Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
The Daily Gazette
Swarthmore College
Monday, November 3, 2003
Volume 8, Number 41
Write to us! daily@swarthmore.edu
Photo of the day: http://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/org/daily/photo.html
Today’s issue: http://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/org/daily/
1) Swarthmore Rotaract Club bring Jane Roberts of the UNFPA to
1) Women’s soccer victorious over Villa Julie
2) Cross Country: Reynolds wins CC Championship
3) Field Hockey: Garnet defeat F&M
4) Men’s Soccer: Haverford wins derby
Today: Mostly cloudy with partial clearing in afternoon. High of 79.
I feel bad about writing a weather joke about the weather, since that’s usually
only done as an act of desperation…
Tonight: Mostly clear. Low of 57.
And certainly I could still get some mileage out of Halloween…
Tomorrow: Partly cloudy. High of 74.
But seriously, just read this forecast–for November 3??? Now THAT’S a joke.
by Josh Hausman
Gazette Weatherman
Summary: As winter approaches, Swarthmore continues to warm. Temperatures
today could hit 80 degrees and highs will remain in the 70s through Wednesday!
Thereafter somewhat cooler weather will return with highs in the mid 60s on
Thursday and only around 60 from Friday through the weekend. Lows will be in
the 50s through Wednesday but may drop into the 30s by the weekend. Most of
the week will be sunny, however, some rain is possible on Wednesday and Thursday
as our warm spell ends.
Below is the forecast as of Sunday night, for a more up to date forecast clink
on this link http://www.srh.noaa.gov/data/forecasts/PAZ070.php?warnzone=paz070&warncounty=pac045
Today (Monday). Mostly sunny and warm. Patchy fog early in the morning. Highs
in the upper 70s. Light southwest winds increasing early in the afternoon to
10 mph.
Monday night. Mostly clear. Patchy fog developing toward dawn. Lows in the mid
50s. Southwest winds 5 to 10 mph.
Election day. Partly sunny and warm. Patchy fog early in the morning. Highs
in the mid 70s.
Tuesday night. Partly cloudy. Lows in the mid 50s.
Wednesday. Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers. Highs in the mid 70s. Chance
of rain 40 percent.
Wednesday night. Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers. Lows in the mid 50s.
Chance of rain 50 percent.
Thursday. Partly cloudy with a chance of showers. Highs in the mid 60s.
Friday. Mostly clear. Lows in the mid 40s and highs in the upper 50s.
Saturday. Mostly clear. Lows in the upper 30s and highs near 60.
Sunday. Mostly clear. Lows in the upper 30s and highs near 60.
Long-Range computer models predict continued above normal temperatures next
Philadelphia normal (average temperatures) for November 3rd : Hi 80 Low 28
Record High: 59
Record Low: 43
For more information on Philadelphia’s climate see:
Lunch: Ravioli with marinara sauce, crusty foccacia, tempeh stir fry with broccoli
and red bell peppers, spinach, zucchini, seafood bar, cookies
Dinner: Paella, basmati rice, mexican lasagna, El’s black beans, baby carrots,
cauliflower, burger bar, ice cream bar
1) Swarthmore Rotaract Club bring Jane Roberts of the UNFPA
to campus
by Evelyn Khoo
Living & Arts Editor
The Swarthmore Rotaract Club is not just famous for their frequent ventures
into the wilds of the ville; they are looking to play a key role in bringing
numerous political issues to light on the Swarthmore campus. This evening, Rotaract
will kickstart its plan by hosting a lecture by Jane Roberts, co-founder of
the 34 Million Friends of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), where
she will give a lecture titled “Mobilizing Grassroots to Save Women’s Lives.”
The Daily Gazette catches a minute with the two top figures of the Swarthmore
Rotaract Club, president Doru Gavril ’05 and vice president Yavor Georgiev ’06,
to get a feel of the direction Rotaract is heading.
Daily Gazette: Why did Rotaract choose Jane Roberts to come to Swarthmore?
Yavor Georgiev: Jane Roberts is the co-founder of the 34 Million Friends of
the UNFPA (www.34millionfriends.org),
a grassroots organization to raise back the $34 million the UNFPA lost by asking
people to donate a dollar each. Jane has been a prominent women’s issues activist,
working over the world for over 20 years. I felt such a lasting commitment to
service not only in her own country, but also in faraway afflicted areas, was
a perfect embodiment of Rotarct’s motto, “Service above self.” For
me, Jane came across as a very warm and inspiring person, who could give anyone
the push they needed to do something about issues that bother them, no matter
in what area. Being myself involved in other grassroots efforts, such as the
Student Global AIDS Campaigning, I could benefit from Jane’s experience as an
organizer and activist.
