15 Sharples Bananas More Attractive Than the Class of 2018

April 1, 2015

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

How attractive are these bananas? We’re not sure. All we know is that each and every one of these bananas is more attractive than the entire Class of 2018 put together. Each of these fleshy, flaxen fruits had its own unique aesthetic and each of those aesthetics was a thousand times more interesting and appealing to the eye than any we could find in this year’s freshman class.

This listicle is meant to add to the beauty in this world, so slowly peruse the slideshow, savoring each image the same way you savor plantains from Caribbean Bar in Sharples. If you’re a freshman, perhaps you could use this time to reflect on ways to improve your appearance. If you’re an upperclassman, we encourage you to ogle these bananas and keep them in mind the next time you have a group project (after all, if you have to have a dead-weight group member, they might as well be an incredibly good-looking banana).

To keep things interesting, we gave each of these bananas a qualitative Potassium Score. Leave notes in the comments if you agree or disagree. K? K.

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Featured image courtesy of www.morethanatestscore.com.

Sona Kumar

Sona is a junior from Charlotte, North Carolina. She majors in Psychology, which according to her brother she talks about too much and for too long. In her free time, she enjoys playing ultimate frisbee and reading longform pieces on almost any subject. When she’s at home, she likes to catch up on reality TV and play with her cat, Max (you will definitely not regret asking her to see pictures of him!).

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