Magill’s 100 Rules: Laws Applicable to College Classes Only

November 16, 2017

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

This is the last article in a 9 part series on Magill’s rules.

Swarthmore College has a long and deep history. Daily, we are reminded of this in small ways: by the names and dates on memorial plaques; the wear and architecture of buildings; the stature and grandeur of trees, and so much more. At The Daily Gazette, we aim to be a forum for relevant news and discourse. No less important though, is our role (and the role of all campus publications) in preserving institutional memory. In that spirit, we present to you the final part in the series “Magill’s 100 Rules,” courtesy of the sesquicentennial website.

Laws Applicable to College Classes Only
  1. Lights may be kept burning in the chambers until 10 p.m.; but there must be no loud conversation after 9 p.m., and silence after 10 p.m.
  2. Bathing is permitted after evening collection until 10 p.m.; but students should pass very quietly through the halls and up and down the stairs, and avoid singing, calling out, and all boisterous conduct in the bathrooms.
  3. Students may occasionally attend lectures in Media or Philadelphia. The young men will obtain their permission of the President; the young women, of the Matron, and the latter must be accompanied by an instructor.
  4. Athletic games may be exchanged, by permission of the Faculty, with Haverford College and such other colleges as the Managers may designate.
  5. Literary societies shall meet at regular times approved by the Faculty, and shall adjourn not later than 8:50 p.m., unless by special permission of the President. No student shall belong to more than one literary society.
  6. Books may be obtained from the library at any time when either librarian is on duty, except on First days. Seniors and Juniors may have out four books, and Sophomores and Freshmen may have our two at a time.
  7. Permission to hold class or other meetings is to be obtained from the President and from the professor in whose classroom the meeting is to be held.
  8. Class suppers or other entertainments are permitted only when authorized by the Faculty.
  9. Rooms are assigned on the order of the College classes, and the selection in each class is made in the order of College seniority.
  10. Seniors and Juniors are permitted to use the front door at all times in passing into and out of the College building, but other students are not permitted to accompany them.
  11. Young men of the Senior and Junior Classes may leave the College premises (except as specified in Rules 17 and 18), whenever it does not interfere with their studies, by leaving a note of information in the President’s office; those of other College classes must obtain permission of the President. Sophomores and Freshmen must not use the railroad trains without special permission, and to obtain permission to go home or to Philadelphia must have written requests from parents or guardians. Girls and young women must not return to the College after dark.
  12. Young women of the Senior and Junior Classes may receive permission from the Matron to walk off the premises, and with the Matron’s approval may be accompanied by younger girls, under their care; such groups not to consist of less than four or more than six, and three of these must be Seniors or Juniors, or over 21. Girls of other College classes must obtain permission of the Matron, and always, except in the cases above specified, be accompanied by a teacher.
  13. Seniors and Juniors may visit each other’s rooms after evening collection until 9 p.m. without permission. All students must be in their rooms by 9 p.m. (except as provided by Law 86), and not visit afterward. Seniors and Juniors may go to each other’s rooms between 9 and 10 p.m., but only for purposes of study, and always by permission.
  14. Those students who are permitted to study in their own rooms are expected to be in their rooms during study periods of the day and evening, and engaged in study only, when not occupied in the classrooms.
  15. The central hall, second floor, and the second story alcoves are out of bounds for students who study in their own rooms, during the assembling and dismissal of all general collections for other students.
  16. The College classes only are permitted to use the Managers’ parlor.

Featured image courtesy of

Edward Magill

As a young man, Edward Hicks Magill joined Swarthmore's faculty when it opened in 1869 and continued to hold teaching positions while president, including professor of mental and moral philosophy.

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Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG. Last week’s
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