DG: What will she be talking about?
YG: She will be talking about the power grassroots organizations have to effect
positive change. She will give a brief introduction to the UNFPA and the projects
it is involved with and will also talk about the effects of the funding cut.
After her lecture, there will be time for a Q&A session.
DG: What do you hope the College’s reaction will be to her lecture? Are there
any other events linked to this issue that Rotaract is planning?
YG: I see Jane as a positive example of selfless activism, something Swatties
should remember more often. People here are too caught up in their studies,
they have too little time to look around, identify issues that need to be addressed,
and most importantly, do something about them. I think hearing Jane will be
very motivational to many people.
DG: What do you feel about the Bush policy and how do you think what Jane Roberts
is doing will help?
Doru Gavril: It is unfortunate that a decision of Congress is being neglected
by the administration. I am personally disturbed to see that the current administration
believes in disengaging from a variety of international programs and framework
agreements. If there is concern that the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) is not using
the money according to its charter, as a leading member and founder of the UN,
the United States has a moral responsibility to ensure that the UNFPA lives
up to expectations. Instead, while citing reasons such as misspent monies and
undemocratic decision making, the Administration decided to withhold the much
needed $34 million.
Rotaract believes that solutions to international humanitarian crises will
not come from a passive and isolationist attitude. Involvement, initiative and
the active pursuit of one’s goals are pre-requisites to inching towards preventing
child and infant deaths, millions of unwanted pregnancies or the propagation
of such deadly diseases as HIV…any woman, anywhere in the world should be
able to make her own decisions regarding her own health and do so in a safe,
caring and supportive environment. Jane is setting an example by carrying her
campaign across the nation and it is our hope that more will follow her example.
Suffering and death is not different across borders, races or political views.
Neither should one’s rights differ.
DG: Are there any other similar events that Rotaract is planning?
Gavril: Rotaract is currently exploring the possibility of hosting two lectures
by members of Congress on such issues as the current national security situation,
the foreign policy of the 21st century and international labor standards. Rotaract
will offer these lectures with the assistance of a bi-partisan panel of College
Democrats and Republicans. The Swarthmore College Rotaract Club will also host
a leadership workshop for small campus-based groups with a focus on membership
retention and independent fund-raising. Arrangements are currently being made
to host this event early next year.
DG: Is this event purely funded by Rotaract? or is the College helping to pay
for this event?
YG: The event is funded entirely by Rotaract and the 34 Million Friends of the
UNFPA. The College has provided us with space. Rotaract fund-raised for this
event, accepting $1 donations from students on campus, with donors receiving
recognition pins. We made about $70, a symbolic donation we will give Jane for
the campaign to show Swarthmore’s support.
The lecture by Jane Roberts will be taking place in Science Center 199 at 5:30
p.m. A copy of her bio can be found at: http://www.unfpa.org/support/friends/jane.htm
* Hidden in a date palm grove, Iraqi insurgents shot down a Chinook helicopter
carrying American soldiers on Sunday. In what is the single deadliest attack
since the U.S. invasion began, 15 soldiers were killed and 21 were wounded.
The insurgents appeared to have used missiles in the attack, a sign of the increasing
sophistication of the anti-U.S. forces. Three other Americans were also killed
in separate attacks the same day.
* On Sunday, the Episcopal church became the first major Christian denomination
to install an openly gay bishop. V. Gene Robinson is now the bishop of New Hampshire,
a move that is almost certain to alienate conservative factions within the church.
* Ayatollah Ali Khameini, Iran’s supreme leader, said on Sunday that the Middle
Eastern country is considering retreating from a recent commitment to let U.N.
inspectors into its nuclear facilities. The Ayatollah said that this retreat
would be due to what he termed as “excessive demands” from abroad.
International Atomic Energy Association Director General Mohammad ElBaradei
said that the association is still reviewing the dossier that Iran supplied
detailing its nuclear weapons program, but that they have found traces of enriched
uranium, which is used to make nulcear weapons, in the country.
Medical School Admissions Info Session
Kohlberg 115, 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m.
“Progressive Muslims in America: On Gender, Justice and Pluralism”
Dr. Omid Safi, Professor of Islamic Studies, Colgate University
Science Center 101, 4:15 p.m.
[Coffee and informal discussion with Dr. Safi before lecture in Kohlberg Coffee
Bar, 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.]
Faculty Lecture by Garikai Campbell: “How to add triangles and why it
might be related to your next cell phone call, the war in Iraq and the cost
of your next Amazon.com purchase.”
Scheuer Room, 4:30 p.m.
“Mobilizing Grassroots to Save Women’s Lives” by Jane Roberts
Science Center 199, 5:30 p.m.
