and constant interest in the website.