Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
This is part 6 in a 9 part series on Magill’s rules.
Swarthmore College has a long and deep history. Daily, we are reminded of this in small ways: by the names and dates on memorial plaques; the wear and architecture of buildings; the stature and grandeur of trees, and so much more. At The Daily Gazette, we aim to be a forum for relevant news and discourse. No less important though, is our role (and the role of all campus publications) in preserving institutional memory. In that spirit, we present to you the part 6 in the series “Magill’s 100 Rules,” courtesy of the sesquicentennial website.
West Wing
- Students should at all times move quietly about the house, avoiding whistling and rushing through the halls or up and down the stairs. An exercise room in the basement is provided. No promenading on the halls is permitted, and no ball playing in or near the College building.
- All blacking of boots and shoes must be done in the blacking rooms provided by the College.
- Students should at all times have their rooms neatly arranged. No locks or bolts can be put upon doors or furniture belonging to the College, and no nails can be driven into walls or woodwork except in the strips provided for the purpose. On account of danger of fire, no curtains or other hangings can be allowed in the rooms. Bicycles must be kept in the gymnasium. A charge is made for all injury to College property and for waste of gas. Property injured in a students’ room is charged to the occupant of the room.
- The trunk room will be open on Fourth and Seventh days from 11:30 to 12:20.
- Students having eatables in their rooms are requested to keep them in locked boxes provided by themselves for the purpose.
- Bathing may begin at 6 a.m. No bathing is permitted in study hours, nor after evening collection.
- No cooking or cooking utensils of any kind will be permitted in the rooms.
- At the close of evening collection students are required to go directly to their rooms by the iron staircase, unless permission be granted by the teacher in charge of the second alcove to go to the nursery. Students in visiting each other must obtain permission from the teacher in charge of their hall. If they visit on another hall, permission must also be obtained from the teacher in charge of it.
- Students of the Preparatory School must have their lights out and be in bed by 9 p.m., after which no loud conversation is permitted.
- Students are not permitted to go down for water after evening collection.
- Nothing must be thrown from the windows or placed in the gutters on the roof. Paper, etc., should be placed in the waste boxes.
- No calling or talking from the windows is permitted.
- The elevators are out of bounds. Clothes are to be ready for wash on Second day morning, and placed by the elevators. Twelve pieces are allowed. Extra washing is charged for at the rate of 75 cents per dozen.
- The housekeeper will not give food to the students between meals.
- Except brothers, members of the Preparatory School will not be permitted to room with College students.
- Rooms chosen at the close of the year by students who do not return will be filled by new students or others at the discretion of the person in charge of the chambers. The choice of a room confers no right to transmit it to another student.
- When students are more than two days late in returning after the summer vacation, and have given no notice of the cause of their lateness, their rooms may be reassigned by those in charge of the chambers.