Swarthmore Hindu Club Meeting
Common Worship Room in Bond, 7:00 p.m.
Black Studies Fall Roundtable
Scheuer Room, 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
SWIL Movie Night: “Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension”
Science Center 101, 10:00 p.m.
1) Women’s soccer victorious over Villa Julie
by Alex Glick
Gazette Reporter
The women’s soccer team ended its season on a high note this Saturday with
a 6-0 victory over the Villa Julie Mustangs. This was the final game for seniors
Rebecca Rogers, Catherine Salussolia, and Katey McCaffrey, and it proved to
be a memorable one.
Swat played a great first half. The Garnet outsmarted the Mustangs with strategically
placed passes and corner kicks, and many, such as Jane Sachs ’07, used their
swift dribbling skills to literally run circles around the other team. Swarthmore’s
players consistently were able to get open and then get the ball at the right
times in this game.
The team’s top scorers on the season continued to shine during this game as
McCaffrey scored at 5:19 off of a Natalie Negrey ’07 assist. Sachs scored the
second goal of the game 19:37 into the half after a series of passes by the
Garnet. Swat found another hole in the Villa Julie defense at 30:40 when Becky
Strauss ’06 scored; McCaffrey provided her first of three assists on this goal.
By the end of the first half, an energetic Garnet Tide was winning 30.
At halftime, the team’s three senior captains were recognized for their accomplishments
in soccer for the past four seasons, which included the most wins overall by
any class ever since the Swarthmore women’s soccer program began. The ceremony
ran with high emotions as the seniors’ parents were there for their children
for this special occasion.
Although the Mustangs were a little more aggressive in the second half, Swat
kept its cool to score three more goals. Monica Larimer ’05 scored her first
goal of the season, while Jessica Zagory added two to bring the score to an
astounding 6-0.
Salussolia covered the goal well in this game, not allowing the other team to
score. This included one amazing play in which she dived and blocked the ball
with her face. Her nose subsequently began to bleed, but she only requested
her spare jersey instead of a break from the game. She was briefly removed from
the game and replaced by Cheryl Nunes ’07, but was back on the field in a few
The Garnet ended the season with an even 9-9 record overall and 4-6 in the
Centennial Conference, and although three of their key players are graduating,
the team left the Swarthmore fans with an intensity to look forward to next
2) Cross Country: Reynolds wins CC Championship
Lang Reynolds ’05 became the first Garnet runner to capture the men’s Cross
Country Championships as he led the Garnet to a third place team finish. Reynolds
covered the 8K course in 26:45.27 to take victory over 94 runners.
On the women’s side, Elizabeth Gardner ’05 finished 10th and Debbie Farrelly
’06 placed 11th to earn all conference honors in leading the Garnet to a fourth
place team finish.
3) Field Hockey: Garnet defeat F&M
Emily Szydlowski ’05, Chelsea Ferrell ’05 and Lauren Sippel ’05 each scored
goals to lead the Garnet to a 3-2 victory at Franklin & Marshall. Swat closes
the season at 7-11 overall, 3-7 in the Centennial.
4) Men’s Soccer: Haverford wins derby
The Garnet fell to the Fords in the season finale at Haverford. Swat ends the
season with a 5-12-2 overall mark and a 3-6 Centennial record.
No contests are scheduled for today.
No contests are scheduled for tomorrow.
“If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create
the universe.”
–Carl Sagan
Interested in reporting or writing for the Gazette?
Got a news or sports tip for us?
Just want to tell us what you think?
Contact the staff at daily@swarthmore.edu
Managing Editor: | Pei Pei Liu |
Campus News Editors: |
Greg Leiserson |
Living & Arts Editor: | Evelyn Khoo |
World News Editor: | Roxanne Yaghoubi |
Sports Editor: | Saurav Dhital |
Associate Editor: | Megan Mills |
News Reporters: |
Scott Blaha |
Sports Writers: | Jenna Adelberg Sarah Hilding Holice Kil |
Photographers: |
Robbie Hart |
Webmasters: |
Charlie Buffie |
Weathercaster: | Josh Hausman |
The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
group of Swarthmore College students. The Daily Gazette Web Site is updated
regularly, as news happens. Technical support from the Swarthmore College
Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.
Our world news roundup is compiled daily, using a variety of sources, most
notably the Associated Press (www.ap.org),
Reuters (www.reuters.com), CNN
(www.cnn.com), and The New York Times (www.nytimes.com).
Our campus sports
summaries are derived from information provided by the Swat Athletics Department
To subscribe to the Gazette, free of charge, or to cancel a subscription,
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Back issues are available on the web at:
This concludes today’s report.